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John Trigg (Taz) JESSEE [Parents] was born 1824 in , Russell Co., Va. He died after 1860 in , Claiborne Co., Tn. John married Louisa Ellen KELLY about 1865.

Other marriages:
BURK, Mary M.

Louisa Ellen KELLY was born about 1840. She married John Trigg (Taz) JESSEE about 1865.

They had the following children:

  M i John D. JESSEE
  F ii Nancy Alice JESSEE was born about 1868 in , Claiborne Co., Tn.
  M iii Charles JESSEE
  F iv Vesta JESSEE
  M v Lafayette JESSEE was born after 1870.
  M vi James A. JESSEE was born after 1870.

Ballard P. JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1852 in , Russell Co., Va. He married Orlena MOUNTAIN.

Other marriages:
HILL, Harriett "Hattie"

Orlena MOUNTAIN was born about 1850. She married Ballard P. JESSEE.

Ballard P. JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1852 in , Russell Co., Va. He married Harriett "Hattie" HILL.

Other marriages:

Harriett "Hattie" HILL was born about 1850. She married Ballard P. JESSEE.

John D. JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1866 in , Claiborne Co., Tn. He married Jennie SNODGRASS.

Jennie SNODGRASS was born about 1865. She married John D. JESSEE.

Edward Lee JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1857 in , Claiborne Co., Tn. He married Sarah GRUBB.

Other marriages:
GRUBB, Ollie

Sarah GRUBB was born about 1855. She married Edward Lee JESSEE.

Edward Lee JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1857 in , Claiborne Co., Tn. He married Ollie GRUBB.

Other marriages:
GRUBB, Sarah

Ollie GRUBB was born about 1860. She married Edward Lee JESSEE.

John (Paris) BALLARD (Bullard) was born about 1855. He married Sarah A. JESSEE.

Sarah A. JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1855 in , Claiborne Co., Tn. She married John (Paris) BALLARD (Bullard).

John CARTER was born about 1860. He married Susan E. JESSEE.

Susan E. JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1862 in , Claiborne Co., Tn. She married John CARTER.

D. M. SKAGGS was born about 1860. He married Mary JESSEE.

Mary JESSEE [Parents] was born 1864 in , Claiborne Co., Tn. She married D. M. SKAGGS.

Ira Verner JESSEE [Parents] was born 12 Apr 1887 in , Russell Co., Va. He died 22 Jul 1963 in Roanoke, , Va. Ira married Ethel Katherine DOUGAN on 23 Oct 1919.

Ethel Katherine DOUGAN

They had the following children:

  M i Evans Butler JESSEE