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Albrecht Family News

News from Gene & Leona Augustin 30jul2002
Here's just a bit about our family. Gene is retiring from the building contracting business. The way he has been working lately it looks like he may have to go back to work just to get a break. I manage the Pharmacy at a small hospital. Our son, Vince (36) is married to Nina and they have a daughter, Alanna (9) and a son Ian (3). Vince is also a building contractor (he and Gene worked together) but is getting more into finish work which he is very good at. He builds guitars as a hobby. Nina is a commercial artist. Our daughter, Leah, (35) is married to Jeff and they have a 2 year old son, Harrison. She is a stay at home mom and is very interested in our family history. If any of you have information or photos to share with her she would be appreciative. Her E-mail address is Jeff is assistant manager of a tool store and also has a small feed business.
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Prince George 1996: Ken Lund
(Note: I put this letter in the round-robin junior that circulated for a time in the mid-nineties -- Ian) 09/02/96 07:50 AM

In a family as large as this, it is hard to get to know everyone. Did you know Ken Lund is the oldest cousin? He was already a young man when I was born.

He knew me long before I knew him. It was not until the summer before this one that he and I had a chance to meet as adults and to talk and to get to know one another.

Ken spent some time in Spences Bridge, BC, where Mom (Laurette) lives. He was working on a lot he had bought by the river. We sat, evenings, and talked of many things.

Ken is an energy-giver. There are those that make you feel as though you had just stayed up all night, and there are those who leave you feeling enthused about life. Ken is the latter. He has the gift of being able to communicate his excitement about what he is involved in; the talent for making you care. It is a sort of charisma that Ken has. Puppies and great leaders have it too.

During the heat of the Spences Bridge summer day, while Ken was working on his lot, many of the locals would stop by to chat. He attracted them, and the lot became a meeting place. Later in the summer, after Ken sold the lot and returned to Prince George, these locals would tell how they missed having him there.

In the evenings we would sit on Mom's patio and talk of Jamaica, traveling, housebuilding, and sometimes just ideas. Ken showed an interest in everything and, no matter how esoteric the topic, he was able to add a new perspective to it. I came to enjoy the surprises his active mind offers. He is a natural storyteller.

The last time I saw Ken that summer was at Laverne's in Chilliwack. He had a newly-bought motor home and was planning some travel. During this past month, Ken made a trip to say good by to his daughter on Vancouver Island. On the way back he stopped to see his sister Barbara, Laurette, and his aunt and childhood friend Laverne.

Ken is in a hospice in Prince George.
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Lynden WA 8nov2002:
On this date aunt Mabel Cutler is 99 years old! She still remembers everyone in the family and who begat whom. She really lights up when she has visitors. Aunt Laurette Alexander goes there often to play piano for Mabel; an activity Mabel loves.

Mabel's name will be one of a million names etched on foil and flown aboard Japan's MUSES-C spacecraft to a deep space rendezvous with asteroid 1998SF36. Details can be found here.
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Family events, Spring 2002
Dick and Erlyss Tenhove came out for a visit about a week ago. With only a few days in which to work, Bob Isbell organized a gathering, complete with catered buffet, in the conference room of an Abbotsford hotel. Nearly all family in the Fraser Valley came. The following day we Mom (Laurette) and I (Ian) had Dick and Erlyss all to ourselves. We took them down to see Mabel (Cutler) in Lynden Washington. Mabel is 98 now. Whenever we visit, Mom (Laurette) plays piano for the whole nursing home gang in their rec room. Mabel really likes these visits. I had a few pool games with Dick while the others sang. He's a natural.

A few days later Gene and Leona Augustin, their daughter Leah Ott, and their grandson Harrison (2) came to visit. We looked at pictures and talked about family genealogy. Leah is doing some genealogical work on the Albrecht family.

Mom does some local entertaining on a regular basis now. She conducts sing-alongs at nursing homes. She has rented a garden plot from the local college and will be planting a garden soon.

I moved to Chilliwack early this year. I am still a Canadian citizen. When the folks at the (US) border learned I was moving back to Canada, they yanked my green card. I have been writing on a regular basis and have started a writers' group here in town. I hope to have something to sell soon, though the word is that full-time writers average about $7000.00 a year. Yippee!

My daughters are all well. Lisa lives in Minneapolis with her husband Mark. She works at AT&T Wireless. If you have been late paying your cell phone bill, you may have talked with her. Chelsea spent a month in Mexico becoming certified to teach yoga. Krystal plays alto sax in an honors band (from several Bellevue, WA schools) and is becoming a good writer. Chelsea and I are planning a journey to the midwest this summer where we will go camping with Mark and Lisa. That could be a perilous activity because the state bird in Minnesota is the mosquito, and the last time I was there I had to wear a face mask to avoid breathing them. Minnesotans are not complainers though. In fact, the state motto is, "can't complain". I think its in latin though. I'll have to brush up on my Saweeeedish accent.
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Copyright © 2002 by Ian Robinson