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Chapter 4 – Finally Getting Some Lovin’

Her young face was like that of an angel
Her long legs were tanned and brown
Better keep your eyes on the road, son
Better slow this vehicle down

Spike was so shocked at her request that he almost hit the brakes right in the middle of the highway. He glanced quickly into the rear view mirror at her but she had turned on her side. Her face was cradled on her arm, as she appeared to be sleeping. A rest stop sign announced a place to stop in five miles. Spike maneuvered the van to the far right lane while he began to slow down to pull into the area.

He was afraid she would change her mind before he could get parked somewhere. As he coasted through the parking lot he looked back at her but she was still curled up with her eyes closed. After he took a survey of the parking lot he headed for the far side of it where it was a little darker. As he turned the engine off he heard Buffy stir in the back.

"We’re at a rest stop." He told her quietly as he turned to look at her.

Buffy raised her arms above her head and stretched forcing her breasts to rise outlining them more clearly. Spike quickly looked away not wanting to appear to be a pervert.

"I need to use the restroom." She said as she grabbed her purse and scooted toward the side door. Spike climbed between the seats and followed her out. Neither one said anything as they headed toward the bathrooms. They both headed to their appropriate sides with barely a glance at the other.

Spike rinsed off his face and swirled water through his mouth wishing he had his toothbrush with him. Then after he dried his face off he checked to see if his armpits smelled. An image of Buffy lying next to him hurried him from toward the door.

She was already waiting for him a soda in hand when he came out. When she saw him a big grin appeared on her face making him relax in his nervousness. They moved toward each their hands grasping the hand of the other while they walked back to the van. Spike held the door for her as she climbed in and then he started to climb in after her. That was when he remembered he had forgotten to get condoms from the machine in the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Buffy looked at him as he started to back out of the door.

"I forgot to get….Uh, I need to get…" He stopped as he realized he was making an ass out of himself. Quickly thinking he tried to come up with an excuse to go back to the bathroom. What if she hadn’t meant that they were actually going to do IT? What if she just wanted to make out or something? He was beginning to feel trapped as his brain refused to cooperate with him.

Buffy laughed softly as he struggled with his problem.

"Spike, I’m on the pill."

His eyes flew open when she solved the problem for him. Then as her words sank in his stomach went into a violent mass of butterflies at the thought of making love with her.

"Come here." Buffy patted the space on the bed next to him bringing back the memory of Drusilla making the same gesture a few nights ago. He hesitated for a moment. Then after glancing into the depths of her eyes seeing only acceptance there he climbed into the van. After he closed the door he pulled the curtains closed so no one could see in. Then repeated the motion for the back window. Finally he settled down to sit next to her on the bed. He watched her in fascination as she opened her purse to pull out a pink circular compact. She flipped open the top then moved it so that he could look at it.

"See, there is one gone for every day this month." She said as she ran her fingernail around the empty slots. The first available was popped out into her hand where she then put it into her mouth. It was quickly washed down with the soda. "That was the one for today so I am safe for another 24 hours."

Buffy smiled as she looked over at him staring at her in bewilderment. He was so bemused by everything happening that he had lost the ability to have a rational thought. Buffy shifted to swing her legs up on the bed scooting back so that she was lying on her side. A hand on his arm pulled him into motion to follow her. They both ended up on their sides facing each other.

There was a little light illuminating the inside of the van making her face glow with an iridescent light. Her hand came up to cup his cheek.

"Spike, earlier you asked me if I ever do something because I want to. The answer isn’t very often. Please don’t think I am a slut or anything. I’ve only been with Riley. But tonight I want to be with you. I know there isn’t any future with us living in different cities. You make me feel happy and free and I want to feel that for as long as possible." She finished her explanation of why she wanted to be with him.

His hand came up to cover hers on his face bringing it around to kiss the palm of it gently. Even though this was her choice he could see that she was nervous about this too. Her eyes were wide in her face as she waited for him.

Spike shifted so that he could lean down to kiss her. It was the first time that he had ever taken the initiative in kissing. Drusilla or Darla had always led the way before. He could only pray that he got it right.

Her lips were soft beneath his as he came to kiss her gently. Then following what he knew he didn’t hesitate to shove his tongue into her mouth. He moved into the wetness with quick jabbing motions while his mind tried to follow the motions that Dru had made with him. With a jerk Buffy pulled away from him. Her hand came to cover her mouth as she looked at him in surprise.

When she pulled away from him all his hopes came to a grinding halt.

"Slow down. Okay?"

She sounded annoyed at him as he cringed from her words. Without thinking he tried to explain himself.

"I’m sorry that’s the way that Dru taught…" As he realized what he said his eyes flew to see what Buffy’s reaction was. At first she just looked at him then her eyes opened wide as she put things together. Spike closed his eyes as she began to speak.

"Dru taught you to kiss? The same Dru that you were going to San Francisco with?" Her voice showed her disbelief that he was eighteen and had just learned to kiss. Spike hated himself as he answered her with a nod.

"The same Dru that you said wouldn’t fulfill her promises?"

As she continued he squeezed his eyes shut to stop the tears that were threatening as she revealed his secret.

"You’re a virgin?" The surprise was evident in her voice as she finished the puzzle he had handed her.

Spike waited for the laughter that would follow her revelation. When it came he was unable to stop a tear from slipping from his tightly closed eyes. As it flowed down his cheek her hand came to wipe away the tear.

"Shh, it’s okay. I wasn’t laughing at you. I promise."

Her lips came softly against his.

"Look at me, baby."

He reluctantly opened his eyes to look at her.

"I was laughing at what we are about to do. You’ve never done it and I have only it done a few times. And then I wasn’t really doing anything except lying there. So, this should be interesting."

When she finished she came forward to rub his nose with hers then placed another kiss on his lips. Her expression was sweet and protective of him as he looked at her. There was a light in her eyes that he wanted to follow anywhere that she would lead. He laid a hand on her side as he leaned toward her again. This time he followed his instincts and her request for slowness. He barely moved his lips over hers creating a tender friction between them. His tongue carefully outlined her lips enjoying the soft sweetness that waited for him. As she opened her mouth to him he leisurely flicked his way into the wet heat of her mouth. Then waited for her to respond to him before he started to dance with her. It didn’t take long for her to come to him. Her tongue swirled against his. It was then that he lost it.

Lost all possibility of thought. All possibility of trying to plan the next move. He was drowning in her. The heat. The wetness. The feverish movements of their tongues dueling for pleasure. The only demand of his mind was for him to be closer to her. His hand moved to her back flowing upwards to grasp the back of her head in his hand. To hold her to him. To keep her from moving away from him. As his hand tangled in her hair she made a mewling sound deep in her throat. The man in him that was waiting to come out moved over her more. To hold her below him so that he could devour her mouth more fully.

They broke away from each other for only a moment to catch their breath. The wonder of the heat they were creating was evident in their eyes. Unwilling to lose the momentum they were building their lips fused together again. He wanted to feel more. To have more. Untangling his hand from her hair his fingers began to follow the ridges of her spine down her back. She shivered against him as he created chills in her. As he reached her lower back he hesitated for only a moment before flattening his hand against her. With overwhelming amazement his moved down over the roundness of her ass. He squeezed it as he felt the ripe curve beneath his hand.

Her hips squirmed against his hand as he massaged her cheeks. Then wanting and needing her closer his hand moved beneath her hip then pulled her toward him. She came willingly shifting to help get them closer. As they became flush his hand moved down her thigh to pull it over his hip. His leg moved between hers so that her softness was just above his thigh. He groaned as her hips moved to rub herself against him.

