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The W. C. Edwards Sr.

Family Web Site


What's Been Added
Currently, we have 85 pictures from the 2002 Edwards Family Reunion held in Beaufort. Some of the pictures are labeled. Hold your cursor over the pictures to see names. The pictures that are not labeled, will be as soon as we get all the names right. Feel free to help with identification.

About The Images
We've added a page if you need help saving images. Also, if you would like a higher resolution/larger copy of any of the pictures in the gallery, send your request (including the pictures name(s), ex. Reunion 01, Reunion 02) to We will email back a higher quality picture, but please be patient. A response may take up to 2 weeks.

What's Next
In the near future, we hope to add sections with more pictures, messages, recipes, news, and family history. To do that, we need your help. Your questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Thank You,
Brian & Angela

Help Us! We need pictures, recipes, etc.

Brian and Angela Gibson
Last updated July 28, 2002
