A Description of Physics

In the Beginning

Where the first material that formed the beginning of our universe came from is a mystery.  Quite likely it emerged from the spiritual realm, dreamed into existence by some colossal force from the Otherworld.  There are some who regard this as the primeval beginning, and this may be why intent directed toward the Otherworld can bring about changes in the material world.  

The universe has been found to be expanding at an ever-increasing rate.  This sounds impossible, or at least counter-intuitive.  But many things in the material world are counter-intuitive, especially as one approaches conceptually nearer to the Otherworld's boundaries.  One might consider that if we exist now, that the universe must be eternal, since it likely has always been expanding at an ever increasing rate, and yet, here we are.  So, let us say that we live within a continuously ongoing "big bang", and that we live within an area between the center and the raw periphery.  

In the beginning the material universe was only a "Parmenidian sphere", a sphere with no characteristics but mass.  Since there were no interaction of particles, there were no forces; no gravity, no strong force, no weak force, no magnetism.  There was nothing to allow cohesiveness within the sphere itself.  But without motion, there was nothing to cause dissolution, in and of itself.  There was no time in the material world at this point, no opposing forces of positive and negative, no interaction.  

The universe was, and continues to be a plenum.  That is, the area of the universe is completely filled with something, even if it is "only" energy.  

In the beginning there was only the material universe and nothing outside of it.  Universe means "all that there is".  There was, and still is, is nothing outside of the material universe.  

Being that there was nothing outside of the universe, the material of the universe began to expand into the void.  Only the surface would do so at first.  In this first expansion, particles leapt off the surface of the sphere.  This expansion created depressions within the surface.  

The next expansion of particles was not directed only outward, but those on the sides of the depressions were directed obliquely toward each other.  The depressions acted like lenses.  Some of those next expanding particles impacted upon each other, at oblique angles.  

Those particles moving outward had no characteristics but mass and motion.  There were still no forces of gravity, strong force, weak force, or magnetism.  These particles were essentially a super-fluid.  But these particles did impact.  The oblique impact of these particles caused a small portion of their substance to be sent back to impact with the majority of the initial substance.  They traveled back directly toward the surface.  There, these more minute portions of the substance struck the body of the substance, causing it to undulate.  The first vibration was created.  Radiation of photons would be evident.   

With this new interaction, the entire body of the substance gained motion, causing it to rarify even more rapidly into the void.  Between the direct expansion into the void, and the still contiguous portion of the body of the substance, a layer of direct interaction was created.  

It should be noted that there is nothing requiring the fundamental material to be any particular size.  More energy, that is, impact, would cause it to decompose smaller; less energy would allow it to retain a larger size.  

One might visualize the fundamental material as paint splattering amoungst itself in an area of no gravity, or mercury doing the same thing.  However, it should be noted that the fundamental material would have no color, no surface tension; no characteristic but mass and motion.  

In this matrix of continuously impacting material, sometimes two portions would impact each other directly, or slightly off-center.  A center portion would have reduced motion.  Also, this center portion would gain an angular momentum.  Like two cars directly impacting from opposite directions, but slightly off-center, this portion of the fundamental material would gain angular momentum.  There would also be a substantial ejecta-plane, even from the initial impact.  

As the reduced-motion portion spun with angular momentum it would begin to form an ejecta-plane at its equator and spin itself out into the randomly moving and impacting  matrix.  However, since there would be greater motion at its equator, and very little motion at its poles, the surrounding, and still bombarding matrix would push inward at the poles.  If the ejecta-plane's momentum was sufficiently great enough to push outward into the matrix, then there would be a net-flow.  

As long as the material of the matrix was sufficient in quantity to replace the material lost via the ejecta-plane, there would be dynamic stablity.  A dynamically-stable particle would have formed, much like a hurricane which exists on the macro level.  

However, this fundamental particle, and many others shortly, would exist with an ejecta-plane at its equator and two vortices at either pole.  In addition, its body would consist largely of two toroids, which would lie on either side of the ejecta-plane, while the two vortices would feed into the openings of the toroids.  The ejecta-plane would likely be the site of extant electrons.  In addition, this fundamental particle would have a dynamic surface.  At certain angles and positions to other fundamental particles they would repel each other, and at certain angles and positions they would attract each other.  The strong force would come into existence.  

