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undefined Chapter 22 - Somewhere Down The Road

Sometimes good-byes are not forever
It doesn't matter if you're gone
I still believe in us together
I understand more than you think I can
You have to go out on your own
So you can find your way back home
And somewhere down the road
Our roads are gonna cross again
It doesn't really matter when
But somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours
Will come to see
That you belong with me
Letting go is just another way to say
I'll always love you so
We had the right love
At the wrong time
Maybe we've only just begun
Maybe the best is yet to come
Barry Manilow

Giles showed up just as the sun was going down. If Clem hadn't showed up earlier in the afternoon to move in I would probably have gone crazy with nerves. I just wanted to get started on the journey. So, I could just get back home.

As soon as he walked in he asked if I was ready. I nodded yes. Picking up a box I walked over and handed it to him.

"What's this?" He asked perplexed.

"It's my bank information." When I said that he looked really confused. "I've got a bit of money put aside and if anything happens to me it goes to Buffy and Dawn. I already put Buffy on as a co-signer on the account so she won't have any problem getting it out if she needs it."

He opened the box and pulled out the passbook on top. His eyes opened wide when he opened it and saw the balance. He looked up at me then back down at it. But he didn't ask or comment. Just told me it was time to go. He replaced the passbook in the box and nodded his head at me.

On the way to the airport he told me how I was going to get to Africa. There was a group of humans and demons called The Guardians. They were going to transport me on private cargo planes operated by these members. He compared them to the Underground Railroad that helped runaway slaves during the Civil War. The Guardians assisted demons that were on the side of good and demons sympathizers with safe houses, medical care and safe passages to different locations throughout the world. I found out the judge who helped Giles with Dawn's guardianship and Buffy's therapist were both part of this organization.

"Aren't you afraid with Sara being part of this might unduly influence Buffy?" The thought of Buffy being brainwashed into something didn't set well with me. I couldn't understand why Giles would put her in this position.

"I thought about it, Spike. But I spoke to a lot of people about Sara. She treats humans who have nothing do with demons as well. They have never been influenced to that life at all." He paused for a moment. "I think having someone who won't react at all to her involvement with a vampire will help her more. Alleviate the guilt she feels about loving the enemy. And maybe she won't feel like a freak anymore."

He was right. That was part of her problem. She was supposed to be killing vampires not sleeping with them. But yet it was part of her attraction to me also. To slip to the dark side and be bad. The hero complex and always having to be good was part of what made her want to run. Hopefully Giles was right and this acceptance of both worlds would make Buffy freer to choose what she wanted not what she thought she had to have.

Once we reached the airport Giles parked behind it in an abandoned building's parking lot. We slipped through a cut in the fence and made our way to a hanger. A tall man with dark hair turned to look at us as we walked in. He stood and made his way toward us.

"Hi, I'm Jeff. You must be Mr. Giles and Spike." He put his hand out for us to shake it. First Giles then mine. Taking his time as he shook my hand he gave me the once over.

"You the pilot?" I asked him not sure if I liked him or not.

"Yeah, that's what they gave me a license for. Probably wasn't the smartest thing they ever did. But, hey, I haven't crashed one yet." He laughed at his own joke. Giles and I just looked at each other. "You about ready to take off. The flight plan says I am leaving at 8:30 and it's about that."

I nodded my head. Giles turned to me and wished me luck. Shook my hand and turned to leave. I wanted to run after him. Beg him to take me back with him. Pussy boy, yeah, I know.

Jeff laid a hand on my shoulder and led me to the plane. He explained that I would stay in the cargo area until we got off the ground. Once in the air I could come up to the cockpit with him since it was just the two of us. I had flown a lot of times but never in the front with the pilot. Can't eat the person you need to get you back on the ground. My earlier doubts were alleviated because we ended up getting along for the trip. He was always cracking jokes about something. Talked a lot about his family and especially his wife.

The plane would be landing at Orlando International Airport and I would be put on another plane directly to Africa. We landed in Orlando around 2:40 in the morning. While he landed the plane and made contact I was hiding back in the cargo hold again. It wasn't too long before Jeff returned with another man and a woman. Jeff introduced them as Matt and Donna. Donna came over to me and handed me a thermos.

