NOTE:This chapter deals with racisim, so be warned. If that kind of thing squeaks you, don't read. Just to let everyone know, Matt's point of veiw is NOT mine.

Nathan and Ezra looked at each other, thinking the same thing, 'Uncle?!'

Matt sneered and said, "That's right, boy." He looked JD and Milo up and down and asked, "Comfortable?"

JD remained silent, wishing it were all a dream and Matt was not standing in front of him! Milo remained silent for a different reason. He couldn't remember Matt, or anything, and he was scared.

"Well, I'll take your silence as a yes," said a smiling Matt. He glanced over at Ezra and Nathan before walking over to them. "What are you two doing here?"

"Our vehicle broke down and we wanted to use the phone," said Ezra.

The man that had made them enter the building, at gun point, had walked up and overheard them. "That's a lie, Boss. I looked outside and there were four men running over here. So, I made these two enter and had them tied up." He pointed at JD and Milo and said, "I think they were trying to get those two out."

"Is that so?," Matt asked Ezra and Nathan.

Nathan decided to answer and said, "I do not know what he's talking about. We just needed to use the phone." Matt just raised an eyebrow and remained silent, staring at them. 'If he thinks that he's going to break us, he'd better think again,' thought Nathan.

"Finally, here they come," Vin said as he looked out the library window.

Josiah, Vin, Buck and Chris walked outside, to meet Detective Finn and Detective Munch. "Detectives," said Chris as they all shook hands.

"Agents," said Finn. "Wanna tell us what's going on?," he asked.

Chris was the one to speak, "Three of my agents are in there. Ezra Standish, JD Dunne and Nathan Jackson. We were trying to get JD and Mister Valim out when Ezra and Nathan were forced into the building. We need to get them all out before anything happens."

Finn and Munch nodded in agreement and Finn said, "I'm going to call the captain and let him know what's going on. We'll see what he says."

Chris and his men were impatient but they knew they had to let Captain Cragen into the loop. A few minutes later, Finn closed his cell phone and spoke, "He wants us to wait until we have backup."

"What? No, it could be too late!," exclaimed Buck.

"It could be dangerous for us to just go busting in there. We don't know how many men are in there, we don't want to scare them and make them do something to your agents," said Munch.

"As much as I hate to say it, we have to wait. We need to all work together, come up with a plan and get our brothers out of there," said Josiah.

Buck sighed and nodded. Chris and Vin also nodded and Chris faced Finn and Munch. "How long until back up gets here?," he asked.

Finn answered, "Captian Cragen said that it'd be half-an-hour to an hour."

Chris sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Let's go back inside. We might as well come up with a game plan while we wait." The others agreed and the six men walked into the library.

"Okay, so we're agreed?," questioned Buck.

"Yeah, we'll just have to fill the backup in when they get here," said Chris.

"There they are," Munch said as he glanced out the window. They went outside to greet the newcomers, Stabler and Benson, three DEA agents with dogs and two FBI agents. "I don't know if I can take this many federal agents all at one time," Munch murmered to Finn. Even though Munch was including him and his team, Chris had to agree with him.

Captian Cragen walked up to them and said, "Had to call in the DEA because of the threat of drugs. The FBI because of a kidnapping of federal agents." They all understood how that went.

The two FBI agents walked over and a tall one with short hair spoke to Chris, "I'm Special Agent Maltose. This is Special Agent Harold. You would be?"

Chris could tell that him and Special Agent Maltose were defiantly going to be butting heads. "I'm ATF Agent Larabee." He pointed to each man as he introduced them. "These are my men. Agent Tanner, Agent Wilminton and Agent Sanchez." Special Agent Maltose nodded and said, "We're coming up with a plan to get those four men out of there."

Chris shook his head. Detectives Munch and Finn, as well as myself and my men, have already come up with a plan. A solid plan."

Special Agent Maltose shook his head, "We will come up with the plans. All you, your men and these detectives have to do is assist us. Understood?"

"No," growled Chris. I have three of my agents in there, plus a victim. I'm not taking any chances. Is thatclear?" Josiah, Vin and Buck were smiling on the inside and could tell that Captain Cragen and his detectives were also. Even the three DEA agents seemed to enjoy how Chris was talking to the two FBI agents. Special Agents Maltose and Harold didn't say anything, after glaring at Chris, just stalked off.

