>"You don't know?," asked JD.

The man just shook his head, looking confused. JD sighed and turned to face his six teammates. "Ya'all better get back to the hotel and get some sleep before that conference."

"I don' know....," said Vin as he glanced at the JD look-alike in the bed.

"Don't worry. Just go, if anything happens I'll call ya." He took his cell out of his pocket, "I even grabbed my spare cell at the hotel." JD had two cells because it always seemed like the batteries were running low. So, while one charged, he still had one to use.

"Okay, let's go." Chris said before he turned to JD and added, "Call us if you need us. Even if we're at the conference, got it?" JD nodded and old them all good-bye before turning to the man in the bed, who had been watching the whole scene unfold. "How are you? Do you need me to get a nurse or anything?," JD asked.

Milo Valim shook his head and just continued to stare at JD. It unnerved JD quite a bit, he never thought he'd see Milo again. He wasn't quite sure if he should feel happy or sad. He had never stopped thinking of Milo but he knew that when Milo was close by, so was Matt. And, now Milo couldn't remember him, he just hoped they found out what Milo was doing in New York before all hell broke loose. He sighed and looked at Milo and asked, "Do you remember anything?"

Milo appeared to be thinking hard and shook his head and whispered, in a scratchy voice, "No."

JD nodded,he expected that, and asked, "Would you like some water?" Milo nodded his head and JD poured him some water into a paper cup and put a straw in it. He held the cup, guided the straw to Milo's mouth, and let him take a few sips. Milo laid his head back down, letting JD know he was done, and JD asked, "Better?"

"Yeah." Milo was silent for a moment and asked, "Who are you? I try to remember what's going on and I just end up with a headache."

JD didn't know whether he should tell Milo anything or not, he had heard that amnesia patients should be allowed to remember on their own. Instead he said, "I'll be right back. I really need to let a nurse know that you're awake, so they can let the doctor know."

Captian Don Cragen sat in his chair at his desk. Even thought it was after midnight, he didn't feel like going home, not after what his detectives had told him. He sighed and shook his head, he had a feeling that something was going to happen. And, that when it did, nobody would like the after-effects. He masaged his temples with his fingertips, knowing that he would be getting a call from the commisioner and, probably, the mayor. They were just going to have to work with that ATF group from Denver and figure out what was going on.

"I dunno if we shoulda left JD there alone," Buck said on the drive back to the hotel.

"I don't like it either but there wasn't any choice. The only one that is allowed to miss the conference isJD, and that's only because I explained to Judge Travis what is going on," Chris said tiredly.

Buck sighed, "I know. I know. I just wish...."

"We know Brother Buck, we wish we knew what to do also," sympathized Josiah.

At the hospital, the doctor got done checking Milo and spoke. "Well, your vitals seem fine and you seem alert. The only problem that we really need to be concerned about is your memory loss, Mister Valim. Now, it could come back any day or, worst case senario, it might never come back."

Milo sighed and closed his eyes, wishing he could remember something, anything! "Doctor, should I tell Milo anything or should I let him remember on his own?"

"Life needs to be as normal for him as possible. You can help guide him to remembering, such as a familiar place or smell. But, you shouldn't tell him stuff outright, he really needs to remember on his own."

JD nodded and said, "Thanks, Doctor Vilard."

"You really need to try and rest, Mister Valim," he said before turning to face JD again. "Mister Dunne, there are pillows and blankets in the closet," he said pointing to a corner, "for whenever you're ready to sleep."

"Thanks." After the doctor had left, JD sat down and started talking to Milo. "Milo, you're going to be okay. I think you're memory will be back."

Milo just shrugged and said, "We'll see." He paused for a moment and asked, "Can you help me to the restroom? I'm tired of this damn bedpan."

They had had Milo on a cathetar until he had first woken up, then they switched him to a bedpan. "I don't know if you should be getting up," said JD.

"I'm okay. Are you going to help me, or am I going at it alone?"

"Hold on, I'll help." JD helped Milo swing his legs over the bed and shakily stand. He wrapped one arm around Milo's waist while Milo swung an arm around JD's shoulders, and they slowly made their way to the in-room restroom. "Do you need my help...or...um....will you be okay?," asked a slightly blushing JD.

"I think I can manage that on my own, at least I hope I can."

"Just yell if you need me." Milo entered the restroom, shutting the door, while JD stood beside it to wait. A few minutes later, Milo screamed. JD jerked the restroom door open and looked around frantically, spotting Milo in front of the mirror. "What is it? What's wrong, Milo?"

Milo swung around, almost falling, to face him, his eyes wild. "I've got your face!," he exclaimed.

Chapter Five-Coming Soon
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction