"Uh, well, yeah. But you need to calm down, I'll help you back to the bed." JD said as he reached a hand to Milo's arm, to help him to the bed.

Before he could reach Milo's arm, Milo took a step back, shaking his head. "Stay away from me! I want to know why I have your face!," exclaimed Milo.

JD sighed, rubbing his hands through his dark hair, and said, "Calm down. Look, I'll go ahead and explain and you tell me if any of it sounds familir."

"What's going on in here? The yelling could be heard down the hallway," said a stern-faced nurse.

"Everything's fine, ma'am," said JD.

The nurse turned to Milo and asked, "Are you okay?" Milo nodded and she turned back to JD, "If I hear any yelling again, you will leave. Understood?" JD nodded and she gave them one last look, before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

After Milo had gotten situated in the bed, JD spoke. "Now, I'll explain what's going on but you have to remain calm or I'll have to leave, then I wouldn't be able to tell ya anything." Milo nodded and JD took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm....," JD started before he was interupted by the door being pushed open. A tall man, in a doctor lab coat and with short blond hair, walked in and over to them.

When he was standing in front of them, he unbuttoned the lab coat and showed them an M-16 that was slung over his shoulder by a strap. "Scream, either of you, and it'll be the last sound you make," the man stated coldly. JD could tell that the man meant every word he was saying.

JD inwardly sighed and thought, 'Why is this happening?' He forced his voice to stay steady and asked, "What do you want?"

The man answered, "I don't want anything. My boss wants the both of you, though. C'mon, the nurses' station should be empty." He paused and looked them both in the eyes and said, "I'm going to rebutton the coat to cover up my weapon. Don't either of you get stupid, I will use it. Let's go." When neither Milo or JD moved, the man snarled, "Now."

JD stood and helped Milo get off of the bed. Milo asked, "Can I put some clothes on?"

"No, now move your ass!," growled the man as he opened the door, for JD and Milo to walk out before him. Milo sighed as he followed JD out of the room, luckily he had a hospital gown over his front and one over his back. Nothing would be flapping in the wind, thank God! When they reached the nurses' station, JD saw that the man had been right. There were no nurses there and JD looked at his watch. Ten-thirty in the morning....the guy had done his homework. JD knew that the nurses' station was empty for about five minutes at the exact time, every morning, while the nurse on duty checked on the paitients. Then, a few minutes later, a new nurse was at the station, taking the other one's place. It made JD wonder how long this kidnapping had been planned.

'I've got to think of a way to get a message to the guys,'JD silently thought. They made it out of the hospital and to a dark van without being stopped or questioned by anyone. 'Any other time...,'JD thought with a huff as they reached the van.

The man opened the sliding back door and said, "Get in." JD and Milo obeyed and the door was shut. As the van pulled away from the hospital, JD looked up to the the front, making sure that he wasn't being watched. When he saw that no attention was on him or Milo, he slipped his hand into his pocket and dialed Chris's cell number, before taking his cell phone out of his pocket and sitting it on the floor of the van. He just had to hope that the two men were too involved in their discussion to hear it if Chris started yelling over the phone. He caught Milo watching him and put the index finger of his right hand to his lips, in the classic sign of not to say anything. Milo just nodded his head in understanding.

A minute later, he could faintly hear a voice on the phone say, "JD? Are you there?"

JD knew that he had to let Chris and the guys know where him and Milo were, so he started talking to the two men. "So, why did you guys take us?," he asked.

"Shut up," stated the man that he led them out of teh hospital.

JD knew he had to keep trying to get information, "Why are we on Fairmont Street and going through this alley?"

"I said, shut up!," snarled the man right before he back-handed JD across the face. When JD raised his head back up, he winced and knew that he was going to have a bruise.

He tried one more time, he was nothing if not persistant. "I jus want to know what you want with us. Why you're taking us down this alley," said JD.

The man narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have you ever been told that you talk to much?" Before JD could answer, he continued, "This outa shut your trap for a while!" He brought out a hand-held pistol and hit JD in the right temple with the butt of it.

The last thought JD had, before blackness over-took him was, 'I hope I got Chris and the guys enough information.'

Chapter Six-Coming Soon
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction