Index to Marriages in the Naval Chronicals 1799
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Allen, John Carter | S F Freeman | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Blackwood, Henry | E Waghorn 3 Jun 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Blight, Anne Caroline | Lieut Col Driffield | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Blight, Vice-Admiral | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Boger, Miss | J Temple | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Boger, R | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Boys, Miss | E W Browne | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Boys, William | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Browne, Edward Walpole | Miss Boys | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Buckle, Capt | Miss Reveley | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Bull, John | P Powell | Vol 1, 1799, pg 540 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Cant, Miss | Lieut Keenor | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Carruthers, Lieut | Miss Cholwich | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Chechogoff, Rear Admiral | Miss Proby | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
Cholwich, Miss | Lieut Carruthers | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Compton, William | Miss Gobbet | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Dashwood, Capt | Miss De Courcy | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
De Coetlogon, Catherine | J Cascoyne | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
De Coetlogon, C E Rev | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
De Courcy, Hon Miss | Capt Dashwood | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
Dicken, John | Changed name to J Temple | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Dickson, Vice Admiral | Miss Willins | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Doo, S | J Edwards | Vol 1, 1799, pg 174-176 |
Douglas, Charles | Father of Groom | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Douglas, Howard | A Dundas | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Driffield, Lieut Col | A C Blight | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Dundas, Anne | H Douglas | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Dundas, James | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Edwards, J | S Doo | Vol 1, 1799, pg 174-176 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Farquharson, Catherine | J Ross | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Farquharson, James | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Freeman, Stella Frances (Mrs) | J C Allen | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Gascoyne, Bamber | Father of Groom | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Gascoyne, John | C De Coetlogon | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Gobbet, Knipe | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
Gobbet, Miss | W Compton | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
Goldsmith, J T | Father of Miss Tingcombe | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Guyon, G H | L Langford 27 Apr 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 540 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Haultain, Miss | to Lieut Prevost | Vol 1, 1799, pg 174-176 |
Holmes, Maria | R H Pearson | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Huskisson, William | Miss Milbanke | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Jekyll, John | Miss Storie | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Name | Married | Volume, Date, Page |
Keenor, Lieutenant | Miss Cant | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Langford, Lucinda | G G Guyon 27 Apr 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 540 |
Latham, T H | Miss Williams | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Lawrence, Lucy | G Sayer | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Lea, Miss | N P Prothery | Vol 1, 1799, pg 540 |
Luce, John | J Scarville | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Milbanke, Admiral | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Milbanke, Miss | W Huskisson | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Pearson, Richard | Father of Groom | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Pearson, Richard Harrison | M Holmes | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Pinnock, James | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Pinnock, Miss | MH Scott 4 Jun 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Powell, P | John Bull | Vol 1, 1799, pg 540 |
Prevost, Lieut | to Miss Haultain | Vol 1, 1799, pg 174-176 |
Proby, Commissioner | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
Proby, Miss | Rear Admiral Chechagoff | Vol 2, 1799, pg 547 |
Proctor, Alexander | H Walton - Oct 1799 | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Prothery, N P | Miss Lea | Vol 1, 1799, pg 540 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Reveley, Henry | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Reveley, Miss | Buckle, Capt | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Robinson, Mark | Mrs Shirley | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Ross, James | C Farquharson | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Ross, John (Sir) | Father of Groom | Vol 2, 1799, pg 171 |
Rowley, Joshua | M Scourfield 2 Apr 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Rowley, Joshua Sir | Father of Groom | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Sayer, George | L Lawrence | Vol 2, 1799, pg 263-264 |
Scarville, Jane | J Luce | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Scott, Matthew Henry | Miss Pinnock 4 Jun 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82- 83 |
Scourfield, Henry | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Scourfield, Mary | J Rowley 2 Apr 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Shirley, Mrs | M Robinson | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Shortland, J | Father of Groom | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Shortland, T G | Miss Tonkin | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Smith, Elizabeth | Sir T M Wilson | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Smith, James | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Storie, Miss | J Jekyll | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Storie, Thomas | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Temple, John | Miss Boger | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Temple, W Sir | Uncle of Groom | Vol 1, 1799, pg 446 |
Tonkin, Miss | T G Shortland | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Tonkin, Peter | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Name | Married | Volume, Year, Page |
Waghorn, Eliza | H Blackwood 3 Jun 1799 | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Waghorn, Martin | Father of Bride | Vol 1, 1799, pg 82-83 |
Walton, Harriet | A Proctor - Oct 1799 | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |
Welsford, Mr | Miss Tingcombe | Vol 1, 1799, pg 261 |
Williams, Miss | T H Latham | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Williams, Thomas | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Willins, Miss | Vice Ad Dickson | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Willins, Rev Mr | Father of Bride | Vol 2, 1799, pg 644 |
Wilson, Thomas Maryon Sir | E Smith | Vol 2, 1799, pg 448 |