There was no thought as primitive instincts took over. Their kisses built a fire that burned within them. A need to claim her moved his hand back over her body pushing her shirt up so that he could travel beneath it. Her breasts called to him demanding to be paid attention to. The hard pebble of her nipples burned through their clothes pressing into his chest. As his hand went to close over one she pulled back. Her breath came in pants as she looked briefly at him before she sat up.

Spike fell onto his back as she stared up her. For a moment she closed her eyes before grasping the hem of her shirt. Then it was quickly pulled over head to be dropped on the floor. Another momentary hesitation before her bra was undone and followed the shirt over the side. He forced himself to make contact with her eyes before traveling down to look at her.

He had seen photos of naked women before. Between Playboy magazines and health books he had the idea down. But the realness of Buffy surpassed anything he had ever seen. Or had ever fantasized about. Unable to resist he sat up so that he could run his fingers across their taut flesh. He stopped briefly to feel the pink nubs that begged to be touched. To roll one between two fingers tips watching in fascination as it hardened even more.

Buffy made another soft sound in the back of her throat as he continued to touch her. He moved his hand down to her waist pulling her toward him. But she stopped him again. Her hands reached for the hem of his shirt pulling it up. He cooperated with her by putting his hands up so that she could get it over his head.

As his shirt fell to the floor their gazes met. Then moving together without thought their mouths fused together again. Tongues rapidly played as they flowed together. Flesh to flesh. A mutual sound of pleasure came from them as they felt the other against them. Spike’s hands moved around to caress her bare back. The heat increased between them as he kneaded at her back. Her hands buried in his hair.

Spike altered their position by turning to lay her on her back again. This time he moved over her coming to rest on top of her. Her legs opened to welcome him between them. As he settled against her his hips rocked to rub his cock against her. Even through their clothes he shuddered from the sensation of their sexes being together.

He had to move to gain air into his lungs. Forcing himself he broke contact with her lips staring down into her desire filled eyes feeling even more of his boyhood slip away. Her face was flushed while her breath came in rapid pants as she stared up at him. But he was filled with a longing to taste more. To feel more. His lips moved along her jaw line as she turned her head to give him more access. A sigh flowed from her as his tongue outlined her ear. Then he nipped at the ear lobe before bringing it into his mouth to suck on it.

As he felt her arch against him he grounded his hips down against her again.

"Oh, God, Spike, mmmmm…" She whispered in his ear urging him to continue his exploration.

He nuzzled her neck. Then nipped at it. Then sucked where he had nipped. Her hands fluttered against his shoulders as her head began to move against the pillow. Spike shifted downward coming to stop at her breasts. At first he rubbed his head against them just so he could feel the satiny smoothness against him. He swallowed quickly before he brought one of her nipples into his mouth while his hand came to caress the other.

As he sucked at her hardened pebble her fingernails started to dig into his back. Spike couldn’t help but smile at the thought that he was pleasing her. That she was feeling as good as he was at the moment. But he wanted more for her. As he began to travel down her stomach he used everything that he could to gain more sensations for them. His hands. His tongue. His lips. Her body soft and quivering beneath him.

As he reached the waistband of her shorts he pulled back on his knees between her legs. Her hands continued to reach for him as he moved from her. As he undid her shorts he held eye contact with her watching the emotions drift through them. There was so much warmth there to drown in. His hands began to tug at her shorts and panties to bring them down. Her hips came up so that he could pull them down. In order to get them off he scooted back to the end of the bed. Once they were dropped on the floor he ventured to look up at her naked form. Her legs were still spread on either side of him. His eyes slowly moved over her body taking in all of her beauty. The legs long and tanned. The soft curls that rested between. The firmness of her belly and the soft mounds of her breasts. His tongue ran over his lips as he moved to meet her eyes. He smiled at her to try to reassure her that he was still here with her.

Crouching down he laid a kiss on the inside of her calf. Then he moved slowly upwards planting kiss after kiss on the smoothness of her skin. He knew what his goal was as he moved up her thigh. It was what lay just beyond the spot he was ministering to. Anticipation shot through him at the thought of having her open before him. Spread out for him. But as he moved the rest of the way up her thigh he found her hands laced over her silken quim.

