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'Ripped and Recast' Death-Busters
Episode 4 "Ripped and Recast"
Series concept and Story by J.Ernst
Certain original characters by Naoko Takeuchi

Chapter One

Two days later,the Death-Buster girls were relaxing in a hot tub. "Mmm....this is soooo relaxing." Virulet said.
They looked up as Hotaru Tomoe walked into the room,a bit self-conciously. "Hi....I didn't know the hot tub was occupied."
"It's ok,there's room for more." Mimet smiled.
Hotaru sighed softly. "Okay..." She walked into the locker area,and came back a few minutes later.She was wearing a black swimsuit,and there were assorted cybernetics on her legs,one foot,her arms,one hand and a on her upper chest area.Telulu,Virulet and Mimet blinked,a bit surprised.
Eugeal extended her hand to Hotaru,helping her into the hot tub. "Okay....easy...there you go."
Hotaru leaned back,resting her head on the rim of the hot tub. "Thanks."
Telulu asked "Hotaru...what happened?"
"I guess you were wondering...." Hotaru said. "'s the story...."

Sylia Germatoid was walking home from high school.She was humming happily,and opened the door to the Germatoid house.She had not gotten far into the house,when she heard someone sobbing softly.She went into the family room.Joel Germatoid was there,crying into his hands. "Brother....what's wrong?"
Joel looked up. "Father....father's dead."
Sylia gasped. "What happened?"
"My android....Cyprine..." Joel sobbed. "I sent her to deliver a package to father...he was talking to a giant monitor....these three guys...called Wiseman's Commitee...they were angry with him...he was threatening to expose their illegal activities and military contracts for super weapons to the public...they had their men shoot him right in front of Cyprine...Cyprine killed the guards and came here....and told me..."
Sylia looked over to her side as Cyprine entered the room. "It's true... I'm sorry....I wasn't able to stop them in time."
Sylia said "We have to get them...and take vengance for our father!"
Joel stood. "No!!That's insane!!We could get killed too!Sister....I'm hurting,too...but this is not the right way."
Sylia sobbed. "I'll do it alone,if I have to."
Joel shook his head. "I'll go with you...but I still don't like this."
Sylia nodded. "Cyprine,get father's guns." Cyprine nodded,and came back in a minute with three handguns.
They had gone in to DTS calmly,and when the guards began asking questions,Sylia said "The hell with this!" and kicked one in the face.She then did a backflip kick to another.By this point,the other guards had began pulling out their guns.Sylia whirled and shot one dead.Cyprine opened fire as Sylia and Joel raced to the elevator.Once Cyprine had joined them,and they were going up,Sylia asked "Joel,why didn't you shoot anyone?"
"I...I never killed anyone before." Joel said softly.
Sylia said "Joel,they killed our father...."
Joel nodded,examining the gun in his hand.
They were let out on the top floor,in one big room.There was a giant monitor. "Oh,no...." Cyprine said. "This is where your father was killed..."
The monitor lit up.There were three men on it,in chairs.The shadows hid their features totally,but Joel,Sylia and Cyrprine could tell there were people in those chairs. "Impressive..." the one on the left said. "We didn't think you two kids would make it up here unscathed."
"The android,we did expect." the one on the right added.
"Who are you?" Sylia demanded.
"We are the Wiseman's Commitee." the one in the middle said.

Chapter Two

"We control DTS." the Wiseman on the left said.
"We are the ones controlling everything." The Wiseman on the right said.
The middle Wiseman spoke next. "So...Joel and Sylia Germatoid.... you two have come here with an android to take revenge?"
"You're damn right,you butchers!!" Sylia yelled.
"You can't do as you please in this town." Cyprine stated.
"On the contrary..." Left Wiseman said. "...We can do what we wish. That's why Brian Germatoid had to die."
Joel had fallen to his knees,sobbing. "You bastards..."
"Come out and fight me!!!" Sylia screamed.
"You two are such amusing children." Right Wiseman said. "The two of you are only 16,and you're already prpepared to kill and be killed.Perhaps you should join our military service.We have many countries to take over."
Sylia began to feel hopeless,and fell to her knees,crying. "Why....?"
Middle Wiseman spoke. "We are DTS...Death,Theft and Sacrifice.We cause Death,and we commit Theft,and we will Sacrifice anyone to get what we want.We have spent years amassing wealth and power,to get what we want,and we will not let two teenagers spoil our grand designs now."
Joel rose slowly. "You're so full of shit.If you were really so rightous'd use that power to help others who aren't so fortunate."
Right Wiseman said "I admire your spirit,but you can't be allowed to interfere.Guards...."
At that point four roboguards and a platoon of human guards entered the room.
"Dispose of them all." The Middle Wiseman said.The monitor turned off.

