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OK. This is Most of my cds. Some I'm too ashamed to mention, or couldn't be bothered writing about them.

Dead Kennedys: Give Me Convienence Or Give Me Death. California Uber Alles, Police Truck, Holiday in Cambodia, this album has some fucking good songs on it.

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Missing Teeth

Another brilliant NZ punk band. Bite fite is one of my favourite songs, and this album is one of my favourite albums.
NOFX: Punk In DrublicI have been wanting a NOFX CD for ages, i finally got one and its good. Punk In Drublic....Drunk In Public..

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The Datsuns

They made it big overseas, then came home, recently taking home 4 tui awards. Not my most treasured possession, but im happy to have it:)
Rancid:...And Out Came The Wolves Apparently its the or one of the best Rancid CDs there is, and I'm not about to disagree its a dman good Cd with some reall cool songs, Olympia W.A., Timb Bomb, And heaps more...

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Sommerset: Fast Cars, Slow Guitars.

They are a New Zealand punk band, seen them play live a twice, and can't wait to see them again.
New Found Glory:New Found Glory Great Pop punk band from some place in america I guess. most of the songs are about being with girls, getting dumped by girls, likeing a girl, and all that stuff. quite depressing if u listen to the lyrics.
Good Charlotte:Good Charlotte Punk pop band. I went and saw their live show in New Zealand, they were really good. Good Charlotte. Good Show. Good CD......something like that
Ramones It's Alive My mom got me this CD coz it was cheap, and she knew I liked them. Its pretty good. It has a whole heap of songs but it don't have I wanna be sedated, thats not the end of the world though :D
Sex Pistols:Never Mind the Bollocks Heres The, It has God Save The Queen, Pretty Vacant, Anarchy in the UK, and lots, well otehr cool songs, released before I was born and yea its pretty kick ass :D
Dropkick Murphys:Live On St Patrick's Day I got this for my birthday. I choose it coz i had heard some of their stuff and reall liked it, and I haven;t regreted my choice:) Really good live band I'm still annoyed I found out about their new show after the fact... I think it was R18 anyways...I Bet it was wicked show.
Blink 182: Take off you pants and JacketThe Most recent offering from blink,got some good songs on it. I have the Pants version. Which I think is the only one avaliable in New Zealand.
Blink 182:Enema of the StateThe First Blink CD I got. Excellent cd a lot of songs are picked on this cd.(you know, picking a guitar string). This probably launched Blinks career, or destroyerd it, depends on how you look at it. First CD on MCA records, a major label. Anyway..Good CD!
Blink 182:Dude Ranch I got my hands on dude ranch for my birthday and it is so damn cool I thoughtI would write about it. It has a lot of my favourites on it, Josie, Dammit, Degenerate, Voyeur, and the rest. I guess u dont normally use this word to describesongs, but I'm gonna:P I would call these tunes bouncy. They are catchy, fast and sweet as.
Blink 182:Cheshire Cat Yes. Its another Blink CD. Last of my blink Collection. If you compare this CD to Take Off You Pants And Jacket, you will see that blink has changed alot. For better or for worse. YOU DECIDE...
Sum 41:All Killer No Filler This Cd was much better then I expected it to be, not as poppy as I first thought, still poppy, but with a little edge of rock seeping in there.
The Hives:Your New Favourite Band Another birthday present, but my mum choose this, knowing I like that sort of stuff its pretty good. It's got that old guitar sound or whatever, I like it.
Green Day:International Superhits I have had this Cd for ages, just haven't got roudn to putting it up, its col, got all the good songs on it, and 2 new ones.

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