

Born:  1950s
Died:  1960s
Gender:  Male
Type: Unsure
Coloring:  Black & White
Origin of Name:  Named by my mother
Nicknames:  Unknown
Unique Habits/Characteristics:  Unknown
Diseases/Illnesses:  Unknown

Kapers was the first dog I ever knew, as my parents had adopted him before they adopted me.  I have to admit, the thing scared me.  I was a little baby, and he was a frisky, curious dog who liked to stretch out and stick his nose up next to me in the high chair.  Perhaps Kapers is why I'm a cat person *smile*.

Nonetheless, he was still part of the family.  I was very young when he shared our home, so I don't remember much about him.


I do remember the day he died.  It was a very cold January day.  My mother had let Kapers outside to do his doggie business.  At some point, she realized he had been out there much too long, and became worried.  She opened the front door, and he had apparently died suddenly of a heart attack on the doorstep.  I had never seen an adult cry before this, and my mother's grief over Kapers' death was very apparent.

I did not get along that well with my mother, but one of the things I am deeply glad she passed on to me is her love of animals.  It broke her heart when Kapers died, I think.  He had been her dog, and she was not to have another dog that was her dog until several years later when we adopted Fritz.

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Background by Ginger-lyn Summer.

This page and its contents unless otherwise noted are copyright 2000-2001 by Ginger-lyn Summer.