Frank GILPIN was born 1886. He died 1965. Frank married Bertha M. SIMS.
Bertha M. SIMS [Parents] was born 1896 in , , Va. She died 1974. Bertha married Frank GILPIN.
They had the following children:
M i Hugh McReynolds GILPIN
Herbert Decatur SIMS [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Alan SIMS F ii Peggy SIMS
Lloyd Charles SIMS [Parents] was born 1909 in , , Va. He died 1974. Lloyd married Virginia UNKNOWN about 1934.
Other marriages:UNKNOWN, Mary
They had the following children:
M i Charles Robert "Bob" SIMS M ii William "Billy" SIMS
Lloyd Charles SIMS [Parents] was born 1909 in , , Va. He died 1974. Lloyd married Mary UNKNOWN.
Other marriages:UNKNOWN, Virginia
Mary UNKNOWN was born 1923. She died 1972. Mary married Lloyd Charles SIMS.
They had the following children:
M i Lloyd "Gene" SIMS M ii Robert "Bobby" SIMS F iii Susan "Susie" SIMS M iv Patrick "Pat" SIMS
Holly GILPIN [Parents]
They had the following children:
Hugh McReynolds GILPIN [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Craig GILPIN was born 1953. He died 1993. F ii Holly GILPIN
Emory Joseph SIMS [Parents] was born 1906 in , , Va. He died 1978. Emory married Dorothy Lenora DAVIS.
Dorothy Lenora DAVIS was born 1911. She died 1976. Dorothy married Emory Joseph SIMS.
James C. KETRON was born 1901. He died 1987. James married Grace Isabelle SIMS about 1929.
Grace Isabelle SIMS [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Jacqueline KETRON was born 1925. She died 1930. F ii Jo Ann KETRON
Ray HUBER was born about 1885. He married Addie "Ada" HILTON about 1905.
Addie "Ada" HILTON [Parents] was born 1885 in , , Va. She died 1972. Addie married Ray HUBER about 1905.
They had the following children:
F i Mary HILTON F ii Florence HILTON M iii Buster HUBER M iv Frank HUBER M v Alva HUBER
Henry W. H. HILTON [Parents] was born 1880 in , , Va. He married Jennie UNKNOWN before 1910.
Jennie UNKNOWN was born 1878. She married Henry W. H. HILTON before 1910.
They had the following children:
F i Edna HILTON F ii Martha HILTON M iii John "Johnnie" HILTON M iv Melvin HILTON F v Vandayton HILTON F vi Alma M. HILTON