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Brief History


KJFC was born amidst the surging tide of activism and all-out expansion moves of all labor organizations.

At first, in 1981, KILUSAN-TUCP and another labor organization were competing in organizing the rank-and-file employees of Jollibee Foods Corporation, the company. Then there were three federations. In the latter part of 1982, the Company voluntarily recognized Kilusan-TUCP, forcing the other federation to file a petition for certification of election. KILUSAN-TUCP was forced to intervene in the petition for certification election (PCE). The third federation joined forces with the petitioning union.

The company, JFC, instead of taking advantage of the PCE to hold any CBA negotiation, agreed to have conferences with the Union (KJFC and KILUSAN-TUCP)

The first CBA by and between the Company (JFC) and the Union (KILUSAN-TUCP) was signed in 1983.

In 1988, the Supreme Court ordered the holding of a Certification Election which Kilusan – TUCP won after a lengthy and acrimonious campaign featured by voluminous leaf lettering, bordering on libel.

An ever-improving CBA was renewed in 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998 and 2001, the best CBA in the entire fast food industry in the Philippines.

The presidency of KJFC started with Ed Bongao, followed by Benjie Estandarte of Ali Mall, then by Tony Lim, then by Mel Conese of SM Cubao, then by Tony Lim again. Roy Carandang took the helm of the Union in 1992, followed by Alex Rutagines of Coronet in 1997 and now by Carlos Carlos of SM Manila.

At this juncture, it is worth mentioning the officers who stayed with the Union through thick and thin, so to speak. Roy Carandang was with the Union for sixteen (16) long years. He holds the distinction of having been sued in the DOLE on four causes of action including defalcation of funds collected when he was not yet president. All four cases filed by disgruntled former officers were all dismissed for lack of merit. Arthur Juego of Commissary and Jim Second of Engineering were with Roy in those trying times in 1993 when KJFC was about to break.

The trying times started in 1991 with the functional breakaway led by Tony Lim. In 1993, Roy, Gilbert Sauco, Arthur, Jim, Alteo Rimpola of Quezon and Abet Enriquez of Coronet took risk of seizing the upper hand in the power struggle and later re-affirmed the KJFC affiliation with Kilusan – TUCP.

In 1983, the number of Union members started with 735, this went down to over 500 in 1994 due to resignation, transfer and other personnel movement and job rationalization affected by the Company due to cutthroat competition. Then membership rose progressively with the opening of new stores and it is now nearing the 1,000 mark.

Union activities particularly in the area of education increased many times over starting in 1998 with the holding of BTUs (Basic Trade Union Seminars), Leadership, Reproductive Health, Occupational Safety and Health, and Computer Education.

Many other projects are in line for implementation. With the all-out support from the Company, pursuant to the CBA provisions, these undertakings will be a sure success.

Officers and Committees

General Membership
The 1000-strong members are scattered in Metro Manila and the North and South Luzon areas. Each store has its own steward. The membership has slowly grew from 535 in 1984 to1000 this year of 2002. While the transition ...

Vision and Mission:

Guiding Principles

…In order to promote our moral, social, and economic well-being; protect and uphold our individual and collective rights, and foster progressive labor relations…


-represent the employees in the collective bargaining…
-Promote moral, social, political and economic well-being of its members
-Enhance respect for human dignity and the dignity of labor
-Protect and uphold the individual and collective rights of its members and develop leadership among them
-Foster harmonious and progressive labor-management relationships and preserve industrial peace
-Inculcate and develop democratic discipline as imperative to effective labor unionism




Organizational structure:

Board of Directors and Executive Committee

Section 1.The highest governing body of the Union between General Membership meetings, shall be the Board of Directors, consisting of at least eleven (11) members, who shall be elected through secret ballot, by the appropriate membership bodies. The Board shall be composed of the members of the Executive Committee of at least seven (7) Directors-at-Large who are elected by the General Membership, and shop steward elected by from each Department/Division of the Company's bargaining unit. The Board shall meet regularly at least once every three (3) months.

Duties and Powers of the Union Officers



Shall be the Executive Officer of the union. He Shall preside at all meeting and deliberations of the General Membership, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. He shall approve vouchers covering application or expenditures of union funds. He shall represent the union on all occasions and in all matters which representation of the union may be required. He shall call meetings of the General Membership and/ or Board of Directors.


Perform administrative supervision over the affair of the union, represent the union and call meeting of the General Membership, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee in the absence of the President. Be the custodian of the records, documents, minutes of the meeting of the General Membership, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee and documented activities.


Prepare adopt and implement the labor education program, seminars and activities to enhance the knowledge of the members in the trade unionism, collective bargaining, etc.


Take charge of the stability and expansion of the Union, Closely coordinate with the other Secretariat/Departments of the Union in matters relating to organization matters and activities. Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time.


is the Treasurer who shall collect, receive and issue receipts for all funds and contributions to the union. All disbursements and payments made by him must be supported by vouchers and accompanied by corresponding receipts. He shall prepare such financial reports as may be required of him by the General Membership, the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Department of Labor shall contain true correct accounts of all funds received and disbursed by him, as well as all bonds and securities and other properties of the union entrusted to his custody and under his control. The rendition of such accounts shall be made


Shall assist the members in the presentation and settlement of their grievance, internally and/or with the COMPANY.



Shall plan, direct, administer and effectuate general welfare programs for the union members.


Mga magandang layunin at programa ng pamunuan ng Unyon sa susunod na taong 2003;
Lalong pagibayuhin ang pagtulong sa mga hinainng ng bawat kasapi ng Kilusan sa Jollibee Unyon.Pagpapatupad ng nasasaad sa:
·         Productivity Program
·         Occupational Safety and Health
·         Reproductive Health Program
·         Charity of Work, Offsetting (duty time, RD OT &           Legal Holidays OT & other unfair labor practices)
·         Pilferage (cash loses & passing out)
·         Sexual harassment
·         Regularization
·         Part- time to Full- Time Conversion


 education Training & Seminar

·    North Luzon 2 batches –Two batches of BTU Seminar was held in Baguio City for North Luzon members.

·    Southern Luzon Two batches of BTU was held in two    different location, Laguna and Quezon·        

Mega Manila: 4 batches - District I, II, III , Commissary & Engineering     division

·   Leadership Training: 2 batches of LS was held to develop the inherent leadership in our shop stewards

· Training on Information Technology










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Kilusan sa Jollibee 2002