"So, is it the same drug?," Elliott asked the doctor.

The doctor nodded, "I'm afraid so."

"Damn. We've got to get the person or persons responsible for doing this!," Elliott exclaimed.

"I know," sighed Olivia. She added, "The press is having a field day, the mayor and commisioner is on Captain Cragen's ass. Plus, these victims need some justice."

Is he awake?," Elliott asked.

Doctor Milborn nodded, "Right this way. He's coherent, so he should be able to talk to you."

Elliott and Olivia followed the doctor to room three and Olivia said, "Thank you, Doctor." The doctor nodded and left as Elliott and Olivia walked into the room, seeing a young man sitting up with his head against the pillow and headphones on. They walked over to him and Olivia gently tapped him on the arm, causing the patient to open his eyes and look at them. He pulled off his headphones, clicked off the television, and asked, "Yes?"

"I'm Detective Elliott, this is Detective Benson. We're with the Special Victims Unit."

"John Denture," the paitient said with a sigh. "I can guess why you're here. Because I was attacked, right?"

Olivia nodded and, gently, asked, "Can you tell us what happened, Mister Denture?"

He sighed and said, "I don't know much. I was sitting on an empty crate when hands grabbed me from behind. I felt a prick in my arm as I was being dragged into an alley. I tried yelling and fighting but I couldn't, my legs and feet wouldn't work and all I could get out of my mouth was a whisper. The next thing I know, I'm waking up here."

"You never got a look at the person or persons?," questioned Olivia.

Denture shook his head no and said, "Sorry." He was silent for a minute, then added, "I do remember the smell of a cigar. When I was grabbed, I could smell it."

"Thank you," said Elliott. He reached pulled out a card and gave it to Denture, "Here's my card. Call me if you remember anything, anything at all." Denture just nodded and the two detectives left. As they were walking to the exit doors, Elliott spoke, "We didn't get much."

"Well, we did find out that the person, evidently, smokes cigars." Elliott just raised an eyebrow and they continued on to the car, in silence, each thinking over the case.

"Have any of you found out anything?," asked Captain Cragen as soon as the four detectives were standing back in his office.

Munch spoke, "The officer that was assigned to guard Valim's room has dissapeared. Nobody knows where he's at. Finn and I, also, found out that the ATF team are gone. We talked to some people at the conference, who all told us the same thing. Agent Larabee got a call, gathered his men and left."

"I'm assuming he got a call about Agent Dunne and him and his men have gone to get him," said Cragen. He sighed and spoke to Elliott and Olivia, "What about on your end?"

Olivia answered, "All he remembers is being grabbed, pulled into an alley and a prick on his arm. That's got to be when the perp injected him with the drug. He said that he remembers that he smelled cigars when he was grabbed. But, like the other victims, he doesn't remember anything from the time the drug was injected to the time he woke up at the hospital."

"We've got to figure something out," said a frustrated Cragen. "There have already been too many victims. And, now we have a victim and an agent missing. We're going to work our asses off, around the clock if we have to, until we get this case solved. And, I think Valim is our key to solving it." He turned to Finn and Munch and said, "Get on trying to track the ATF team down. We all need to be working together on this." Finn and Munch nodded and left, so he spoke to Benson and Stabler. "See if forensics has anything new."

"Here goes nothing," mumbled Nathan as he and Ezra stood in front of a wooden door with a door-knocker. Nathan raised his fist and banged on the door, three times. He and Nathan couldn't hear anything through the door but a minute later, it was pulled open.

"Who the hell are you?," snarled a burly dark-haired man.

Ezra gave a pleasent smile and said, "My name is Edward and this is Jacob. Our vehicle broke down around the corner and we saw that someone was here, and were wondering if we could use the telephone." 'Come on, Mister Larabee,' Ezra thought as he wished their colleagues would show up.

The man stepped out and looked around, frowning when he looked to the right. All of a sudden a gun was pointed at Ezra and Nathan and he growled, "Get in here." When they hesitated, he cocked the gun and they could tell that he was willing to shoot them. Nathan and Ezra walked in and, inwardly, cringed when the man slammed the door.

Chapter Eight
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction