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The last Will and Testament of Francis Browning, Junior. I, Francis Browning Jr. Knowing the certainty of death and being now sick and weak of body, but as I preceive of sound mind and disposing memory do make this my last Will and Testament as follows.

In the first place after my death I desire that my executors herein after mentioned do pay and discharge my funeral charges and expenses, which I wiah to be such as is suitable to my estate and standing in society.

Secondly I give and bequeath to my sons John and William the tract of land on Little Cedar Creek of one hundred and eighty acres, on which my mills are situated, and also the mills and all the machinery connected therewith, and particularly the new dam which I have built above the mills on said creek, and so much of the tract of land on which the new dam is built as may at any time be necessary to the keeping up of said dam to it's present height and the free use of the water from said dam to said mills in any manner that may be deemed best for the carrying on said mills and machinery and I give the exclusive right of erecting mills on said creek so that none are to built above to interrupt them.

In the third place I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth my plantation on Little Cedar Creek that I bought of Peter Fogleman. And also one young bay mare which is known by the name of the snag mare. And also the two beds and furniture she claims.

In the 4th place I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly my plantation on Little Cedar Creek which I purchased from James G. Todd. And also one sorrell mare called Cute and also two beds and furniture and a good saddle and wheel.

Fifthly I give to my son James one bay horse known by the name of Tom, and also I give the set of blacksmith tools at the mills to John and William for the use of the mills. And I give to my sons John and William the use of my middle meadow for the term of ten years and the free ingress and egress of the same. I also give to John the saddle which he generally rides and also give to John and William each a good (unreadable). I give to my son William the horse known by the name of (unreadable) and I also give to each of my sons (unreadable) of my beds and furniture.

6th I give to my two youngest sons Francis and Aaron the plantation on which I now live with all the appurtenances of the same but not include the seventy six acres tract of land which I purchased from McClung and also to each of the two last mentioned sons when they shall arrive at twenty one years of age a good young horse worth eighty dollars. I also give to John and William for the use of the mills my waggon and two pairs of gears I also give to beloved wife Sarah all the property she had when I married her not yet disposed of, and also my household furniture and farming utensils, except the bureau and bookcase which I give to Elizabeth and the clock which I give to Polly, and I also give to Polly ten dollars in money to make up the difference to her between the last mentioned bequest to Elizabeth and the one mentioned to Polly. I also give to my wife my two horses Roan and Negroe and the black mare called wart. I also give to my son William my gun. I also give to my wife all my corn and grain now on hand except one small square crib of corn. I also give to my wife six milk cows, and also give to my wife with all the sheep that I got with her now on hands, and the balance of my sheep I give to my two daughters herein before named. And all the balance of my property not herein named I wish sold by my ececutors on such terms as usual. And I appoint my son John A. Browning and Dale Carter me executors who are to collect my debts and sell the part of my estate which is to be sold and pay my debts out of the proceeds and appropriate the balance to the schooling of my children. The money and property that is coming to my wife from her father's estate I give to her.

In witness my hand and seal this 27th day of January 1835

Francis Browning


Archer Jessee Senior
John Browning

This will was probated at a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery held for Russell County at the Court House on Friday the 22nd day of April 1836.

SOURCE: Russell County Virginia Will Book #4 (pages 39-41)