"It's blood and its been warmed for you. Drink up because once we get you settled it will be over twenty-four hours before you see the world again." I took the thermos from her and opened it up. Carefully took a swig and it had been warmed just to the right temperature for me. Donna continued to watch me as I drank. When I arched a brow at her she laughed but didn't turn away.

"Sorry for staring. Just have never met a vampire before. It's a new experience for me." She seemed the straightforward type. Although she wasn't what one would call beautiful she had strong features with huge hazel eyes. After I had finished the blood she and Matt made their way to a long crate in the corner. They quickly popped the top and beckoned me to come over. The thing was filled with Bibles.

"No way, those things will burn me." I took a step back and Donna giggled.

"It's got a false bottom. The Bibles won't come close to you. Matt and I are missionaries. Which is the reason for going to Africa. Can't spread the word of God unless you bring Bibles with you." As she talked Jeff and Matt pulled out a crate within the crate. There was a hollow place at the bottom.

"You spread the word of God and you're helping a vampire?" This was just way too weird for me.

"God made all creatures. Therefore he made you. Get in." The three of them were waiting for me to get in the crate.

"Do all Guardians believe like you?" I looked at them before I moved.

"No, we are made of all religions and beliefs. Now, do you want to go or not?" Matt wasn't as inquisitive as Donna. And he sure acted like he didn't want to be doing this because this was the first time he had spoken.

I approached the crate with trepidation. Looked it over then stepped into it. After I laid down they put cedar chips around me to disguise my scent in case they had the dogs sniff the box. Once I was settled Donna squeezed my hand and told me she would see me on the other end. Then they lowered the top part with the Bibles on top of me. It was like being in a coffin again. I almost panicked for a minute then told my self to calm down. Soon I let myself go into a deep sleep. Not much else to do for the next day while we traveled overseas.

The crate was being moved again and I could feel the heat of the sun warming the box. Soon I could feel it being loaded onto a truck and the movements as the truck traveled over bumpy roads. I kept hoping that soon I would be let out. It was really uncomfortable and hot in there. After hours the truck stopped. And I was unloaded again. I could hear people talking. Donna's voice and Matt's. Then the lid was taken off and a hand reached down to help me out. I took it as I recognized Donna smiling down at me.

"So, how was the trip?" She jokingly asked me.

I growled and told her it was lousy. She directed me toward another couple standing there.

"I want you to meet Joe and Melissa. They are going to be your next guides." They both shook hands with me. After saying good-bye to Donna and Matt they led me out to their jeep. I just kept looking around as we traveled through open country. They explained that they were heading toward their house. I would stay there until tomorrow night then I would be taken to the area where the demon was. From there I would have to walk in. They would return to pick me up and I would return to their home until I was ready to make the trip back.

They were good people. Introduced me to everyone in their home. And I was given a room of my own with a private bath. I felt like a guest not a refugee vampire. After they had shown me around, they invited me to join their family as they hung out and watched television. I was surprised when a couple of demons were there. They helped out on the ranch and had been gone when we had arrived earlier that evening. After I met them I began to feel a little more comfortable.

The next day passed quietly. Blood was brought to me in the morning on a tray. Along with a change of clothes. After I had showered and changed I settled down to read a poetry book I had found on one of the shelves in my room. Melissa came and checked on me and told me that I was welcome to wander the house if I felt like it. But I pretty much stayed in the room until dinner when I ventured out to join the evening meal. No one made comments about me drinking blood. Or the fact that I did eat some of the food that was offered.

As soon as dinner was over Joe and one of his ranch hands took me to the edge of some desert. Gave me directions to the village where the demon was located. After telling me that someone would return to this spot for the next three nights to wait for me. If I hadn't returned by the end of the third night they would assume I wasn't coming back. And this information would be given to Giles.

I nodded my head that I understood. Thanked them for all their help. Stood there and watched them drive out of sight. Then turned and looked at the desert spread out before me and started walking. It was up to me now.

Chapter 23