I am sure that you all will have lots of
suggestions as to what you would like this website to be. I welcome
all your suggestions. I fully intend that the website you are
looking at now will change in the near future, as I make improvements, and
as you suggest things to be added, etc. Maybe I will take poles from
family members as to what changes to make.
I hope this website will be one where family information will be shared for everyone to read. Important events and dates can be shared. Probably a calendar might be a good idea for dates. If you would like to help out with the website, and know something about webs, let me know. There can be more than one person who could have access to upload and make changes. For now, send me your items, and I'll get them on the site. You can email me anytime. Thanks in advance. First Suggestion: by Elinor. How about making the font larger? And maybe a little less wordy. Webmaster Reply: I agree. I have enlarged the font on most pages, so it will be easier to read. I will be changing the wording as soon as people come to the site, and know what its about...then I won't need so much wordyness (it that a word??) Thanks for your suggestion.