This is another gate in the wall, most of these were taken from the tour bus.
Here is a picture of the city walls. We actually walked along part of
it when we walked from the train station to our hostel.
Here is the tour guide on the bus. She looks a little windblown because
it was very cold and windy that day.
This tower has a very tragic history. The original during the middle ages was made of wood. One year there was a drought and famine and pestilence you name it they had it. So of course the people of York blamed the Jews (cause being ignorant and being an asshole seem to go together) So all the Jewish people sought refuge in the tower (it has a name but I forgot it) and the townspeople surrounded it. They were just going to take all the Jewish people's property and valuables but then something went down and they decided to massacre them if they didn't convert to Christianity. Instead, but the Jewish people in the tower decided to commit suicide by slitting their throats. The townspeople got so mad they burned the tower down. Well eventually they built the one in the picture out of the same stone as the city walls. And then something strange happened. You can't see it very well in this picture but on the other side of the tower especially the stones started to turn pinky red. Well everyone said it was the blood of Jews soaking into the stones. Superstitious hokey right? Well finally when technology enabled scientists to test the stones they did and they found iron oxide was causing the coloration. So what there is iron oxide in a lot of things right? well they tested stone that was still in the quarry where they first obtained the stones. Guess what? There was not one little tiny bit of iron oxide anywhere in the quarry. And we all know what makes blood red don't we? That's right, iron! Spooky spooky spooky!
This is another gate, except that someone decided to build their house in it! I don't think anyone lives there now, but its still pretty cool