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Chapter Seven

Once again, Leila’s thoughts remained with Justin. She thought about him all the time-- there was nothing she wanted more than to help him. Not only was he tortured physically, but he now had a tortured soul. Nothing was accomplished in her personal life over the weekend. All she could think about was their Tuesday meeting. However, their meeting time came and went, and Justin didn’t show up. This worried her immensely. Where can he be? Have I pushed too far? She tried to force it out of her mind to deal with her other clients. The days passed and Friday was finally upon her. She hoped that he would show up, but once again he did not and there was no word from him. After she finished with her afternoon clients, she sat almost in a daze staring at his file. No matter how many time she read her notes and his own information sheet, she kept coming back to that picture. He looked slightly frightened and child-like. It was something in the eyes that kept drawing her in. She had never seen eyes filled with such pain. Almost unconsciously, she placed the file in her bag to take home. Am I obsessing over him? He’s just another client, right? But she knew deep down that he wasn’t.

As she left the office, she headed in the opposite direction of her home. She had decided that she needed to check on him. Maybe something has happened. Maybe he needs help. I have to at least check. She pulled up in front of his building and scolded herself silently. This was not the right thing to do. She knew she had gotten too close, but somehow trying to stop it seemed delusive.

Riding the elevator up the five floors seemed to take forever. She pondered to herself that he may very well be mad that she had invaded his personal privacy and come here. That was a risk she would have to take. She looked carefully at the worn door numbers and finally arrived at 5C. Her knock was light and hesitant, leaving her wondering if he had even heard it should he be in there. When she was about to turn and leave, the door creaked open and he cautiously peered out. The expression on his face didn’t give Leila any clues as to how he felt seeing her there. Without saying a word, he opened the door completely and motioned for her to enter. She looked around and couldn’t keep herself from grinning. Almost every wall had been painted. Some of them were in bright colors, but most were dark and moody. He had also added some other furniture and things to make it more home-like. This was nothing like the apartment he described their first meeting.

“What are you doing here?”

His question erased the smile from her face. “I was worried.”

Worried. He couldn’t help but laugh to himself. Why do they always worry about me? “I’m fine.”

“Then why have you missed our appointments?”

“I’ve decided that I no longer need therapy. I’m cured. I’m perfectly fine now. I go out practically ever night and have fun, meet new people. I don’t need to sit in your office and cry about the past.”

“I thought I was helping you.”

“You did, I’m healed. Now you don’t have to worry.”

“I think there is still much we need to talk about.”

“Then let’s talk here. We can be friends. Want a beer?” He headed for the fridge and grabbed two cold drinks.

She wondered to herself how many he had had before she got there. “I can’t be your friend, Justin. I’m your therapist. I shouldn’t even be here now, but I was worried.”

“Look, like I said, I’m done with that. I’m not going to pay you absurd amounts of money to sit around and talk about things that don’t matter.”

“It’s not about the money, Justin.” She continued to stand nervously near the door. This was awkward.

“Then what is it about, Leila. You tell me.”

“I want to help you.”

He set the drinks down and walked over to her. He grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers. “You still can.” He moved in closer but was stopped as Leila pushed him back with her other hand.

“This isn’t what I came here for. I can’t be your friend.”

Justin’s attitude turned defensive as he turned around and began guzzling one of the beers. “Oh, is it against the rules? Can’t be friends with the crazy people.” He began to laugh almost hysterically, but Leila did not find it humorous.

“You’re my client and there are boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed.”

Justin seemed to be ignoring her as he stared out the window. She turned and let herself out, regretting the visit. He continued to watch her intently out the window as she walked to her car. It’s not over.

Chapter Eight
Take Me Home!