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AS I AM Newsletter
1st. Issue |

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AS I AM is a newsletter released quarterly by CAPAY. It serves as an outlet for APA youth to express their ideas through all forms of writing and artwork. Members are the only ones eligible to rceive a copy.

Our first issue of As I Am 2003, has been released. If you want to receive a copy of the newsletter or if you would like to contribute an article, a piece of artwork, a story, or anything else that expresses who you are, contact CAPAY by Email or regular mail.

c/o Asian American Studies Program - UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125-3393

Here's a sample of what you'll read about from our Newsletter. The article comes from pg. 1 and was written by Nan Li.

Youth Bond with Summer Activities

What could be more fun than thinking, brainstorming, sweating, and laughing? Those were all aspects of CAPAY's orientation, where the new Steering Committee and Youthlearn members were able to get to know each other and CAPAY. During the extensive event, the youth learned about CAPAY's history and its goal to combat racism and social injustice. The youth were asked to interpret different parts of the CAPAY mission statement, which establishes CAPAY as a "youth led, youth run" organization and sets forth a message that "youth united can make a difference." In a mini scavenger hunt, the new members ran around Umass Boston, searching for different components and filling out a sheet as a part of a team. Throughout the day, fun icebreakers and games relaxed everyone but also presented valuable lessons. In one game, the youth were divided in teams and asked to cross a distance without using feet. The teams had to devise a method of crossing as soon as possible. Games such as this taught about teamwork and strategic methods. At the end of the long, challenging day, everyone learned more about CAPAY and about the fun that is a part of the CAPAY experience.

The words "I miss home," frequently heard in summer camps and other outings, was never uttered once during the Strategic Planning Retreat. The three-day, two-night event drew everyone closer together and formed long-lasting friendships for all who participated. The first afternoon, the group (Steering Committee, Youthlearn, and adults) arrived at Packard Manse in Stoughton. Although old and creepy, the old house was well suited and adaptable to the energy and charisma of the participants. The first night, after a long round of icebreakers, the group learned about activism to combat social injustice. Using a scenario and role-plays, the youth shared their opinions and listened to others. The second day was filled with planning the five-year, long-term plan of CAPAY. Many alumni and adult volunteers arrived to help with the day and to partake in the wonderful food. Everyone was divided into different groups and was asked to brainstorm goals of CAPAY. After gathering in a larger group, arguments ensued on the meaning of "long-term goals." At the end of the long day, it was clear that CAPAY had some issues to sort out dealing with its expectations and goals for both the short-term and the long-term. Everyone went to bed (eventually) that night pondering the future of CAPAY and the hardships of the five-year plan. The third and final day was spent learning about racism and CAPAY's goals. However, in between the work, the youth definitely had fun! Plenty of games were played, and late night silliness was not uncommon. At the end of the retreat, no one wanted to leave, but bonds were forged that will last the entire year.

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