"Hello, ATF. Special Agent Dunne speaking."

"Hello. I need to see you, I have some information on a drug cartel."

"Okay. I'll be there with..." JD started.

"No! I mean, I only want to see you. Meet me at eighty-five Dallas Street. Tonight at ten." Without waiting for an answer, the man hung up. JD looked at the receiver and then hung up, too.

"What was that all about?" Buck Wilmington asked his best friend and little brother.

JD spun around in his chair to see his six colleagues staring at him and shrugged. "It was a guy. He said that he only wants to see me about some information on a drug cartel. Gave me a time and place to meet him."

"Hmmm. Smells like a set up to me. You're not going alone, JD," Chris Larabee, the team leader, said.

JD nodded, "I figured as much. I have to meet him tonight at ten at eighty-five Dallas Street."

Chris nodded, "Okay. We're all going to be there. JD will drive up at ten. We'll be in the surveillance van. Got it?" The other six men nodded that they understood.

At ten that night JD arrived at the address. He saw a small white house. 'Okay,' he thought. He had a wire under his shirt. If anything happened, the other guys would show up ASAP. He walked up the stone path, the two steps, and rung the doorbell. A minute later, the door creaked open. JD took out his wallet, showing his ATF badge. "Special Agent Dunne."

The man nodded, "Come in."

He saw that the man was about 5'9" with graying hair and blue eyes. He looked to be in his fifties. "Have a seat," the man said. JD looked at the lumpy sofa, inwardly sighed, and sat down. The man sat in a chair across from him.

After a couple of minutes, JD said, "Mr..."

"Bishop," the man supplied.

JD slighty paled but continued, "Mr. Bishop, what information do you have?"

"Well," the man started, "I really don't know about any drug cartel. But I do have some information for you."

"You lied to me?"

The man nodded, "I had to. I knew that if I told you the truth, you'd refuse to meet me."

"Why?" JD demanded.

The man took a deep breath. "Because I'm Aaron Bishop. Your father."

Chapter Two
My Fanfiction Stories