"Thank God that this school day is over!," Magdelena exclaimed.

Cassandra nodded,"Yeah. But, I think they assigned enough homework today to last a week."

Magdelena laughed,"Yeah. Guess who asked me out."

Cassandra jerked her head to the left to look at Madelena,"Who?"

"Adrian Miller, the guy from my geography class."

"Cool, what did ya tell him?"

Magdelena shrugged,"I told him yes. He seems like a nice enough guy, besides I need to get over the fantasy I have of getting JC."

Cassandra sighed,"You never know. JC may be your destiny."

"Yeah, mabey." Magdelena answered in a voice that clearly said that she didn't believe it.

"So, when are you guys going out?"

"This Friday at seven."

"That's cool. You're parents still working that night?"

Magdelena nodded,"Yeah. Dad works until midnight and mom until eleven-thirty."

"Well, come over after your date and hang out. Let me know how it went."

"Will do."

"Good, want to go with me to hang out with Joey and the others?" Cassandra asked.

"Didn't I just tell you that I wanted to get over JC?," asked a laughing Magdelena. Cassandra shrugged, trying to look innocent. "You know, you might would be able to pull that innocent look off if I didn't know that your hair really hides your horns."

Cassandra rolled her eyes and swatted Magdelena on the arm,"I was just asking."

"I'd like to go but I have to get to work. I work until nine tonight."

"Okay, I'll walk with to the bus."

Magdelena shook her head,"Nah. There's the guys hangout, I'll be fine walking to the bus stop."

Cassandra sighed,"I don't like that. And, then you walking to the bus tonight."

Magdelena sighed,"Quit worring you big worrywart. I'll be fine, I'll see you tomorrow." Before Cassandra could utter another word, Magdelena was already walking away.

Cassandra walked into the warehouse that her brother's gang hung out and said hello to everyone that she passed. In a corner, she saw Joey, Justin, JC, Lance and Chris sitting on a couch and chairs. "Hey sis," Joey said as she walked over to them.

"Hey Joe, hey guys." She sat down on an empty chair and asked Joey,"You coming home tonight?"

He shook his head,"No. I have plans."

She nodded knowingly,"Who's the new girl?"

Joey looked at her,"What makes you think it's a girl?"

Cassandra smirked,"You're into guys now?"

He rolled his eyes at her as the other four laughed. "That's not what I meant. It's just that everytime I say I have plans, people always assume it's a girl."

"Joe, you have more flavors of the week than Baskin Robbin's has ice cream!" Said a laughing Justin.

Cassandra slapped him a high five,"I couldn't have said it better myself."

"Yeah, yeah, chuck it up." Joey said, pretending to pout.

"So, Cass, where's Mags?" Asked JC.

"She had to go to work."

"She walked there?," asked Lance.

Cassandra shook her head,"No. She walked to the bus stop. She usually takes the bus there and back."

"It's dangerous for her to be doing that alone," JC said.

Cassandra shrugged,"I know. But she says she's fine...so.." She looked at JC's face and saw what looked like concern for Magdelena. 'Hmmm....mabey you're more wrong than you thought about him not liking ya Mags.' She thought silently.

Chapter 3
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