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This is looking up the river from the sea.

This is the Royal Naval College, its famous because lots of royalty go to school there, like Prince Andrew I can't remember if Prince Charles did or not.. Prince William isn't tho, he is going to St. Andrews in Scotland.

Church in Dartmouth.

In the foreground you can see some cadets training from the College.

To get from the train, which stops at Kingswear, to Dartmouth you have to take a ferry (there is even one for cars), so this is on the ferry looking at some cool Tudor building in Dartmouth. Its a little out of order, but I almost forgot it.

I digitally enhanced the contrast and color of this picture, sorry if the color looks fake the original was overexposed. This I believe this was a home of Sir Walter Raleigh and was one of the things that started our slight obsession with him for the rest of our trip.