We're building an up-to-date list of Jewish units online.  Fill out the form below to allow us to include your web site or email address.  If you're not online, WE'LL DESIGN A WEB SITE FOR YOU - FREE!!   A web site is a a great tool for publicity, recruitment, and communications.

We want to get as many Jewish Scout units as possible online.  Take a look at our sample Pack and Troop web sites.  On the sample sites you can visit the one-of-a-kind Congregation Beth Bubbie.

What's the catch?  You'll be limited to a single web page with information that does not change frequently.  However, if you have nothing now, that's a 1000% improvement.  If you want more and are prepared to design and manage your own web site then go here.

If you don't want us to create a web site for your unit, that's OK.  The web page we create will NOT be made public without your approval.  We only ask that you provide an email address and/or phone number so that interested parties have some way to contact you.

Required fields in RED
Select one: Add Modify Delete

Unit Type If "Other", specify
Unit Number   Unit's Web Site
Unit's City or town , State , and Zip
Other important information
Your Name
Your e-mail address
Your Position
Unit's Sponsoring Organization
Sponsor's Web Site or Email
Check if Sponsor is a Jewish Organization or
Why list your unit here?

HOMEPAGE: We will create a sample home page for your unit if you do not already have one.  The following information may be used as part of that home page (Examples: Pack, Troop).  This sample page will NOT be made available without your approval.

Day and Time of your unit's regular meeting:
Location of your unit's regular meeting:
Characteristics of your unit (Kosher, Shomer shabbos):
Telephone number of Contact (with name if not you):

Do you have a local Jewish Committee on Scouting in your area?
If so, please provide their web address (if any) or an email address for contact:

If you do not know your local Council information then click here and copy the information from the new window onto this form

Local Council Name
Local Council Web Site

Disclaimers: The CYC-JCS reserves the right to reject any request that we feel is not valid for any reason.  The CYC-JCS is NOT responsible for the content of the web sites described above nor for inaccuracies in that content. Of course, we'll make a reasonable attempt to avoid inaccuracies, but each unit is expected to verify the content of their own web site and to notify us of relevant changes.
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