It is likely that protons would be smaller, but more active fundamental particles, while neutrons would be very slightly larger, but less active particles.  Neutrons would probably be just on the verge of instability; just on the verge of being dynamically stable.   

Two protons likely need a neutron to intercede between them to adhere with the strong force.  The neutron is a greater "dead-spot" amoungst all of the various motions of the fundamental material, and this prevents the protons from pushing each other apart.  

Moving on, as long as the amount of motion in the surrounding matrix remains the same, a fundamental particle would remain dynamically-stable.  This brings up a crucial and interesting point.  

If the energy, the motion, that is, the pressure, of the surrounding material of the matrix reduces slightly, then a fundamental particle in this location would spin off, or radiate, some of its material into the surrounding matrix.  Again, since all fundamental material is not inherently cohesive, the fundamental particle would simply loose size, acclimatizing to its new pressure.  It would still remain dynamically stable in that new pressure, as long as there was sufficient pressure in the matrix around it to replace that which it constantly looses via its ejecta-plane.  

Because of this, it is extremely interesting to note that, given a lesser pressure in the matrix of fundamental material, there is the possibility of the creation and maintenance of more fundamental particles, not less.  With an ever increasing number of interacting particles being created in the material universe, Einstein's force of repulsion, which he called the cosmological constant and then rejected as impossible, shows itself to be quite natural though inverse.      

As the pressure in the matrix of the universe decreases it is easier for particles to spontaneously be created in a given area, and particle interaction in any given area continues to occur.  At the same time, as the universe expands, the surface area of the universe's edge, with respect to the void, is constantly increasing, causing even further reduction of pressure in the matrix.  

In other words, if the universe is continuously expanding at an ever increasing rate, more and more interacting particles are being created in that immense middle sphere of direct interaction in which we exist.  We exist in that immense middle spherical layer of a continuously expanding universe.  

On the other hand, in the center of the material universe, the eternal and timeless solid continues to exist without any polarity, without any interaction upon it's center.


Spiritual Aspects

In Druidism there is the understanding that all things contain an element of the soul.  This idea is succinctly described by the following poem.  

I died as a mineral and became a plant, 

I died as a plant and rose to animal, 

I died as an animal and I was man.

Why should I fear?  When was I ever less by dying? 

Yet once more I shall die as a man, 

To soar in the Blessed Realm; 

But even from there I must pass on...


Again, all things contain the element of the soul.  Thus, the nascent soul begins with the fundamental particle, since the fundamental particle is the basic building block of all things.  

At one time the universe began, perhaps so long ago as to be forever unfathomable by the human mind.  While the void is infinite, the universe, though it must be finite in itself, has been expanding and growing from the beginning of time.  Suffice it to say, the universe's immensity defies the all-too-finite understanding that human-beings possess.  

At some point, long before humans existed, long before the Earth existed, before our Sun existed, even before protons and neutrons coalesced into atoms and molecules, the sheer quantity of vibrating fundamental particles would have been staggering.  One could muse that this was when the Deity, the over-arching consciousness, might have become conscious of itself.  And we and everything else in the universe are part of that consciousness.  

In this time, much later than that time, countless vibrations of fundamental particles, all those contained within the universe, interacting or bound within structures, each having within it an aspect of the soul, are portions of the overall consciousness of the Godhead.  

One fundamental particle has a glimmer of the soul.  A mineral has a little more, and a plant still more.  We can sense the consciousness of plants fairly readily.  One celled animals are aware of the proximity food and poison, going to the first and avoiding the latter.  It is patently obvious that other animals, besides human-beings, are aware of their surroundings.  On the human level, we have a vast capability for being conscious of the world around us, and even the capacity to be aware of our own wants and desires, our own thoughts as they form and pass by; we can be self-conscious.  

Each human-being is comprised of approximately one trillion cells that are basically self-preserving, and yet work together in an astonishing and awe-inspiring way, giving rise to one overall organism that is capable of self-awareness, mathematics, invention, music and story-telling.  

How could we not think that we are also part of a much greater organism?  Of course we are cells of a greater organism, and that greater organism is a cell of an even greater organism.  

The greatest organism of all is the totality of all things that exist, and we are only atoms to the vast and incomprehensible form of the Deity.  



Copyright © J. G. Jones