"Yo Mags, ya ready?!" Cassandra Smith yelled into her best friend's bedroom.

"I'm coming!," Magdelena Matthews yelled back.

"Then get in here!," Cassandra yelled.

A minute later Magdelena ran into the livingroom,"I'm here. Let's get going."

"Finally!," exclaimed a teasing Cassandra.

Magdelena rolled her eyes,"Let's just go." They grabbed their bookbags and walked out the door.

They had walked a block when a guy, wearing a red bandanna, grabbed Cassandra's hand,"Hey baby."

Cassandra jerked her hand away, "We're on our way to school. So, if you'll excuse us.."

Another guy, wearing a red bandanna tied around his wrist, joined the conversation,"You can be late. So, why don't you be nice and talk to us?"

Magdelena rolled her eyes and silently thought to herself,

"Look, we're running late. So, can you please let us through?," Magdelena asked trying not to lose her cool. Cassandra and Magdelena started to walk past the two guys when 'Bandanna Boy' grabbed Cassandra's arm and 'Bandanna Wrist Boy' grabbed Magdelena by the waist.

"Let us go!," Cassandra said, trying to wrench out of his grasp. The two guys just laughed and held on tighter.

"I think they told you to leave them alone," said a hard male voice behind them. The two guys turned around, still holding the girls, and glared. Cassandra and Magdelena mentally breathed sighs of relief when they saw that the voice belonged to Josh "JC" Chasez, the leader of the gang that Cassandra's brother belonged to.

"And, who's going to make me?," snarled 'Bandanna Boy.'

JC's face looked like stone as he replied,"Us." With that, he took off his leather jacket, which gave a perfect view to the blue bandanna that was tied around his wrist.

The two guys looked shocked and Chris replied,"Let me guess. You guys are new to the Bloods?"

'Bandanna Wrist Boy' nodded and Justin said,"You might want to tell the rest of your gang to keep leashes on you guys. You're going to cause problems."

"And," added an angry Joey, "don't mess with the sister of a Crept gang member."

'Bandanna Boy' seemed to regain his composure and asked,"Really now? Just because you say so?"

"That and because you are on our territory." Lance said.

'Bandanna Wrist Boy' shrugged,"So what?"

JC shook his head, smiling a half-smile, and replied,"You Bloods are idiots. Now, the first thing you're going to do is let those girls walk over here." 'Bandanna Boy and Bandanna Wrist Boy' glared but let Cassandra and Magdelena walk away.

When they got to the other side Joey asked,"Did they hurt either one of you?"

"Not really. Just grabbed us," Magdelena said.

JC, Joey, Justin, Lance and Chris all pulled out handguns and JC said,"Get out of here before we change our minds and give you guys a couple new holes."

'Bandanna Wrist Boy' turned to 'Bandanna Boy' and said,"Let's go." After they had walked a good distance away, the guys put their guns away, and turned to face the girls.

"Are you two okay?," asked Justin.

Cassandra and Magdelena both nodded and Cassandra said,"Just sore wrists from them grabbing us."

"What are you two doing walking anyway? I thought mom's boyfriend was going to drive you," said Joey.

Cassandra shrugged,"He got drunk last night and said he didn't want to drive us. So, we ended up having to walk."

Joey's eyes burned with anger,"That no good--."

"Calling him names isn't going to help Joe." Cassandra replied.

"Come on, we're walk you two to the school," JC said.

"Thanks," Magdelena said.

"No prob," Lance said. The five guys and two girls walked in silence to the school.

When they got there, Joey said,"See ya sis. See ya Mags."

"Bye," Magdelena said, while Cassandra just waved.

"Mags? Hellllooo, earth to Mags!" Cassandra said, while waving a hand in front of Magdelena's face.

Magdelena snapped back into reality, giving her head a little shake, and asked,"Huh?"

Cassandra shook her head, laughing,"Thinking of JC again?"

Magdelena sighed as they walked toward the front doors and said,"Yeah. I don't know why I bother though."

"What do you mean?," asked Cassandra.

"Oh come on Cass, he doesn't pay me any attention. Not like that anyway. And, he has a different girl every week."

Cassandra noticed the sad look in her friend's eyes,"Mabey you should talk to him." Magdelena shrugged as they walked through the metal detector and had their backpacks searched.

"I hate having to go through this everday!" Magdelena said as she slung her backpack back on her shoulder.

Cassandra nodded,"I agree. But what can we do about it? And, quit trying to change the subject. Are you going to talk to JC?"

"I don't think so, he hardly even talks to me. What am I suppossed to do? Go up to him and say, JC I've wanted to go out with you for a while now?"

Cassandra shrugged as they took their seats in math class,"It's as good a thing to say as any."

"I just think it'd make things too weird."

"Okay, it's your desicion."

"Okay, class, today we're going to study right triangles..." Started the math teacher, Mr. Thomas.

Chapter 2
Chapter Index
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