"Come on, guys, we've got to go," Chris whispered, not caring about the stares he was attracting at the conference. His five teammates hurridly jumped up and followed him out into the hallway. Before they reached the doors, Nathan stopped and asked, "Wanna tell us what's going on? What that phone call from JD was about?"

Chris nodded and could see that he was worring his men. But he couldn't help it, he was worried himself. "JD and Milo have been taken."

Questions started being shot off at the same time. "What?!"


"By whom."

"Is he okay?"


Chris held up his hand for silence and told them what he knew. JD didn't say anything to me but I could hear what was going on. JD was trying to find out exactly where they were going. I know they went down an alley on Fairmont Street. He must've dialed my phone and had it where I could hear everything."

"Sneaky and smart," Buck said with obvious pride.

"Yeah," Chris said with a slight smile as he agreed. Them he turned somber again, "We need to get going. Now. The last thing I heard was JD getting hit and, then, nothing."

Let's go!," exclaimed Buck as he started walking toward the exit. The other five men were only to happy to follow him.

"Benson, Elliott. My office, now. Fin, Munch, you too." Said an aggrivated Captian Cragen. The detectives stood and looked at each other before they walked to the captain's office. "I just got a call that Agent Dunne and Mister Valim are missing from the hospital. Agent Larabee informed me on what happened, as far as he knows, and where him and his men are headed. Now, what happened with the guard I ordered to stay in front of that room?"

Before anyone could answer, a man knocked on Cragen's door. "Captain Cragen, there's been another attack on Fifth."

Captain Cragen pinched the bridge of his nose, he could feel one hell of a headache starting. "Thank you, Dornan," he said as a dismissal.

"Benson and Elliott, get on down there. Munch and Fin, find out what happened to the assigned guard and why we have a missing agent and a victim." The four detectives nodded and left to do as they were told. Captain Cragen sighed, sat down behind his desk and had started massaging his temples just as the phone rang. He looked at it, knowing it was going to be either the mayor or the commisioner.

"Hello," he answered. "Hello, Mayor, how are you?" "Yes, I understand that." "Yes, sir, I know." "I've go my four best detectives on it." "I know, good-bye, sir." He hung up the phone and wished he hadn't decided to quit drinking all those years ago.

"Can't this truck go any faster?," asked a worried Buck.

Chris sighed as he tried to navigate through downtown traffic. He knew Buck was worried about JD, they all were, but he could only go as fast as he could.

"I'm going as fast as this damn traffic will allow. Even with the siren on, I'm having to be careful. But we should be on that street within a couple of minutes."

Buck sighed, "I know. My mind just keeps conjuring up all the worst things that could be happening."

"Brother JD will be alright, you have to believe that," spoke up Josiah from the backseat.

A few minutes later, they were on the street and Chris parked in a store parking lot. "That must be the alley that I heard mentioned," he said as he pointed across the street.

"What do we do now?," questioned Nathan.

"What do you mean, what do we do? We go in their and get the kid and Valim. Then we kick some ass!," said an angry Buck.

"I'm with Buck," said Vin.

"We can't do that! We need a plan," said Nathan.

"I concur with Mister Jackson," said Ezra.

"They're right Buck, Vin. We need to come up with a plan, quickly."

"How about Mister Sanchez and myself go knock on the door and ask to use the phone? Once we get in the door, the rest of you can come in and we'll get Mister Dunne and Mister Valim out of that deplorable place. It will probably be the most effective plan on such short notice," said Ezra.

Chris thought about it and had to agree, "Alright." He looked at Ezra and, then, Josiah and said, "Both of you be careful. I mean it."

Ezra gave a smirk and replied, "Always, Mister Larabee." Chris just snorted and rolled his eyes as Ezra and Josiah got out of the car and walked to the alley.

Chapter Seven-Coming Soon
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction