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'Sattelite chaos!Tomoe heats up the action!' Death-Busters
Episode 3 "Sattelite chaos!Tomoe heats up the action!"
Series concept and Story by J.Ernst
Certain original characters by Naoko Takeuchi

Chapter One

Doctor Tomoe walked into the labs. "What do we got?"
Virulet looked up from her computer. "Apparently that info about a disk being in the harbor tonight,is part of the newest plan by DTS.They need the disk to make thier sattelite weapon work.The one we got was a prototype,but they have a full version disk coming in tonight."
"So,what's the plan?" Eugeal asked.
Tomoe said "We must get that disk.I have a feeling that this is our first major battle."
"Wicked cool!" Mimet grinned.
"And as such,I will be there with you." Tomoe said. Silence filled the room.
Telulu finally said "Doctor...we're all behind you."
"Thanks." Tomoe said softly.He left the room.
"The doctor takes this seriously,doesn't he?" Mimet ventured.
"Well...." Telulu asked "If some money grubbing corporation killed your father and literally ripped your sister to shreds,wouldn't you?"
"Yeah..." Mimet said.
Telulu asked "How did Hotaru survive that,anyways?"
Eugeal stated "He had to patch her together with cyborg implants and other techno-stuff.He actually recruited me to help out with the boyfriend worked briefly for DTS,untill they killed him.Tomoe looked me up and called me awhile later."
Virulet asked "Sooooo....Mimet,how did you get here?"
Mimet said "Well,the doc needed someone to even out the team....I'm quite beautiful,but not all of us can be big-breasted amazons like Eugeal and Telulu here."
Telulu shrugged "I can't help it,I just bloomed that way."
All the girls laughed.

That night,while Kaorinight briefed the girls on their weaponry for the mission,Doctor Tomoe talked to Hotaru. "I'm going on the mission.It's far,far too important for me to sit this one out."
"Brother....are you sure...if DTS gets their hands on you..." Hotaru said.
"I know...." Tomoe said. "But so far,they don't even know that Sylia and Joel Germatoid are now known as Hotaru and Doctor Souichi Tomoe.This is something I must do,Sylia....and Kaorinight and Cyprine and Petirol will be here,just in case."
Hotaru nodded. "I know...I'm just worried."
Doctor Tomoe nodded. "I will avenge our father....Then,after the three members of DTS's Wisemen's Commitee fall,we'll be safe.We can have a normal life."
Hotaru smiled a little. "A normal life?I'm almost a total cyborg and you're having sex with an android that can split into two separate beings."
Tomoe smiled. "Ok,so it's not the perfect upbringing we had hoped for....but one day,we'll be free of these DTS bastards."
In an hour,the Death-Busters were in a van,by the harbor.The girls were watching the DTS men step off the boat. "Ok,I see them." Eugeal said into her wrist-comm.
In the van,Doctor Tomoe listened from his wrist-comm. "How many?"
"About 5 of them." Eugeal said. "Wait....Three just came out of the building next to the harbor.Some kind of deal.There's a second disk as well."
Tomoe puzzled that. "Virulet,check the background of that building."
"Yes,doctor." Virulet said.
A few minutes passed.Suddenly gunshots split the night. "What the hell?!?!?" Tomoe asked.
Eugeal ran out of the bushes,yelling "They killed the boatmen and took the disks!" She fired a handgun at the three running men.
"Damn!" Tomoe hit the armrest of his seat. "Just like DTS to sacrifice their own men."
Virulet said "Doctor,the building's records show that it's owned by DTS.They must have the sattelite in there."
"I'm going in." Tomoe said,getting out of the van.
"No!Doctor!!Wait!!" Virulet yelled. "It's too dangerous!"

chapter Two

The DTS men were waiting,and they had roboguards with them. "Kill them!" one of the men said.
Doctor Tomoe and Eugeal,who were the first ones there,dived for cover. "Damn...." Tomoe said.
Eugeal said "Taking this personal?"
"You could say that..." Tomoe pulled out a laser blaster.
Eugeal's eyes gleamed. "Good.So am I." She stood and fired her handgun,blasting one of the human DTS men through a stack of wooden crates.
As Eugeal ran forward for more room,Tomoe stood,his blaster firing,putting holes in one of the roboguard's chest.
One of the two remaining DTS men went to the sattelite,which was sitting on a small platofrm,and pressed a button.Two round balls on the sattelite opened up.The DTS man slipped a disk in each ball,and pressed the button again,the balls closed. "In five minutes,we can launch!"
Virulet entered the building then,she fired her wrist Nano-module at him,and he dissolved into dust. "Thanks for the info."
A roboguard punched Virulet,knocking her over.
Just then,Tomoe saw a stairway nearby.Telulu had just run into the building then. "Telulu,get those pieces of rust away from Virulet!" He ran up the stairs.
Telulu smiled. "I live to serve."She thrust her hands out,and robotic plant vines sprang out of the black stars she wore on her hands.They fastened themselves onto the arms and legs of the last two roboguards and ripped them in half. "I guess I have that way with everyone."
The last DTS man was yelling at Tomoe "You really think you can stop DTS?!?Give it up,kid!!"
Tomoe had gotten to a higher floor,and looked at the sattelite,firing his blaster at the balls that held the disks. "Damn!" The balls were unscratched.
The DTS man laughed. "Hahaha!!You'll never win!That sattelite is totally blasterproof!"
Tomoe activated his lens scanner,the neon blue star design appeared on his right glasses lens. "It's not shatterproof." Tomoe rolled up his sleeves,revealing metallic arm bracers and gloves.
"Wha....?" the DTS man said,not believing what Tomoe was gonna try to do.
Tomoe jumped from the landing. "I'm gonna bust those balls!"
The DTS guy raised his gun to fire,but Mimet dropped down from the ceiling,and tackled him. "That makes two of us!" Mimet punched the guy in the groin.
Tomoe's metallic gloves hit the sattelite balls,shattering them.He then plucked out the disks,and pocketed them.
The DTS guy was staggering away from Mimet,shaking. "You rotten girls....!I'll get you!!"
"Oh yeah?" Mimet asked. "I got your gun." Mimet waved it around.
"I carry a spare." the guy snarled,drawing another one.
"So do I." Eugeal said,shooting him from behind,a gun in each hand.
Telulu helped Virulet up. "You okay?"
"Yeah...thanks." Virulet said. "Now what?"
Tomoe scanned the sattelite. "Countdown was halted due to damage, and it is blasterproof...hmmm....Eugeal,get your FireBuster.Torch the building.We'll bring it down on the sattelite."
Within minutes,the building was ablaze,and caving in.As they drove off,Eugeal said " sure know how to show some girls a good time...I love a cookout."
They laughed,as the building exploded in the distance.

chapter Three

Doctor Tomoe found Hotaru in bed,asleep. "Sylia..."
Hotaru sat up a little,her arms made soft clicking noises. "Joel..."
"We got the disks." Tomoe smiled.
Hotaru hugged him. "Oh,brother!" After a moment,Hotaru asked "What happens now?"
"Eugeal and Virulet are looking over the data." Doctor Tomoe said. "But...irregardless....we won a victory today.Sleep...I'll see you in the morning. Good night."

Mimet was combing her hair in the mirror.She and Telulu had just gotten out of the hot tub,their muscles were tense after the fight. "That was a bit frantic.I didn't think the doc would actually get in on the fight."
"Me neither." Telulu said.She asked "You got an extra shirt?"
Mimet tossed her one. "Good luck."
Telulu shot her a look,and turned her back.The shirt was very small,so Telulu did have a kinda rough time getting the shirt down over her impressively big breasts,but she managed. "I gotta remember to bring more shirts here.I feel like I'm gonna bust this shirt."
"Um,you kinda did..." Mimet blushed.
Telulu looked down,a small rip was going down the middle. "Fuck! Every guy who seems me like this will wanna jump me in the parking lot."She then grabbed her green trenchcoat,put it on,and buttoned it up. "There.I gotta get home, my plants need to be watered."
Mimet said "Ok,see ya."
Telulu paused. "Oh,Mimet....sorry about your shirt."She ran out the door laughing.
"GGGGGGGrrrrr............" Mimet growled.Then after a moment,she giggled. "Well,it was kinda funny."
Doctor Tomoe walked into his bedroom.He found Cyprine and Petirol waiting for him,both of them were wearing some kind of black nightgowns. "Hey, girls."
Cyprine helped Tomoe out of his labcoat,while Petirol undid his tie. "Rough night at the office?" Petirol asked.
Tomoe nodded. "I had to bust some balls."
Cyprine said "That musta hurt."
Tomoe sighed. "It hurt them."
"Them?" Cyprine and Petirol asked.
"Mimet punched a guy in the balls." Doctor Tomoe clarified. "I had to bust the balls of a sattelite."
"So now you bust the balls of perfectly inatimate objects..." Petirol kissed Tomoe's neck.
"You're so rightous..." Cyprine kissed Tomoe's cheek.
"Sorta..." Doctor Tomoe said.He walked over to his bed,and laid down. "For what they did to my father and sister....I'll do whatever it takes."
Cyprine and Petirol shared a glance,and went to him,Cyprine curled up on Tomoe's right side,Petirol on his left. "Don't feel too're doing what you feel is right,doctor." Petirol said,kissing his neck again.
"That greedy corporation belongs destroyed." Cyprine ran a hand through Tomoe's blond hair. "Don't quit yet..."
"I know...I just wish I didn't have to drag others into my own private grudge." Doctor Tomoe sighed sadly.
Cyprine and Petirol merged into one again,Cyprine slid herself on top of Tomoe. "You can always count on me."
"I know...." Tomoe said. "But,all my chances for a normal life are gone....what will you do,years from now when the rest of us Death-Busters have grown old and died?"
"I never gave it much thought..." Cyprine admitted. "I just want to enjoy the life I have now."
Tomoe nodded. "Me too."
Cyprine sat up,sliding the nightgown off over her head. "Have you ever regretted the fact that I'm an android?"
"You mean,the fact that you can't have kids?" Tomoe asked. "No.I can accept you for who you are.I don't want you to be different."
Cyprine laid back down on him. "Oh,doctor..." They kissed softly,one kiss turning into many.
"Just don't break too many more glasses." Tomoe said between kisses.
Cyprine grinned,getting into the mood more. "Oh,you mad scientist! Take me..."
It was just about three hours later,that Tomoe went into the kitchen to raid the fridge.He stared at the fridge for a moment,and he suddenly said aloud "Personal log 43....I have been noticing lately that sex seems to make me hungry afterwards...I shall have to study this more....Now,where the hell did I put that damn tuna sandwich I made earlier...?"

To be continued....

Episode 2
Episode 4