His hands came to rest just under her legs next to her bottom. Her feet rested against his sides as he contemplated his next move.

"Come on, Buffy. Move your hands." He asked as he began to kiss her hands running his tongue between the fingers that he could. The tiny amount of moisture he could taste making his hunger for her grow.

"It’s embarrassing." She whispered softly to him. It was apparent that in her limited experience that Riley had never taken care of her.

Spike reached under her to come up over her hip. His hand grasped her wrist in his to bring it to rest on the bed. Then with his other hand he repeated the gesture. So that she was open to him the way he wanted. If she had really protested he would have backed off but even she had admitted that it was embarrassment not the fact that she didn’t want it.

But once he had what he wanted he realized he had no clue what to do. He knew from sexual education class that the clitoris was what would give her pleasure. If he could find it. The diagrams just didn’t quite do justice to the exquisiteness before him.

Praying to an angel for help he moved forward to run his tongue along the outside of her lips. Buffy trembled against him making him repeat the motion but this time he separated the lips to delve deep into her heat. As he reached the top he found what he had been looking for. A slow stroke of his tongue against it caused Buffy to groan in response. A soft suck pushed her hips off the bed closer to his mouth. He began to explore her with his mouth retaining what movements caused what response. Then as her pleasure began to build he began to repeat the motions in synchronized sweeps.

He let go of one of her hands to so that his own hand could add to the movements of his mouth. As his fingers began to penetrate her the hand he had freed came to clutch at his hair. Neither realized it until later that their hands that were still clutched together had moved to entwine together.

"Please, Spike, I can’t….take it…anymore." She pleaded with him to bring her satisfaction. His fingers began to thrust rapidly and deeply into her as his mouth licked and sucked at her. A soft squeal followed by her collapsing against the bed let him know that he had given her what she needed. A deep feeling of pride swept through him as he raised himself up. As he moved over her he quickly wiped his mouth on his hand before coming to rest on her.

Buffy slowly opened her eyes to look up at him. Her hands came to lie on his sides as he bent to kiss her. A barely there touching of lips as he waited for her to come down from where she was. It was unconceivable to him that he was able…allowed…to give her this. He was filled with feelings and desires that were new to him, as he wanted to take the next step.

Her hands flowed over the smoothness of his back to rest in his hair again. She pulled him down to him meeting his lips in a blinding kiss of newly born passion. They had both broken barriers to their innocence. He met her with as much or even more need as their tongues glided together. As he once again became lost in the furnace of her kiss her hands moved down his sides to his waist. She tried to push him up so she could move her hands between them. When he realized that she was trying to remove his pants he pulled away from her coming to rest on his knees. His hands came to undo the button on them when a moment of modesty hit him. No one had ever seen him without clothes before except his mum. And that had been almost fifteen years ago. He gave a quick glance at Buffy because he now understood where she had been just a few moments ago.

As he glanced away trying to build courage to undo them he saw her move toward him. Her hands came to rest over his shooing them away. Their eyes met as she undid his pants. In that moment Spike came to realize that no matter what happened it would be okay. There was nothing dirty or shameful in what they were doing. Fate had intervened in their lives giving them this chance. It was a chance to be with someone who really wanted to be with them. This moment was theirs. Even if he didn’t do everything right it would be all right. He was safe with Buffy. And this only made him start to fall in love with her.

"Sit." She growled to him as she pulled his pants down over his hips. He sat then helped her to pull them off of his legs. As he sat there exposed he looked away from her. He gasped as he felt her small hand encircle him. His eyes closed as she explored him. Gentle fingertips ran over the underside of him then cupped his balls. He jerked in bliss as she touched him. Knowing he wouldn’t last like this he pulled her hand away from him.

