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Delmon James OWENS [Parents] was born 1909. He died 1988. Delmon married Toona Lenore LONG.

Toona Lenore LONG [Parents] was born 1914 in , Russell Co., Va. She died 1994. Toona married Delmon James OWENS.

They had the following children:

  M i A Son OWENS

Brice Madison OWENS [Parents] was born 1880. He died 1956. Brice married Sally Ann STANLEY.


They had the following children:

  M i Delmon James OWENS

A Son OWENS [Parents]

He had the following children:

  M i Roger OWENS

Almarine OWENS married Mary Ann ARRINGTON.

Mary Ann ARRINGTON [Parents] was born 1861 in , Russell Co., Va. She died 1920 in , Russell Co., Va. Mary married Almarine OWENS.

They had the following children:

  M i Brice Madison OWENS


Susan Louise DETWEILER [Parents]


Willie STEELE [Parents]

Mesby Joseph BOWEN

Edith (Laura) JESSEE [Parents] was born 26 Jun 1906 in , , Va. She died 12 Dec 1973. Edith married Mesby Joseph BOWEN.

They had the following children:

  F i Dolores BOWEN


Dolores BOWEN [Parents]

They had the following children:

  M i Scott SMITH

Russell M. POLSON [Parents] was born after 1870 in , Linn Co., Mo. He married Naomi MATTOX after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.

Naomi MATTOX was born after 1870 in , Linn Co., Mo. She married Russell M. POLSON after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.

They had the following children:

  F i Mamie POLSON was born after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.
  F ii Alta POLSON was born after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.

Everett F. POLSON [Parents] was born after 1870 in , Linn Co., Mo. He married Amazetta MATTOX after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.

Amazetta MATTOX was born after 1870 in , Linn Co., Mo. She married Everett F. POLSON after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.

They had the following children:

  F i Geneva POLSON was born after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.
  F ii Iroin POLSON was born after 1890 in , Linn Co., Mo.