JD walked over to the hospital bed and stared at the sleeping figure, shaking his head in shock.

"It can't be," JD whispered as he paled.

"Hold on, Kid, let's get you in a chair." Buck said, grabbing JD's arm, as he swayed. Buck helped JD into the plastic chair and asked, "You okay? What's going on?"

"We would like the answer to that, also," said Elliott.

JD put a hand to his chest and stuttered, "I-I can't br-breath!"

"He's hyperventilating! Vin, go and get a brown paper bag from a nurse," Nathan said.

Vin hurried out of the room and returned, a few minutes later, with the requested bag. "Here ya go, Nate."

Nathan held the bag and said, "Take deep breaths into the bag," as he rubbed JD's back. JD did as he was told and, a few minutes later, his breathing was normal.

"Thanks, Nathan," he said in a weak voice.

"No problem." Nathan paused and asked, "Do you want to tell us what's going on?"

JD sighed and was silent for a moment. "Alright, I'd better start from the beginning." The special victims unit detectives and the other six members of Team Seven gave JD their undevided attention. JD took a deep breath and started his story.

An hour later, he was finished and Buck whistled, "Wow!"

Ezra nodded and said, "I'll have to concur with Mister Wilmington."

"Alright, it looks like we're have to come back tomorrow and see if Mister Valim is awake. Thanks for your time," said Olivia.

"Not a problem, Detective Benson," said a grim-faced Chris. Olivia, Elliott, John and Fin walked out of the room and to the sliding doors, to leave the hospital.

"This is going to be a veryintresting case," said Fin.

"I was thinking the same thing," commented Olivia.

"Who's going to tell the captain?," asked John. Three sets of eyes swiviled to look at Elliott and he stared back.

"What? Me?" Three heads nodded and he muttered, "Cowards," and walked out the doors. The other three detectives just smiled as they followed him out.

"How come you never told us any of this?," Chris asked JD.

JD looked at Chris's stern face and shrugged, "It never really came up. It never seemed like the right time. Besides, I never expected all of this to happen!"

"Lay off of him, Cowboy," Vin quietly said. He shrugged, "We've all got skeletons in our closets."

Chris gave a deep sigh and nodded, "Alright. What are we going to do about Milo Valim, here?"

"Well, I was thinking that I'd talk to him when he wakes up, see what's going on," said JD.

"Okay. I'd better go and give Mister Travis a call and let him know what's going on. We have that conference in eight hours and I don't know if we're going to be able to make it." Chris walked out of the room and outside of the building, before pulling out his cell phone. He shook his head as he pushed the number four to speed dial his boss, Orin Travis. "Orin, it's me." "It's about the conference." He proceeded to explain to Orin all that had happened. A few minutes later, Chris said, "Yes, sir. I understand." "Alright." "Bye." After he ended the call, he walked back into the room and said, "I just got off of the phone with Orin. He said that all of us have to be at that conference. Except for JD. He said that JD could have a pass on it because of what's happened."

"I don't know about leaving him here alone while we're at a conference all day," said a concerned Buck.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. This is a hospital, what can happen?"

Buck just raised an eyebrow and kept his mouth shut."Well, we'd better head out. That way, we can get a few hours of sleep," said Chris.

"Hold on. Mister Valim is waking up," said Josiah. The other six looked at the man in the hospiatl bed.

"At his look of confusion, JD spoke, "Hey."

The man just looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows. After a moment, he asked, "Who are you?"

Chapter Four-Coming Soon
My Crossover Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction