"Let's get started. It's 4:30 in the morning and this isn't exactly the safest neighborhood to be in." Said Nick. The Backstreet Boys were in down- town L.A. filming the video "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonley." They were at the part where they were all walking and singing, when out of nowhere a bottle flew at Brian's head. Luckily it missed, but only by an inch. "CUT!" The dirctor yelled. They all looked around to see who the culprit was and they saw a few people laughing. One girl caught Howie's attention. She was with the crowd but she wasn't laughing, she just looked sad. She was pretty with shoulder-blade length chestnut-brown hair and green eyes. They locked eyes for a minute then the group ran. 'I've got to see that girl again, 'Howie thought to himself. They got back to filming and finished the video.
"Thank God, we're finally through!" Exclaimed Brian when they wraped up the last shot. They all five piled into a van(each with a bodyguard) and started to their homes.
"You're being awfully quiet D." Commented Kevin.
Howie shrugged and said, "Just thinking."
" 'Bout what," A.J. wanted to know.
"That group that threw the bottle at Brian's head. There was a girl there. She wasn't laughing like the others, she looked sad. I can't get her out of my mind. I'm gonna come back when it's daylight and try to find her."
"Are you crazy?" Asked an astonished Nick.
"No. I just wanna see what her deal is." Said a defensive Howie. They all knew it was no use trying to change his mind so they changed the subject.
"Anyone else hungrey?,"Asked Kevin.
"Let's go to McDonald's," answered A.J. They ran through the drive-thru and then each guy got dropped off at their own houses with their bodyguards.


At around 2:30 p.m. Howie and his bodyguard Rick pulled into the neighborhood that they'd been at early that morning. They got out of the car and started scouting the neighborhood. Howie couldn't beleive his good fortune when he saw the girl at the first place he looked: the coffee shop. Rick and him walked over to her and Howie said, "Hello. We didn't have a chance to be formally int roduced when your friends and you threw that bottle at my friend's head."
"I'm sorry about that. Sit down and mabey I can explain." Howie sat down as did Rick.
"My name's Howie Dorough."
"I'm Sarah Smith." She replied shaking his hand. "And who's he?" She asked.
"Rick, my bodyguard."
"Hi Rick." All she got a s a response was a nod. "Hm. He doesn't look like one."
"He's in plain clothes. So, um, you said you could explain?" He said changing the subject.
She nodded, "I'm real sorry about what happened. They were drinking and I tried to talk them out of throwing the bottle, but they didn't listen."
Howie nodded, "People who are drunk usually won't listen. Are they your friends?"
"Not rea lly. I ran away and they took me in, which I wish they hadn't now."
"Why?" "They've done stuff that could get them years in prison. I can't go to the police because they'll kill me if they find out or take me down with them."
"That's dangerouse. You need to get out. Why'd you runaway?" Asked Howie.
Sarah shrugged, "My dad died and my mom remarried two years after his death. I felt betrayed and took off."
"Did you give your stepfather a chance?"
"No," she said shaking her head.
"Listen, I know we don't know eack other but would you like to stay at my house? That way you could get away from those people." Howie kindly asked.
"If they found me we'd both be in trouble." She replied.
"I'm not worried. If you leave right now they won't know for a while."
She debated on whether to take the chance or not. 'Girl this could be your last chance. You'd better take it, 'she said to herself. At that minutes she made up her mind. "Okey. But I'm not imposing, am I?"
"Naw. Don't even think that." He said waving a dissmissive hand. Howie, Rick, and Sarah went to the car and headed to Howie's house.


Howie showed her to her room and said, "Need anything just ask."
"Well, actually I would like to take a shower. Do you have any clothes I can borrow? These are kinda dirty." He looked at her clothes and had to agree, she had dirt and mud on them.
"Sure. Be right back." Howie said walking to his room. He showed back up with: a pair of black sweat pants and a black sweat shirt.
"These may be a little big on you but they'll do, "he said while handing the clothes to her.
She smiled, "Thanks. You don't know how grateful I am for this."
"Don't worry 'bout it." He showed her to the bathroom, where the towels and rags and all were. He went to the livingroom while she showered. While she was showering A.J., Kevin, Brian, Nick, Leighanne(Brian's wife), and Kristin(Kevin's wife)showed up.
"Hey guys," Howie said inviting them in.
"Hi. Just thought we'd all come see if you found that girl." Said Nick sitting down.
"Sure did. She's showe ring right now."
"She's here?, "asked an astonished Leighanne.
Howie nodded, "Don't worry. She explained to me what happenend with the bottle. She's a really nice person." Howie went on to tell them what Sarah had said. They were all amazed. "You're not going to be mad with her, are you?" Howie asked Brian.
"No. Not that now I know what happened." Sarah got out of the shower, put on the clothes Howie gave her, and looked at herself in the mirror. She pulled her brush out of her purse and brushed her hair. When she was satisfied she went downstairs to the livingroom. She stopped when she saw the other people. Howie noticed her and said, "Come here. It's okay." She hestiantly walked in and sat down next to Howie.
"Hi there. I'm Brian." Brian said reaching out his hand.
Sarah took it and said, "I'm so sorry about what happened."
"That's okay. Howie explained it to me." The others introduced themselves.
"I'm Kevin."
"I'm Brian's wife,Leighanne."
"I'm Nick."
"And, I'm Kevin's wife, Kristin."
Sarah shook hands with all of them and replied, "Nice to meet y'all."
"How old are you Sarah?" Asked Kristin.
"I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen in a couple months."
"Have you accepted the Lord as your personal savior?" Asked Brian.
"No. But I want to. I want to start living right."
"Good. Do you want us to pray for you?" Kevin asked.
She nodded, "That would be nice."
They all eight joined hands and Brian said the prayer,"Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for everything you've done for us all. Sarah wants to start living right. Please help her and give her the strength to follow your Word. Please help her with her family and to get away from the gang. Please help her faith and trust grow in You and the Bible. Thanks for everything. We love you with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Thy will be done. In Jesus's blessed name we pray, Amen."

"Amen,"the others(including Sarah)echoed. "Would you like to phone your parents to tell them you're alright?" Howie kindly asked.
"I just might do that." Howie handed her the phone and she said, "Thanks." She walked into the kitchen to get some privacy and dialed her parents number.
"Hello?" Her mother asked.
"Hi mom. It's me, Sarah."
"Sarah! Oh my God, are you okay? We've been worried sick."
"I'm sorry mom." Sarah went on to explain why she ran away and then what happened with the gang.
"Sarah I'm just glad you're okay. But you've got to turn that gang in for the stuff they did. Do you think that guy, Howie, will let you stay with him?"
"I don't know. Mabey, he seems like a really nice guy. I'll see what he says and call you back and let you know." They said the ir goodbyes and hung up. Sarah walked back into the livingroom and asked,"Ho wie. can I speak to you alone, please?"
He nodded, "Sure. Be right back guys." They walked into the kitchen and he asked, "What's up?"
"Well I called my mom. And, she thinks that I should turn those guys in and I agree with her. But, I have a problem."
"What's that?" He asked.
"I don't have a place to stay and I was wondering if I could, mabey, stay with you?"

"Sure. No problem. You can stay as long as you need or want to." "Thanks." He walked back into the livingroom and she called her mom back.
"Hey mom. He said I could stay. I'll see you guys when this whole thing's over."
"Okay hon. You'd better not tie up his phone. I love you."
"Love you too mom and tell Ted(her stepfather)that I said....hi." They said bye and she walked back into the livingroom and she handed Howie the phone, "Here ya go. Thanks again for everything."
"No problem. But, ya gonna need some clothes."
"Oh, well, I don't have any money." She answered.
"No big gie. I'll buy them. We can all go shopping right now. What's everyone say?"
"Howie, I don't know. I don't wanna use your money." Sarah replied worridly.
"Look, Sar, you're gonna need some clothes. You don't have money, I do. No big deal."
"Fine. But, I am going to pay you the money back."
"Whatever." Howie answered shrugging. They all piled into Brian's van,along with their body guards.
"Won't you kind of draw attention as to who you guys are with the bodyguards?" Sarah asked.
"Hopefully not. They're dressed in street clothes, so hopefully they'll blend in." Answered Nick. They arrived at the Orlando, Flordia mall.
"So where to first gang?" Asked Kevin. They all shrugged.
"We'll just walk around 'til we see some place of interest. How's that sound?" Suggessted Kristin. They all agreed that that was the way to go. They walked into the mall(all five guys had on baseball hats as a disquise)and started walking through the mall, looking at the stores.
"How 'bout this place?" Asked Nick. It was a Sports Clothing store. They all eight walked in and started looking 'round. Sarah ran straight to the basketball related clothing.
Howie taged along and asked, "So you like b-ball?"
"Oh yeah! You?"
"That's more of Brian and Nick's field. So, if you ever want to talk basketball, go see one of them." She laughed. "See ayything you like?" Howie asked.
She looked through the stuff and saw a basketball jacket(for a woman) and said, "This is nice."
"Yes it is. Let's get it." They paid for the stuff and started again on their way.


They were all through shopping and were on their way out, when Howie saw a picture booth. "Hey, let's get some pictures took." Howie said. They walked over to the booth. Howie and Sarah got in first and took two pictures: one with their heads leaning together and Howie was giving her rabbit ears and one with their arms around each other and their tongues stuck out. When they exited the booth Howie handed the second picture to Sarah, "Here ya go. You and I both have one."
"Thanks, "she said smiling. They all piled back into the van and went back to Howie's.
"It's only 5:30p.m. Does anyone want to swim?" They all did and luckily Sarah had gotten a bathing suit. It was a solid black one-peice with Scooby Doo on the chest. They all jumped into the pool and the second that Howie jumped in Sarah pushed his head under water. When he got back above the water he said, "You're gonna pay for that." She laughed and tried to get away. Leighanne and Kristin even tried to help her,
"You have to go through us." Said Leighanne. Howie ducked under the water and swam over to Sarah. He then proceeded to pull her feet out from under her. She ended up going under.
They all horsed around and A.J. said, "Smile everyone. Kodak moment." They all got together and smiled while A.J. snapped the picture.
Sarah got out of the water and asked,"Hey Nick. Wanna play some b-ball?"Z
"Sure, "he replied eagerly.
"This I've got to see." Said Brian. They all got out of the water and walked to Howie's basketball court. There was a basketball already there and Sarah picked it up.
"First one to make it to twenty-one baskets wins. You can take it out Nick." She said. She tossed the ball to him. They played while Kevin kept sc ore.
"Twenty for Sarah and eighteen for Nick." Kevin shouted. After ten more minutes of playing Kevin declared Sarah the winner.
Nick dropped to his knees and yelled, "No! The agony of defeat!"
When he got back up Sarah said, "Mabey I should've told ya. But I was on the basketball team all through middle school and half way through high school." They were all amazed. A.J. started snapping more photos.

Chapter 5-End