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Salty Samurai's Land of Constant Turmoil

Discontent are the ones who accepct individual rights as a people who know not the fruits of thier own labor for men who fall in battle. Koala men who clock at thier funerals and eat thier ants for unrepented ones on ages and elders who live in thier treehouses, HA!

DO NOT press the button.

If for no apparent reason at all, you would like to know my 20 favorite things, then click here!.....No im serious, do it or the kitten gets it!

Here are 20 things that I hate! Learn to recite them, and impress your friends.

Learn the wisdom of the samurai, through the power of these moving quotes by famous samurai philosophers.




get this gear!

For those whom gods deflect thier past, and mortal land, feindish helicopsters, god has ribs for your computer, your lack of faith brings you here, and your stupidy keeps you. Repent for locking on dead relatives ate you mind's self to sleep now becomes pink.