"The door's been opened and Ez is talkin', let's go," said Buck. Chris nodded in agreement and the remaining four ATF agents got out of the car, heading for the alley.

Chris saw the man look out the door and look right at them. As he pointed the gun at Ezra and Nathan, Chris scowled. "Shit! We've been made, go that way!," Chris said as he pointed to his left. They all quickly turned left and hurried down the sidewalk, until they reached a library and ducked inside.

"Now what?," asked Vin.

Well, now we don't only have JD and Milo to get out, we also have Nathan and Ezra," said Chris. He paused for a moment, in thought. He sighed and said, "We're just going to have to go in and get them."

What about those SVU detectives? I think we should let hem know what's going on, Milo is their case," said Josiah.

Chris rubbed his chin as he thought about it. He just wanted to hurry and get his friends out of the situation they were in, but he also knew that the SVU detectives deserved to know what they were planning to do. Finally, he nodded, "You're right, Josiah. Call the station and tell them what's going on."

Josiah nodded, pulled out his cell phone and punched in a number. "Hello, Captain Cragen, this is Josiah Sanchez." "Yes, I know. We wanted to let you all know what's going on." "We're at a library, close to Fairmont Street. We know where JD and Milo are." "Yes, a couple of our teammates went over there so we could rescue them, and now we have four to get out instead of two." "Yes, we'll wait here." "Thank you." Josiah hung up and faced the other three agents. "Well, that was Captain Cragen and he said thet he's going ot get in touch with Detective Munch and Detective Finn and get them down here. It shouldn't eb too long."

Buck rubbed the back of his neck, a sure sign that he was feeling way too stressed. "I hope not. We have to get them out of there!"

"Calm down, Buck, before you go havin' a stroke," advised Vin.

"We;ll get them out," Chris said as he tried not to sound as nervous as he felt.

"Sit," commanded the man.

Ezra and Nathan sat down, seeing that JD and Milo were across the room from them. 'This is going to make it more difficult to get them out,' thought Ezra. The man with the gun on them, yelled at another man to help him.

"Tie them up," he told a short pudgy man. The man nodded, grabbed some rope and walked over to Ezra. He roughly yanked Ezra's arms behind the chair back and tied them. A few minutes later, Nathan incurred the same treatment. Both man left them and walked to the other side of the room, talking to a third man. Ezra looked over at JD and Milo and could see that JD's eyes closed and his head slumped with his chin touching his chest. Milo was awake but was looking, scared, angry and confused. Ezra tried to tell him, with his eyes, that everything was going to be alright. At least he hoped it was.

Just then a tall and thin man walked in from the back and started talking to the other three men. Ezra thought there was something familiar about the man but couldn't think of what it was. When the man turned to look at him and Nathan, it hit him. The man resembled JD and Milo. The man walked over to JD and Milo, stopping when he was in front of JD. He held a glass of water, which he tossed in JD's face. JD spluttered, trying to adjust his eyesight and look at the man in front of him. As Ezra and Nathan watched, in concern, JD's face lost all color.

"Uncle Matt," JD gasped.

Chapter Nine-Coming Soon
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction