:: Entered @ Tugley Woods "Elves of Lothlorien" contest::
My first doll in a long collection of Aldainiel (aka, Aldaina)and other elf dolls.
ADobe Deluxe doll...dear lord, she took forever.
Aldaina...she's ok, I guess. She's part of another doll already...
Lurve her hair!
Ooh, who's the guy? Hmm...LoL
Aww, love is in the air! (No that isn't me ;))
:: Entered at Meko's Miss Elven Middle Earth.
Aldiana is doing some fashion now. I entered her in Miss Elven Middle Earth at Meko's. Oh, and while you're there, LOOK AT MEKO'S AWESOME SITE!!!
OoOoOo purdy...
A kind of tree climbing...more casual dress, I suppose. It's again Aldaina, looking bored, just like me. LoL
AAAAAWWWWW!!! Cutie pie! It's Faeriel again...I love this base! She's just so huggable. =)
Wow, I haven't made a Tinie in a loooooong time.....
I made this one Doodle Dollies base because it was just too cute...I like her dress, but her hair is kind of funky...may be the gif color screw-ups. I need a new style of dresses...they're all looking the same...well, she's ok...
Muahaha, now she plays with arrows!
I LURVE this dolls hair! Red haired elves aren't very common, but I just had to do it on this doll.
El moi, with a tid bit of ear pointage. I liked her better when the colors weren't screwed up though =)
Awww, mini Nenriel! She's so cutsie...I lurve this ittle base...awww.....
Nenriel, in a lovely pink dress. I just had to try this base out.
Kemenlad and Nenriel
Too many colors!!! Haha, it's Aldaina again.
It's Aldaina's little mischevious sister, Faerien.
Oooh, me like! It's Nenriel, incase you were wondering.
Hey, had to put Aldaina into another tunic...I started a fanfic for her and her family, and this is her outfit in the beggining of the story when she's riding around...:: clamps her mouth shut and walks away ::
She's....dancing? LoL, its Allai again...she might look like she's tripping, but no, shes too graceful for that!
Nenriel...I love the shade of this dress...isn't it just so pretty?
I love her hair color! She's ok I guess. This is Nenriel's daughter, Nimoriel, all grown up! Bwahahaha!
Streeeeeetch! Hehe I searched all over for this base and finally found it! OK, maybe the dolls isnt the best of the best, but I still like her! It wasn't supposed to be Aldaina, but maybe it looks like her, don't you think?
It's ittle Faerien again, although maybe not so little anymore LoL. I love this was my first attempt with goldish patterns rather than silver ones...its ok. Somebody said it looked like the golden apple story, and whoever that was, their right LoL
Do Not Adopt!
I made Celeblaith Celeblaith (now doesn't that sound odd? LoL) for her birthday. I just had to use the new lolida base (before everyone else! mwahaha) for her, the pose was too perfect. Mirkwood elves kick butt
Aldaina's portrait off of Celeblaith's beautiful base! I love this base! :: huggles base ::
:: Curses gif ::
:: sniffles :: It's Nenriel on her wedding day to Kemenlad. I'm just so proud, sniffles. I love her dress and the flowers...and I love the expression on her face. Just so peaceful....:: sniffs again ::
Colors are an....interesting combination LoL She's supposed to be an autum elf, in comoflage while she's knife fighting, but...I'm not sure if I REALLY like her that that much =\
Aldaina begged me to make a doll of her, since all of these harry potter dolls. I just felt so sorry for her...oh, she is such a stuck up. LoL
This was for the November Elf Challenge at MEDA...I'm pretty pleased with how she came out. The detail did take a looooooong time, though.
