Frank JESSEE [Parents] was born about 1890 in , , Ks. He married Mildred SARGENT about 1910.
Mildred SARGENT was born about 1890. She married Frank JESSEE about 1910.
They had the following children:
M i Alan JESSEE F ii Eleanor JESSEE M iii Raymond JESSEE F iv Mildred JESSEE M v David JESSEE
Mildred JESSEE [Parents]
She had the following children:
F i Joyce EPLEY
Susan E. JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Andrea HYDE F ii Pamela HYDE
David R. JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Robin JESSEE M ii Eric JESSEE
Robert S. JESSEE [Parents]
Earl JAMES was born about 1887. He was not married to Carrie B. JESSEE.
Carrie B. JESSEE [Parents] was born 22 Jun 1887 in , Carter Co., Ky. She was not married to Earl JAMES.
Other marriages:REEDER, William "Bill"
They had the following children:
i Floyd Earl JAMES
William "Bill" REEDER was born about 1887. He married Carrie B. JESSEE after 1905.
Carrie B. JESSEE [Parents] was born 22 Jun 1887 in , Carter Co., Ky. She married William "Bill" REEDER after 1905.
Other marriages:JAMES, Earl
They had the following children:
M i Arthur REEDER F ii Edna REEDER F iii Atha REEDER F iv Bertha REEDER F v Cleo REEDER
Claude JESSEE [Parents] was born 10 Nov 1889 in , Carter Co., Ky. He married Lola MASTERS before 1910.
Other marriages:MADDEN, Sadie
Lola MASTERS was born about 1889. She married Claude JESSEE before 1910.
They had the following children:
F i Cleo JESSEE F ii Vada JESSEE F iii Maude JESSEE M iv Homer JESSEE
Claude JESSEE [Parents] was born 10 Nov 1889 in , Carter Co., Ky. He married Sadie MADDEN.
Other marriages:MASTERS, Lola
Sadie MADDEN was born about 1889. She married Claude JESSEE.
They had the following children:
F i Mabel JESSEE M ii Charlie JESSEE F iii Myrtle JESSEE F iv Gerogeanna JESSEE M v Earl JESSEE F vi Catherine JESSEE
Lola Mae JESSEE [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Gladys RAYBURN