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Chapter Fifteen: Remnants of Grief

It had been several days, and nothing had been resolved between JC and Justin. Neither wanted to talk, neither wanted to listen, but they both thought about it constantly. Justin thought about just walking out once again without a single word being said, but this time, he stopped himself.

“C, you got a minute?”

The question caught him off guard. They hadn’t talked in days, and he predicted they wouldn’t talk for several more. He looked up, wide eyed and nodding. Justin sat in the chair across from him, smoothing the hair on his arm.

“Just listen so I can get all this out. You did me wrong. And I’m not over that at all. I’m still upset, but we can’t keep avoiding each other forever. First of all, we’re in this group. The album is gonna drop in a month, we’re doing the TV special in two weeks, and countless appearances after that. I want us to try and get back to the way we were with each other.” He took off his hat, rumpled his hair, and then replaced it on his head. “I know things will never be like they were. And this situation is a lose-lose situation for me. If she wants to be with you, it’ll break my heart. Cause I love her, I truly do. And if she chooses me, I know you’ll feel the same way. And I’ll hurt for you. But I will fight for her, no matter what.”

“I’m sorry that someone has to be hurt in this situation. I wish we could all be happy, but things don’t work out like that. I miss being able to come to you and talk. I want that back. I want us to be close again.”

They both stood up, coming together for a hug before walking out to their cars.


Stephanie stood near the door, camcorder in hand as she watched the guys. They all made jokes, laughing at Lance in the booth. She turned the camera around as she spoke. “They’re so mean to him,” she laughed.

“I know you’re not bringing a camera in here while we’re working hard.”

“Or hardly working. I can hear y’all laughing all the way outside.”

“We’re working. No cameras,” JC continued.

“You’re such a hard ass. Just ignore me.” She walked over to the couch sitting in the corner and continued taping. Lance was in the sound booth, Chris and Joey lounged on the opposite couch, and Justin and JC sat at the board chatting back and forth.

“Alright, Lance. One more take starting with the second line and then we’ll call it a night. Busy day tomorrow.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Stephanie chimed in. “Abbey called. She’s not coming home tomorrow. She’s coming home Tuesday or Wednesday.”

“When did you talk to her?” Justin asked.


“Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I forgot. I’m telling you now. Big whoop.”

“Did she say why?” JC interrupted.

“Nope. Just said to tell ya she’ll be home next week.”

“Too bad we’ll be in New York,” Chris interjected.

“She’ll be here when they get back,” Stephanie motioned to Justin and JC.


Rehearsals for their concert special were going off without a hitch. Tonight was finally the night and everyone was excited. This was the first time they’d be performing on TV in six months. They were going to be doing five songs off the new album and taping the interview portion that afternoon. It would be shown across the country in only a few weeks, just before the album hit stores. They were all nervous, excited.

Justin picked up his beeping cell phone to check his voicemail as he walked off stage. It was a message from her. Just hearing her voice made him smile. He turned off his phone, walking to meet JC in the dressing room.

“Hey man, I got a message from Abbey.”

“Me too. Saying she’s home and whatnot.”

“Oh, okay, cool. You wanna try and catch a flight home after the taping tonight?”

“Yah, I’ll ask Beth to see if she can get us on a flight or whatever.”

They walked out on stage, smiling and laughing together almost as if everything was back to normal between them. The interview was tedious, but they made it through relatively unscathed. All of their attention focused on the concert they were about to tape. New songs, new choreography, new outfits. A fresh new start for the group.

Their practice paid off, only having to redo one of the songs during the taping. The girls in the theater screamed and cried, like they always did. And somehow it was strangely comforting to the guys.

Everyone went out to celebrate afterwards, only Justin and JC cutting their fun short to head to the airport. Chris and Stephanie had booked a flight to Los Angeles in the morning. Lance had plans to fly home to Mississippi the following afternoon. Joey was staying in New York for a few days to visit with family. One of their personal assistants had chartered a private plane to take Justin and JC, as well as several crew members, home to Orlando late that night.


Abbey stretched her body in the bed, thankful to finally be home. She was out like a light the second her head hit the pillow. Faintly, she heard the phone ringing, but tried to ignore it as she rolled over. Several minutes later, it rang again. She reached over to the nightstand, feeling for the phone without opening her eyes.



“Yes, who’s this?” She pulled the covers back up over her head, curling onto the phone.

“It’s Joey, are you awake?”

“No, I’m sleeping.”

“Something happened. I need you to listen to me.”

“Is Justin or JC there with you? When are you guys coming home?”

“They were flying home tonight. But there was a problem or something,” he cleared his throat, trying to continue. “They never made it.”

Abbey pulled the sheet off her head as she propped herself up on her elbow. “What’d you say?”

“Their plane crashed, Abbey.” She could hear him begin to cry on the other line. Her sleep was fading, but she prayed that she had been hearing things.

“What happened? Where are they?”

“They crashed. Are you hearing me? Something happened with the plane and it went down. The pilot called on the radio saying he would have to do an emergency landing, and they crashed.”

Abbey dropped the phone as she got out of bed. “No, no, no. They’re fine. They’re coming home. I just have to wait.” She slid down against the wall, tears brimming in her eyes, slowly rocking back and forth.

Time passed, and she wasn’t sure exactly how long she’d actually been sitting there. It was light now, that was all she knew. The banging on the door startled her, she stood quickly running to open it. Stephanie stood there, her own eyes filled with grief. She began to cry again as she stared at Abbey.

“They’re gone?” Abbey questioned.

Stephanie could only nod, her face covered in tears. She walked in, hugging Abbey as they slowly slid down to the floor.

Abbey began to sob uncontrollably, her mind racing between a thousand memories. They stayed like that for a long while. The rest of the day was a blur, sunlight slowly fading into darkness outside. There were no more tears now, only silent contemplation. Stephanie stayed the night, but neither slept much at all. The next morning, Abbey woke up early to watch the morning news shows. Each station talked about the accident, giving out the details they knew, perhaps adding in the ones they didn’t. It all seemed like a bad movie, but Abbey continued watching, her eyes all cried out.

When Stephanie walked into the bedroom, Abbey turned the TV off immediately.

“Morning,” she half smiled.

“Hey, what were you watching?”

“Nothing. I think I’m going to go down to the photo lab today and develop some pictures. So whenever you’re dressed or whatever, don’t feel like you have to hang out here with me.”

“I don’t feel like I have to. I want to. You don’t need to be alone right now.”

“That’s exactly what I need. So thanks for being here yesterday and all. But I just want to be alone today.”

Stephanie walked out of the room and returned shortly after holding something in her hand. “I don’t know if you’ll want to watch this any time soon. But when you’re ready, I hope it helps your pain.” She handed the video to Abbey. “It’s just some stuff I shot in the studio and in New York.”

Abbey smiled, pushing back the tears. “Thanks, Steph.”

“And please call me if you need anything. You’re not going through this alone.”

“I know. I’m glad I have you as a friend.”

Stephanie got dressed and gave Abbey a hug as she left. Abbey set the video on the coffee table and went back to watching the news programs emotionlessly.

Chapter 16: Remnants of Laughter
Take Me Home!