Milo stared at Matt in shock and whispered, "I'm a killer? No, I can't be!"

"Believe it, Milo, my boy," said a smiling Matt. The best I've ever seen." Matt walked up close to Milo and said, "Its a shame I'm going to have to kill you with these other three."

Milo had gotten a whiff of Matt's aftershave, when Matt had leaned in close, and Milo started having flashes in his head. He scrunched his face up in pain as his memories started bombarding him. "Milo! Milo are you alright?," asked a worried JD.

Milo didn't answer as he remembered everything. He looked up at Matt and said, "You told me that JD was dead just like my mother and father. That she had given me to you when I was young because she didn't want me."

"That's not true!," gasped out JD.

Milo nodded, "I know." He looked at Matt again, "I was doing research and stumbled upon evidence that JD was alive and, I remember, that I confronted you with it. You told me to just let it be but I decided to try and find him. I had went to Denver and found out that JD was going to be in New York for a conference. So, I came here. I didn't know it at the time but you must've followed me."

Matt smirked, "I knew you'd get that memory back. Oh well, all the more reason to kill you."

"You caught up with me at the hotel where I had rented a room and we talked. You told me to just go back home and get ready for my next assignment. I told you that I would be doing anymore assignments, that I had decided to retire."

Matt snorted, "Yeah. You actually developed a concience."

Milo shook his head, "I didn't just develop one. I've always had one but I just tried to overlook it. I can't anymore, it's screaming at me." Milo paused and said, "All I remember, after you left, is walking down the street toward the conference. I was going to see JD and try to talk to him. Someone grabbed me and that's all I remember until waking up in the hospital."

Matt nodded and said, "That's my fault, I'm afraid. It wasn't supposed to be you that got that drug."

"What?," asked Milo.

Matt nodded and said, "I asked one of my men to take care of your brother, not you. He made a mistake and has been taken care of. As you know, I do not tolerate mistakes of any kind. Mistakes make you weak."

"Why would you want to take care of?," asked JD.

"Because," spoke Matt, "I had a good thing going with Milo. He did the kills and I raked in the money. And, I also got to see the white race becoming superior again." JD narrowed his eyes and shook his head, chancing a glance at Nathan. Nathan was staring at Matt, looking like he wanted to murder him. JD just hoped that Nathan wouldn't do anything until, either, help arrived or theycould figure out how to escape alive. Matt started speaking again, "Well, I guess all of you should say your good-byes. It's that time." None of them had to ask what he meant. They knew he was talking about killing them.

"So, are we agreed on what to do?," Chris asked after he had explained the plan to everyone.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," said Captain Cragen. Everyone agreed, except for the two FBI agents.

"No, we are not following that plan." Special Agent Maltose said in a haughty tone.

Chris narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "Why not?"

Special Agent Harold spoke, "Because this is our case now. We come up with the plans."

"C'mon, it's a good plan. We've got three agents in there that we need to get out," spoke one of the DEA agents. Chris thought his name was Carter.

"Stay out of this," snapped Maltose.

Chris raised an eyebrow and said, "I think you should stay out of this. You and your partner. Evidently you don't have anything of any importance to offer, you're just wanting to act important. Please, spare us."

Everyone looked at Maltose and Harold, while they just stood there and looked at Chris as if they couldn't believe what they had just heard.

Chris continued, "I have three good men in there and they are coming out alive, along with Mister Valim. We are going to execute the plan that has been talked about. Is that clear?" At Harold's and Maltos's silence, he said, "I'll take that as a yes." Chris faced everyone else, ignoring the two FBI agents, and asked, "So, we're all clear? Does anyone else have any problems?" After everyone shook their heads no, he nodded as his mouth tightened into a thin line. "Let's go."

"So, you're finally ready, Matt?" A man, who looked to be in his fifties, asked as he walked into where everyone was.

Matt nodded and said, "All set."

"Who is this gentleman?," asked Ezra. Matt whirled around them, looking as if he had forgotten that Ezra and Nathan were tied up behind him. Ezra almost laughed at Matt's expression but kept his face straight and calm.

Matt smiled and said, "Well, this is an associate of mine. He's here to help me clear up this mess." Matt walked up to Nathan, stopped right in front of him and gave a cold smile. "I think we'll start with you. Sound good?"

Nathan just gave Matt a glare and kept silent."

Matt turned back to the man and said, "All systems are a go. Do your magic and let's get this over with."

The man nodded and grabbed a black doctor's looking bag, and walked to where Nathan was.

Chris, Buck, Josiah and Vin walked as silently as they could to the side of the warehouse. There were no windows on the side they were on, so they didn't have to worry about anyone inside the warehouse seeing them. Captain Cragen and his detectives went to the front door, their guns in their hands, while the DEA agents and their dogs went with them. The two FBI agents just scowled and stayed where they were. Of course they could care less if all of the fools got their heads blown off.Captain Cragen and Detective Munch stood to the right of the door as his other three detectives stood to the left, along with the DEA agents. Captain Cragen nodded and reached his left hand to the side to bang on the door, shouting, "OPEN UP! POLICE!"

Inside, just as Matt's associate was about to inject Nathan with a syringe full of clear liquid, they heard the shouting informing them that the police were there. The man stopped his hand, throwing a statled look at the door and, then, at Matt. Nathan took advanage of the man's inattention and kicked his right leg out, catching the man's arm. The syringe went flying. He was grateful that none of the men had thought about tying their feet.

The man was holding his arm, standing up, going to retrieve the syringe. Matt nodded at his men and the one that had tied them up opened the door, standing to the side. The other men in the warehouse opened fire with machine guns, spraying bulletts out the door, not caring who they hit. The man walked back up to Nathan, syringe in hand, snarling. "You're going to pay for that, boy!" Nathan started rocking, trying to get his wooden chair to scoot backwards. The man just grinned and was about to jam the the syringe in Nathan's arm when the man was knocked to the side. Nathan saw Ezra trying to pin the man down, while the man kept trying to get the syringe in Ezra's arm. Nathan knew right then why Ezra had been so silent, he was trying to get out of the ropes binding his hands. And, evidently, he had succeeded.

JD and Milo watched as men kept shooting out the door and Ezra fought with the Matt's associate. They saw Matt walking over to them, and they knew that couldn't be good.

Ezra jumped to his feet, the man following, and tried to keep out of range of the deadly syringe. The man lunged at him, the syringe raised. Ezra side-stepped, tripping the man, causing the man to fall face-first. "AHHH!, the man yelled as he fell and the syringe ended up in his chest. That was the las sound he made. When he quit moving, Ezra crouched down and checked, both, his neck and wrist for a pulse. Finding none, he stood and hurried over to Nathan. He pulled out his little pocketknife, that the miscreants hadn't found, and cut Nathan loose. They tried to stay out of the line of fire, while looking for JD and Milo.

"I don't see them, where are they?," asked a worried Nathan.

"I have no idea. It also seems that JD's uncle is nowhere to be found."

Chapter Eleven
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction