Ord na Bradán

The Druidic Order of the Salmon


















Swim upstream against the current, 

Strive like the salmon, 

You might be surprised at what you find.  




~ Brief Description of a Seasonal Lunar Calendar ~

~ A Celtic Lunar Calendar of Tree and Shrub Harvest Months ~

~ On the Tree-Ogham Seeming to Describe a Seasonal Pattern ~

~ There Are Many Remnant Seasonal-Harvest Calendars in Europe ~

~ Comparison of Calendar Month Names - They Richly Describe the Changing Seasons ~

~ A Very Thorough Translation of The Ogham Tract, as found in Auricept na n-Eces: A Scholars' Primer, published in      Gaelic and edited by George Calder in 1917  ~ [unpublished]

~ The Sacredness of Rivers ~

~ What Does It Mean to be a Druid? ~

~ What Does It Mean to be a Fáith? ~

~ What Does It Mean to be a Bard? ~

~ Which Are the Holiest of Holy Numbers? Rational, Whole and Orderly Numbers or Irrational, Incalculable and Infinite Numbers?  ~

~ Almost Identical Spirals are Icons in Different Cultures All Over the World  ~

~ Whence Derives the Complexity and Vigor Heard in Celtic Music?  ~

~ European Seasonal Festivals and Meaning of Festival Names ~ [unpublished]

~ Active Properties of Luna

~ A Description of the Lunar Phases as They Are Seen in the Sky ~

~ Active Properties of the Sun ~ [unpublished]

~ The Changing Position of the Rising and Setting of the Sun throughout the Seasons ~ [unpublished]

~ Associations between Hour, Day, Month, Season, Harvest, Year, and Life Cycle Transformation ~

~ The Pastoral Life and Simple Living as an Ideal ~ [unpublished]

~ The  Investigating the Meaning of Sheppard's Crooks and Sheppards in Stories and Mythology ~ [unpublished]

~ Watching the Behavior and Language of Birds for Tomorrows Weather Conditions ~ [unpublished]

~ Laughter, Yawning and Sneezing as Moderated Aggression ~ [unpublished]

~ The Positive Guide of Evolution via Imprinted Behavior - Giving Rise to a Conserved Cultural Pattern, thus Utilized by the Particular Physiologies of the Offspring to Those Cultural Ends ~ [unpublished]

~ A Description of Physics ~

~ A Note on the ancient-Irish Game of Fidchell ~

~ One of the Order's Members - Nightdruid's Realm ~

~ Resource Links ~


email:  returningsalmon@hotmail.com


Please note this website is just past the beginning stage, so frequent updates and revisions will be occurring.

Copyright © J. G. Jones