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Special Picture:  Our Military Hero!!              Email a note to Emmett 

  ***********   Emmett's Springtime in Bosnia Letter.  Read it!!    **********  

Here's a family update from Audrey (5-26-03) Thanks Audrey, for sending it in.  

I need your June Birthdays and Anniversary dates NOW....for the June Calendar....send them in.

I got some birthday and anniversary dates from Cathy!!  Thanks.  Check them out on the 
birthday page.  Also, I got five name suggestions for the website.  Thanks!  

Welcome!! I hope this will become a page that you will visit and revisit many times.   It is a page about YOU! and your Family.  But it will only be as good as you want it to be.  I need your help.  I need you to send me information and pictures and happenings of interest to our family.  Once everyone has this website address, we can all just go online and find out what we are all doing, and where we have been, and what is happening in our lives.  Sound like fun??  

Pick a Name for the Website Contest

Check this out:
In this day of protecting our identities....I found a website you may want to visit. It gives our your birthdays.  I found mine on it.  Check it out.  Here is the page you can go to remove your name from the site.  I removed mine....I would suggest you do too.

Take a peek around the site at this point.  Remember, there isn't a lot here yet.  But as we get going, there will be, and it will be fun to look at.  The important thing to do now is to just send matter how small, just to get things going.  Once we have things posted, I hope it will grow and change a lot, and be a place for all of us to visit again and again. 

I hope to change the appearance of the website also, as I learn more, and become more proficient at this thing.  Bear with us!  Things will improve.  At least it's a start. 



Don't forget, Email Me with anything you would like on the site.  I'll get it on as soon as I can, hopefully, by the next day. 

Webmaster:  Rich                               


Cross in the American Flag                                                                                                        
Click to Enlarge.  Thanks to someone for this picture.  I really liked it.

Updated....May 26, 2003