"Man, Chris, that was great," said a smiling Vin.

"I'm not going to have them put me or any of my men in danger." Chris looked at Cragen and his detectives, "You all might want to watch out for them, too. I'm getting a weird feeling from them."

Captain Cragen nodded, "I was just thinking the same thing."

"So, it's true? You actually have amnesia?," Matt asked Milo.

Milo noodded, "I guess so. That's what the doctor said."

"Well, I must say I am truly surprised. I didn't believe my men when they informed me of that." He paused for a moment and asked, "So you don't remember me or anything?" Milo silently shook his head no.

"Why don't you leave him alone?!," asked a frustrated JD. JD couldn't stand for Matt, his uncle to be talking to Milo. He could honestly say that he hated the man. "Haven't you screwed him and out family over enough?" Nathan and Ezra glanced at each other before looking back at JD and Matt. They had a feeling that Matt and JD's discussion wasn't going to end well.

Matt looked at JD with a look of, almost, pity on his face. "I didn't do anything wrong, remember that."

JD looked at him in disbelief, "How can you say that? What do you think you did? What do you think you're doing? Something pretty damn wrong, believe me!"

"If my sister would've taught you anything, you wouldn't believe that. She turned her back on her family, why do you think you never met of them except me?"

JD shook his head, not believing what his uncle was saying. "She taught me well, she gave me morals. And, if your family can't see that, I'm glad I never met any of them." He wasn't about tp claim any of them as family. Except Milo but that would be up to him, if he ever got his memory back.

"She polluted your mind." He jerked his head in Nathan's direction, "Made you think that people like that, like you, are equal to us. You're not, I taught Milo that. Too bad I couldn't get you out in time."

"Not me," said JD in honesty. Somewhere in the back of his mind, JD knew he should keep his mouth shut, not egg Matt on. But he had waited too many years as it was to say what he wanted to say to Matt. He had just wanted to find out why Matt had done what he did. Now JD just felt like throwing up at what Matt was spouting off.

"Your grandparents taught me and sis that we are the superior race. When she was nineteen, she claimed that she had fallen in love with a jew. Can you believe it? Our parents almost had heartattacks. Although, none of us should've been surprised, she always said that she saw everyone as equals. We just thought it was a faze but even the whoppings pop gave her didn't change her mind." Matt paused and shook his head for a minute before speaking again, "I didn't understand how she could turn her back on her family, I still don't. Even after that jew disappeared, she wouldn't come back to us. They had had kids, you know. You and Milo. We couldn't let happen, I took care of the jew and told her that if she raised you and Milo the way we wanted, she could come back. Would she listen? No!" Matt had to stop and take a breath from his rant. When he was done getting breath back in and out, he started up again. "She could've come back to her family but she chose to run."

"You wouldn't have wanted Milo and me, our dad was a jew."

Matt shook his head and said, "We wouldn't have minded you two as long as you knew your place. I mean, look at Milo. I took him didn't I? But your mother said that she didn't want you two raised like that."

"I'm glad. Why did you take Milo? Mom cried every night until she got sick and passed away. She never knew what had happened to him and was always worried that I'd disapear. I don't have many memories of him but I always knew that he was out there somewhere."

"That's sweet," sneered Matt. "But to answer your question, I took him to be my hired assassin." At JD's gasp and Milo's head shaking in denial, Matt continued, "That's right. He's been killing everyone that I told him to. It was mostly inferior people. He's great at it." Matt turned to Milo and said, "Don't look so disgusted."

"I-I couldn't h-have done th-that!," stammered Milo.

"Don't worry, you'll probably remember sometime. You seemed to enjoy your job, I'm sure you will again."

Where's he been? I haven't heard of him being here," questioned JD.

Matt turned to him and answered, "We've been living in several different places. Russia, Canada, Japan, everywhere. He went by The Ghost." Ezra, JD and Nathan all gasped at that.

"That was him?! The Ghost has been killing people all over the world!," exclaimed JD in dispair. He now knew that Milo would have to be arressted if it was ever proven that he was The Ghost. He didn't know if he could handle that.

Chaper Ten-Coming Soon
My Magnificent Seven Fan Fiction
My Fan Fiction