They both scooted back up the bed to give them room. As he came to his hands and knees to crawl up the bed she spread her legs for him. Her arms were outstretched to take him in. "This was more than any man could ask for." he thought as he once again settled on her.

His hand reached between them to try to get him into her. As he fumbled against her once again his hands were pushed aside. Her hands grasped him and guided him to her core. She held him until his tip penetrated into her warmth. Then her hands slid around his hips moving slowly up to his rib cage. Spike balanced himself on his hands as he began to bury himself in her. He slowly moved into the wet hot sheath. Buffy began to tremble below him as he slid all the way in.

She brought her sweat slicked legs up over his hips to encircle his waist. Her feet rested against his buttocks bringing her hips up allowing him to slide even further into her. As he did he felt it begin to happen to him. The tension coiled in his lower belly. His sac began to pull up into him as his body prepared to cum.

He threw his head back as his face scrunched up.

"No, God, please no. Don’t let this happen to me." He mentally berated himself as he tried to relax.

"Say the alphabet."

Spike’s eyes flew open as Buffy spoke to him. In a way he had almost forgotten she was there.

"My friend, Xander says that saying the alphabet can distract you enough to make it go away."

His mind tried to focus on what she was saying as his body was being overrun by feelings.

"A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H…" She softly sang to him. He didn’t know when he started to sing with her. But he did sing along till the end of the song. They both laughed as they finished up the notes. With amazement he realized it had worked. His body had relaxed enough that he didn’t feel the oncoming orgasm.

He moved forward to kiss her quickly on the lips before starting to move his hips. At first he moved slowly and deliberately wanting to feel all of her against him. But when she pulled him down on top of her as she whispered of her desire he began to thrust deeper and harder. Finally he became lost to the rhythm of their bodies moving together. Buffy moving upwards toward him as he pounded down into her. His face buried against her neck as she clasped him tightly to her.

Then he couldn’t hold it anymore. There was no chance to stop it this time as he came deep in her heat.

"Auuuuuuuuugh." He exclaimed as his climax caused his body to spasm. As the world came into focus again he realized that Buffy was still quivering below him. The knowledge that he hadn’t brought her satisfaction sliced through him.

"I’m sorry, Baby. I’m sorry." He whispered in her ear as he cradled her against him. Her eyes were closed as he looked down at her. Feeling like a heel he moved his hand down between them to touch her so that he could finish it for her. She grabbed his hand to stop him before he could touch her though.

"Don’t. It’s…I’m sensitive. It’s okay." She brought his hand up to rest on the bed with hers.

"No, it’s not okay. I wanted you with me."

She opened her eyes to look up at him while a smile danced across her face.

"It’s okay. I never had one before tonight so I’m just happy I got one at all."

They smiled in understanding at each other. Tonight they had been taken places they had never been before. And they were both grateful for it.

With regret Spike began to feel himself slip from her. If he could he would stay joined with her forever. When the connection was broken he moved to lie on his back beside her. He began to take deep slow breaths to try and have everything make sense again when he felt her move beside him.

She had gone to sit on the edge of the bed. Her hands were feeling around for her clothes.

"Where you going?’

Buffy froze after she pulled her shirt into her hands.

"I just thought it was over and you’d want to get a move on again."

Spike had never hated anyone as much as Riley before that moment. The bastard had been abusive to her in more than one way. Apparently he had just used her to get himself off never taking the time to see to her needs. Then once he was satisfied he had rolled off of her leaving her alone and frustrated.

He reached a hand over to take the shirt away from her to drop it on the floor again. His hand ran down her back in a loving gesture.

"Come here. I’m not done with you yet." He coaxed her back into the bed with him. As he lay on his back again she came to curl into him. Her arm and leg both draped over him. With a satisfied sigh she settled next to him. His arm moved to pull her closer as he brought the sheet over them.
The last coherent thought he had before he drifted to sleep was how right this felt.
Chevy Van Main Page
Chapter 5