

Born:  January 1972
Died:  May 30, 1982
Gender:  Female
Type: Dachshund
Coloring:  Black & Brown
Origin of Name:  Named by previous owners
Nicknames:  None
Unique Habits/Characteristics:  Easily frightened
Diseases/Illnesses:  Unknown


Frisbee was adopted after I had left home, but I nonetheless felt very close to her, and always enjoyed seeing her when I came home to visit.

Frisbee belonged to some friends of some neighbors.  One day, my mother apparently was talking to the friends, and found out they wanted to "get rid of" Frisbee.  Fritz had died awhile before, and my mother's heart was longing for another dachshund to love.  She told the people she would take Frisbee.

They pulled up to deliver the dog -- in the trunk of the car.  My mother was utterly horrified.  I could not believe it when I heard about it, either.  It was clear very quickly that Frisbee had been abused.  You could not raise your voice, even in jest, or she would lose control of her bladder and look so sad and terrified.  I was so angry at the people who had done this to such a sweet, loving dog.


And sweet and loving describes Frisbee perfectly.  She adored pets, and loveys, and scratches.  She was always deliriously happy whenever I visited her, and greeted me with a furiously wagging tail.

I didn't get to know Frisbee as much as I would have liked, since I had grown up and moved away from home.  But I will never forget this sweet, loving little girl who deserved better early in her life, but who did at least get a lot of love in the years she lived with my mother and brother.

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Background by Ginger-lyn Summer.

This page and its contents unless otherwise noted are copyright 2000-2001 by Ginger-lyn Summer.