The human guards grabbed Joel. "Hey!!"
Cyrpine and Sylia took aim and shot some of the gurads.Joel drove his elbow into one guard's stomach.He got away from them as Cyprine and Sylia shot them all dead.But then,the four roboguards grabbed Sylia,with deadly blades emerging from their fingers. "Joel!!!AGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!"
"SYLIA!!!!!!!!" Joel fired at the roboguards,but the bullets bounced off,and one hit Joel in the shoulder. "Gaaaggghhhh!!!!!"
Cyprine ran to a human guard's corpse,and found a laser blaster.She tossed it to Joel. "Use this!!!"
Joel hesitated in a panic. "But....I can't..."
Cyprine began to cry. "I'm scared that I might shoot your sister on accident!"
Joel hesitated a second more,then took aim and began shooting the roboguards.They finally dropped Sylia's body to the floor,but Joel kept shooting. The last robogurad fell,and Joel had kept shooting still,making holes in the wall. Cyprine walked over and gently pried the gun out of Joel's hand. "Joel..."
They ran to Sylia.
Sylia's body was cut all over,her right foot was missing,her left hand had a big chunk and two fingers missing. "Shit!!!No!!!NOOOO!!!!!"
Cyprine said "Only cybernetics and cyborg implants can save her...."
Joel picked Sylia up in his arms. "Get the door."
Cyprine kicked the door down,and they took the elevator down.Once in the parking lot,She pulled out a cellphone,and dialed a number.She passed the phone to Joel and said "Ryoko Kirokawa."
On the phone,Ryoko answered "Hello?"
Joel said "Ryoko...this is Joel Germatoid,my father was looking into your boyfriend's death...concerning DTS involvement...I need your help,DTS just killed my dad and my sister needs cybernetic implants if she's gonna live!"
Ryoko gave an address,and said "Hurry over here!"

Chapter Three

Sylia awoke hours later.She looked around,she was in a hospital bed, and she now had cybernetic implants. "Ohh..."

Joel walked into the room then.He was wearing a white labcoat,with a blue and white shirt,a blue tie,and black pants. "You're awake I see.How do you feel?"
"Joel..." Sylia asked weakly. "Why are you dressed like that...?"
"I'm not Joel anymore..." Joel said. "Cyprine,a friend and I had to give you cybernetic implants in order to save you.I used part of our father's large fortune to get our names secretly changed.My name is now Souichi Tomoe....and you are Hotaru Tomoe.DTS will be informed that we died in a fatal car accident. They'll have no idea that Joel and Sylia Germatoid are really Souichi and Hotaru Tomoe.I'm going to make DTS pay for this...I swear."
Sylia/Hotaru asked "What do we do now,brother?"
Joel/Souichi said "I talked to a friend that mom knew at Infininity Academy,he worked there for mom before she passed away from her illness.He's going to let me teach classes there.I'm now working there as a professor.Ryoko had an idea...she has a grudge with DTS as well......her boyfriend....was killed mysteriously,and she got some good hints that DTS was involved,but nothing solid. We're putting together a team,to collect evidence and destory DTS forever.I'm even giving Cyprine an upgrade,she'll be able to temporarily create a clone double of herself from time to time."
Hotaru asked "Who are we,to get so much hurt done to us?"
Tomoe thought about that for a long moment. "We're a group of indiviuals who turn death into a fighting chance to live.We're everyone and we're no one. We're the Death-Busters."

Mimet nodded. "That's what happened?"
Hotaru sighed. "Yeah....That was last year....I'm still not used to my cybernetics yet...and Souichi won't let me go on the missions,plus,I don't think I'd be any good at fighting untill I'm more familiar with my new self."
Telulu said thoughtfully "I wonder who those Wisemen were...Are they the founders,or did they take the DTS company over from someone else?"
"I dunno..." Hotaru admitted. "But they certainly creeped me out."
Virulet mused "Well,if there's no computer record of them on file,are they keeping files on paper?"
Hotaru replied "Well,although it sounds troublesome to do,I think that's what they're doing.That way,no one can hack into their files,and they did seem to be the careful type...but we won't know unless we get in their building again and look around."
"There's a problem with that,though." Telulu said. "You,Cyprine and Doctor Tomoe can't go in there,the Wisemen would definately recognize you,they probably have cameras all ove the place now.That would mean that only me,Mimet, Eugeal and Virulet would be able to do it."
Hotaru nodded. "'re right.You sure are smart and sexy."
When Telulu blinked,Hotaru giggled. "Sorry,I guess my brother didn't tell you....I like girls."
Telulu gave a friendly smile. "Don't worry,I won't tell anyone."
Eugeal stood up in the hot tub. "So,who wants to pay DTS a call?"
Telulu,Mimet and Virulet nodded. "We're in."
Hotaru blushed. " got a nice pair too,Eugeal."
Eugeal began to sweat nervously.
"Sorry,I'm such a flirt." Hotaru blushed.
"Don't worry." Mimet said. "We'll figure something out.Let's go see Doctor Tomoe about this mission."

To be continued....

Episode 3