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~Radical Edward~

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Reasons Why Ryoko is 

Goddess of You and Everything


1. Ryoko is beautiful and sexy, and your not.

2. Ryoko has powers, swords, energy balls, and you don't

3. Ryoko is a pirate and your not.

4. Ryoko has a space ship/cabbit and you don't.

5. Ryoko can fly and you can't.

6. Ryoko very very very large breasts and you don't.

7. Ryoko's man(Tenchi) is Jurian and has powers to, and your boy/girlfriend doesn't.

8. Ryoko can teleport around and you can't.


If you can think of more reasons why Ryoko is Goddess of You and Everything else please email me the reasons you have at  and I'll add them (unless there very bad) when I update the page again.