It was a year after the slayer had defeated The First Buffy and Giles were getting married. Buffy Summers sat in her dressing room, in her wedding gown, thinking about the past year.


Buffy Summers jumped and grabbed a peice of steel over her head, yanking it down. She held it like a sword, waiting for one of The First to attack her. One of them ran toward her and was getting ready to attack, but she swung the steel pipe and hit it's head.
She hit it in the head, with the steel pipe, until he was on the ground. Another one ran at her and jumped on her back. She brought her leg up and over her head, kicking it in the face. It fell off of her back and she was getting ready to hit it with the pipe, but it knocked it out of her hand. It skittered across the floor as Buffy punched the deamon in the face. She kept hitting it and started kicking it. On her fourth kick, it stepped out of the way, grabbed her foot, and threw her to the ground.

It jumped on to her stomach and hit her in the face. She brought her knees up and bucked it off. As she jumped up, she heard, "Buffy! Here!" She spared a quick glance to the right, seeing Giles holding a sword. He threw it to her. In one swift motion, she caught the black handle of the sword and swung, cutting the deamon's head off.

A while later, the fight was over. Buffy, Faith, Giles, Willow, Xander, Dawn, Andrew, and the potential slayers stood outside of the school and watched as it exploded. "I can't believe Spike did that," stated Xander. Spike had put on an amulet and sacrificed himself, to save the world.

"What now?, " questioned Dawn. Buffy smiled and faced the others. "Now, there will be more than one slayer. All of the girls that will have the potential will be a slayer." "Cool," smiled Faith.

3 Days Later-2003

"Man, it's hard to believe that she's gone." Said Xander. Everyone was standing around Anya's grave. The funeral had ended a few minutes before.

Buffy put an arm around Xander's shoulder, "I know."

Two hours later, they were all back at the Summers' house. Buffy was in the basement, taking out her frustration. She did a roundhouse kick at the punching bag. Then, she kept punching the bag over and over. "Buffy?" She didn't answer, just kept punching.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, "Buffy?" The hand put pressure on her shoulder, turning her sround. She looked at Giles and saw concern in his eyes. "Buffy, stop with the bag. Sit down." Buffy, silently, followed him to the couch and sat down. "Do you want to talk?"

Buffy shook her head, sighed, and said,"There's been too much death."

Giles sighed,"I know. But it's..."

Buffy jumped up. Don't even say that it's for the greater fight!" "There was Ford, Jenny, my mother, Tara, Anya, some of the potential slayers, Spike! And, I've died twice! How is any of this for the greater fight?! I couldn't kill Angel after he killed Jenny, I had to leave Ford there for the vampires. I couldn't do anything for my mother or Spike or Tara! What am I good for? I can't save my friends, the people I love." Buffy, angrily, ranted.

Giles closed his eyes, reopened them, and grabbed her hand. She stopped pacing and looked him in the eyes, after he stood up. She saw concern, pride, and something else swirling in his eyes. "Buffy, " he started, "I know what you feel. I wonder, myself, why I can't do more. Why I can't stop deaths. It's just something that's meant to happen. It's the cycle of life. Your mother died from a brain tumor, there was nothing you could do. Ford betrayed you, Danny killed Tara, and almost killed you. The potential slayers and Anya knew the risks when they walked in to the school to fight The First. Jenny wouldn't want you to feel guilty. As for Spike, he chose his own fate. He sacrificed himself for the world."

Giles took a deep breath and continued. "When you were sixteen and we found out that you were meant to die, I've never been so scared in my life. I wanted to take your place, to save you. But, if I remember correctly, you knocked me out." Giles and Buffy shared a small smile and, then, he continued.

"Buffy, when you sacrificed yourself for Dawn and died, I felt so guilty. Like...a part of me was missing." Buffy looked at him in shock. "Buffy, I'm so proud of you. Of who you are, of your determination, your strength. And, you should be too. Yes, people have died, but many more have been kept safe because of you." Buffy looked at Giles and realized that the unnamed emotion she'd seen in his eyes was love.

She smiled, touching his cheek with a gentle hand, and whispered, "Thank you."

Chapter Two
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