Nelson Devane GRAY [Parents] was born 1 Sep 1868 in , Russell Co., Va. He died 29 May 1940 in , Sullivan Co., Mo. Nelson married Charity Isabel LANE on 11 Mar 1897 in , Sullivan Co., Mo.
Charity Isabel LANE was born 16 Jul 1877 in , Sullivan Co., Va. She married Nelson Devane GRAY on 11 Mar 1897 in , Sullivan Co., Mo.
They had the following children:
F i Alice GRAY
Alice GRAY [Parents]
Etta Mae BLANKENSHIP [Parents]
Freeman JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Joseph Lloyd JESSEE F ii Ellen Elizabeth JESSEE M iii Vernon Samuel JESSEE F iv Mary Martelia JESSEE F v Martha Lucille JESSEE F vi Janice Nell JESSEE M vii James Ralph JESSEE
James Ralph JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Angela Leigh JESSEE
Joe AXON was born about 1877. He married Sally JESSEE.
Sally JESSEE [Parents] was born after 1877 in , Russell Co., Va. She married Joe AXON.
They had the following children:
i 6 Children AXON
JENNINGS was born about 1870. He married Susan Helen JESSEE.
Susan Helen JESSEE [Parents] was born 1870 in , Russell Co., Va. She married JENNINGS.
Other marriages:PARKER, George
They had the following children:
M i Boots (Jennings) JESSEE was born after 1890.
George PARKER was born about 1870. He married Susan Helen JESSEE.
Susan Helen JESSEE [Parents] was born 1870 in , Russell Co., Va. She married George PARKER.
Other marriages:JENNINGS,
They had the following children:
F i Celda PARKER was born after 1890. F ii Gin PARKER was born after 1890. M iii Harry B. PARKER
Ruth MOORE [Parents]
Winford Floyd VANCE was born 15 Oct 1921 in New Gardens, Russell Co., Va. He died after 1949 in Kingsport, , Tn and was buried in Claypool Hill, , Va. Winford married Justine Ethel MOORE on 15 Dec 1940 in , , Va.
Justine Ethel MOORE [Parents]
Other marriages:ESTEPP, Leonard Jay
They had the following children:
F i Mary Judith "Judi" VANCE M ii James Dudley VANCE M iii Danny Winford VANCE