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Chapter One

The moon was high in the sky, shining like a bright beacon over the restless city. The wind played delicately with her long, auburn hair as she walked down the quiet street. When she rounded the corner, the sight of him made her smile. Strands of his tousled, dark hair fell in his face. Occasionally, he would run a hand through the mess, pulling it back. He wore a small pair of reading glasses, taking them off once or twice to rub his tired eyes. His clothes were casual and very typically. . . him. His attention was so focused on the writings before him that he didn’t even notice her presence as she walked into the coffee shop.

“I swear you’re a workaholic, Chasez.”

A smile crept across his face before he even looked up. “I was just trying to keep myself busy until you got here. Took you long enough.” He set his notebook aside and got up from his seat. His arms wrapped around her, picking her slightly off the ground, and spinning.

“I figured since you hadn’t called me in a week, I could make you wait a little.”

“You know how busy it is on the road. And now we’re home, so I called.”

“You’ve been home for two days. Remember, I have an inside source.” She winked and tossed a sugar packet in his direction.

“And that inside source is precisely why I waited two days to call.”

She nodded and smiled. “It’s all good. I’m glad you called. You know I’d never pass up one of our 3am chats over coffee.”

“You’re the only other person I know that hits their peak in the early morning hours. I’m glad we’re finally getting a break. Just the hometown concert and then this tour is wrapped. You’re coming tomorrow, right?”

“Ehh, I need to work.”

“You don’t need to do anything but have some fun. I could probably even get you a pretty good ticket.” He raised one eyebrow and grinned at her

“Yes, I’ll come. Only because you’re my friend. And I know you’ll pester me until I give in anyways.”

A smile spread back across his face. They continued chatting for quite some time after that. The first whispers of sunlight began to peak into the night sky, and they knew it was time to go home. He paid for their drinks and opened the door for her as they walked out onto the sidewalk, his gentlemanly side always prevalent.

“Where are you parked?”

“You know me better than that. I always walk to meet you here. It’s only a few blocks.”

“I wish you wouldn’t. I worry about you walking out here alone.”

“I appreciate it. But it’s not going to stop me. I’ll talk to you later.” She turned and began walking in the other direction.

“Let me give you a ride. My car is right around the corner.”

She continued walking down the street, only waving one hand to let him know she at least heard him.

“Stubborn,” he mumbled.

A slight shiver racked her body as she unlocked the door to her apartment. It was unusually cold that morning. She yawned and stretched out one arm, casually kicking off her shoes. As she slowly made her way to the bedroom, she peeled off the layers of clothing down to just her underwear. She grabbed a tank top from the dresser and pulled it on, climbing into the warm bed. Her eyes wandered to the clock on the nightstand. 6:10. She pulled the covers up around her and smiled at the warmth next to her.

“Mmm, baby, you’re cold,” a voice mumbled. He wrapped his arm around her and gently ran his fingers through her hair. “You were gone forever.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“MmmHmm.” He was already drifting back to sleep. “I love you, Abbey.”

She snuggled closer to his body, bathing in the heat it gave off. “I love you, too, Justin.”

Chapter 2: Remnants of Fame
Take Me Home!