Readying for winter is Aldaina, looking like Santa's daughter herself ^_^ I love this dress/cloak though, so pretty =)
I finally used this pretty base...I like how she came out....sorta. Tell that I FDed my own doll? See the dove? SEE???? LoL
Tis Aldaina cutting her probably didn't know that, right? ^_^ I got the idea from Mulan, kinda, when she cuts her hair to become a boy? Well, I guess Aldaina's doing the same thing, but she's not really becoming a boy...;)
I LOVE this base!!! It's warrior Aldaina with her trusty spear, and it seems her shirt slipped and unbuttoned a bit @_@ LoL Carl said it was really good, and I like it, but....wait, hang on... ^_^
Ooh an elf assasin...maybe not, she's too cute ^_^ But I love the designs on her dress...the ones i did at the very top and around the middle I did by hand (no brush!) but the rest is brush ;)
Thought up this outfit and had to do it. Yes it's Aldaina (now am I the only person who makes elves anymore???) I guess she;s laying in some fields or something...she looks peaceful...wish I could x_x
I saw a picture at Elfwood and thought "Hey, that looks like my elf assasin!" ^_^ lol So I made a doll of her...I liked the outfit too. I love the hair on this shiny...:: rips off hair and sticks on own head ::
Pic at Elfwood
Eeps! :: hides from Celewen :: I don't really want to know whose blood that is...
Nimoriel? Yes? No? lol I saw dah bunny base and haaaad to you it, it was just too adorable. I love this basey, its perfect for da dolly ^_^
Aldaina, and she looks...erm....forbidding? Her posture and attitude, I think she looks like a guard to shomething :: shrugs :: @_@ :: runs away and hides from the knife in her belt :: My elf girls are violent :: shudders ::
I LOVE THIS DOLL!!! XD XD XD XD The dress, the hair, everything! :: is happy :: the dress is so neat, I mean tidy, which I love because most of my dolls have a messy sort of shading. This is her being the sweet charmer she me story this is at a ball(?) (what to call it? feast?) with the person she's hired to kill (Herudin). BUT I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE DIS DOLL!
I made her for a sister banner for Mel and I...I really really do like her...especially her outfit (which the sides were inspired by Eowyn's outfit in Rohan)
She's ok...haven't been on a great dolling spree lately. I like her tunic design, but it didn't really come out well, and I hate that knife >_<
Thought it was about time to make a doll of my elven boy, Gildagor. He's ok as a doll...I depise his face, and he looks a little chubby (he's supposed to be pretty thin) but...he's Allai's friend, no not her "guy", but her friend. Mmmmm....maybe later lol :: evil
LoL I really love the shading on the bottom of her skirt...she was originally going to be me, but...she's now an evil elf Arwen wannabe ^_^
O_O I really dont like this doll that much...I love the dress and hair design, but the shading came out wacked...ah, its ok I guess =\
I was watching Princess Mononoke (king of all anime movies ^_^) and I got some inspiration for a tunic. And poof! Here she is! XD
This doll was 100% inspired by me (outfitwise)! I wanted to do a peasanty looking outfit, so I did! I like how she came out, but the folds on her dress don't look quite right...
I got the dress from, surprisingly enough ^_~ I really like the shading on this doll, and the colors, but...but...not much else =\
Oooh I think I'm getting my dress karma back XD I love the color of her hair! ^_^
AWWWW! TOO CUTE! I am officially addicted to this base ~_^ I lub them to death! XD XD XD
Random elf girl XD I really do like her, specifically her hair and skirt...I was watching Merlin and Queen Mab kind of inspired my outfit, sooo yeah.
Do Not Adopt!
For a elf pageant at MEDA I bring you...Celebrian Nenharma!
Just trying out Nikkium's new base XDDD I kinda like her...maybe not the hair so much X\ XD
Dress design at Here
Wow O_o I'm elving again? CALL THE PRESS! XD Actually, merely a hair experiment ^^
More elving! XD
More more elving! XD
I really do like this doll...the folds were evil though ;_;
Oooh, I like this doll! XDD She looks Mirkwood-ish...but I do like the shading ^^
RoTK inspired me! So I have one elf for each of the relms: Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Mirkwood, and Rivendell. I really like these dolls, but they took me forever -_- XD
:: drools :: Enough said O_o;;
Pixel shaded maddness...I'm uber proud of the sleeve, and I guess I like this doll XD
Pixel shaded. O_o... ... ... IS THERE NO CURE?!?
Okay, so I have a new character. The dolls all kinda go in a collection, so I'll leave them like that. I abandoned Aldainiel XD And I created a new Nimoriel. She's from Mirkwood too. But she's more likeable that Aldainiel. Without the bufu family too XD
Ick. Just ick.
Its okay I guess. I just needed to doll a bit.
Made for MEDA's June Elf. Hes my mullet man XD
My attempt at forced dolling.