Virginia Madge CAMPBELL [Parents] was born 1 Feb 1918 in , Russell Co., Va. She died in Jewel Ridge, Buchanan Co., Va. Virginia married Ben BELL.
Other marriages:JENNELLE, Julian
They had the following children:
F i Gwendolyn BELL M ii Claude Benson BELL M iii Michael BELL
Virginia Madge CAMPBELL [Parents] was born 1 Feb 1918 in , Russell Co., Va. She died in Jewel Ridge, Buchanan Co., Va. Virginia married Julian JENNELLE.
Other marriages:BELL, Ben
They had the following children:
M i Julian JENNELLE Jr. M ii David JENNELLE M iii Phillip JENNELLE was born after 1945. He died 12 Jan 1992.
Charles Dudley CAMPBELL [Parents] was born 17 Jul 1920 in , Russell Co., Va. He died 10 Jul 1982 in Mill Creek, Russell Co., Va. Charles married Goldie JAMES about 1940.
They had the following children:
M i Dallas CAMPBELL M ii Roger CAMPBELL M iii Jimmy CAMPBELL
Zolene Nell CAMPBELL [Parents] was born 18 May 1922 in , Russell Co., Va. She died after 1980 in Appamattox, , Va. Zolene married John H. LEE about 1940.
Other marriages:HARDEN, Thomas
They had the following children:
F i Sara LEE M ii Andrew LEE M iii William "Billy" LEE
Zolene Nell CAMPBELL [Parents] was born 18 May 1922 in , Russell Co., Va. She died after 1980 in Appamattox, , Va. Zolene married Thomas HARDEN about 1950.
Other marriages:LEE, John H.
Patricia RITCHIE [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Barry TAYLOR M ii Matthew TAYLOR
Eugene RITCHIE [Parents] was born after 1938 in Jewel Valley, Buchanan Co., Va. He died 1992 in Doran, , Va. Eugene married Roberta Cole SMITH about 1960.
They had the following children:
M i James Forest RITCHIE F ii Patricia RITCHIE
Gwendolyn BELL [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Brian JOYCE F ii Diana JOYCE M iii Jeffery JOYCE M iv Andrew JOYCE
Claude Benson BELL [Parents] was born after 1936. He died 1993 in , , Sc. Claude married Bonnie Sue SMITH.
They had the following children:
F i Michelle BELL F ii Jackie BELL F iii Tina BELL F iv Beverly BELL
Michael BELL [Parents] was born after 1940. He died 1992/1993 in Richlands, , Va. Michael married Shirley LOWE. The marriage ended in divorce.
They had the following children:
M i Richard BELL M ii Shane BELL M iii Mike BELL Jr.