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Little River Is the Place to Be..

Little River is a village on Digby Neck
in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada.
Folks on this strip of land are referred
to as Digby Neckers.

We are a people and lifestyle
in many ways all our own. One will
find folks friendly with a variety
of ideas and philosophies on life.

It is our wish to show some of the
good and rewarding things we experience
in our lives on Digby Neck.

"WELCOME"... to my part of the world .

VISITORS: Please email me at the address below if you
would like to comment or ask questions concerning anything
on this site. Thank you.

Little River Baptist Church | Promote Your Page Too

A great place for you to visit:

  • Scenic -Panoramic View from Ottoview Look-Off
  • Hiking Tail to Tommys Beach-( Rock beach)

My Pages of Past..Present..Future..

Bit O' History of Ottoview
The Lovin' Trees and Dr. Doug
Julia Sauer - Author of 'Fog Magic'
Village Pictures
Winter in Little River
Fishermen & Boats
Story: My Story of Christmas Room
Whale Cove Campground Site ( nearby)