"So, what do ya want to do?" Asked JC, as him and Magdelena sat in his car that night.

Magdelena shrugged,"I don't really know."

JC laughed,"We make a fine pair. We're out on a date but neither of us knows what we want to do."

Magdelena nodded, with a laugh,"Yeah. Well, how about we just drive around for a while and talk? And, then we can decide from there."

JC nodded,"Sounds good." He started the car and pulled onto the road. "How's your nose feeling, without the cast on it?"

Magdelena laughed,"Different. I can actually feel it now!"

"That's always a good thing!," JC laughed.

Magdelena turned serious,"I want to talk to you about what happened with Adrian. What you guys did."

She saw JC stiffen slightly and ask,"What about him?"

She took a deep breath,"I never thanked you guys for taking care of me. But I'm worried."

He glanced at her and said,"We care about you and that's why we took care of the problem. What are you worried about?"

"That you guys are going to blame me for killing him. What if someone saw? If you guys get in trouble, ya'all hate me." JC pulled over to the side of the road and cut off the car. "What are you doing?," Magdelena asked and JC could see her fear.

He turned his body to face her and said,"Relax. I just pulled over so we could talk about your worries. I told you that I wouldn't hurt you and I meant it."

Magdelena nodded,"I trust you."

"We don't blame you for us killing Adrian. We decided to do that and I gave the guys the chance to walk away but they didn't. As far as we know, nobody saw us take Adrian or kill him. But if they did, they know not to say anything. We have a lot of connections and we had someone hide the body, it shouldn't be found. So, we shouldn't get in any trouble. And, if by chance, we do, we would never blame you. You didn't tell us to kill Adrian. We wanted to because we care about you and he hurt you, he deserved what he got. Okay?"

Magdelena sighed,"I know that he deserved what ya'all did to him. But it's still hard. Ever since that night, I've been asking myself questions. Why did I agree to a date with him? Why did I believe him when he said he wanted to check on his sister? Did I fight him hard enough? What could I have done to make a difference? Was it my fault?"

JC vehmently shook his head and took her hands in hers,"It was not your fault! He was an animal and hurt you. You believed him because you had no idea what he had planned. And, you fought him as hard as you could." He flipped her arms over and gently ran his thumbs over the fading bruises on her wrists. "And, telling from these bruises, he held you down so hard that you couldn't have done anything. It wasn't your fault, believe me!"

Magdelena gave a slight smiled,"My heart believes that. But I'm having a hard time convincing my brain. I just keep thinking about that night and replaying it in my mind. I have nightmares all the time." JC saw the tears rolling down Magdelena's cheeks and put a hand on each side of her face.

He used the pads of his thumbs to gently wipe the tears away and said,"I'm sorry that this happened to you. You did everything you could that night. When I saw you show up at Cassandra and Joey's I felt a rage like I'd never felt before. You have nothing to feel guilty about!" He paused and the asked,"Have you thought about seeing someone? Just to talk?"

Magdelena shook her head,"No. The nearest therapist is in the next town and I can't afford it. I've talked to you and my mom, I think it'll help."

JC nodded,"If you ever need to talk, come to me. I don't care what time it is."

Magdelena saw JC's eyes shining with unshed tears and said,"You look like you're gonna cry."

"You're the only one that I would even consider letting see that. I care for you," JC said.

Magdelena smiled,"I care about you too. So, you don't have a heart of complete stone?"

JC laughed,"Only when I want to. But I could never have a cold heart around you, Mags." They stared at each other and JC whispered,"Would you mind if I kissed you?"

"No," Magdelena whispered back. He leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against hers. It was a chaste, close-mouthed kiss, and then he pulled away. They looked in each others eyes and Magdelena leaned forward. Their lips touched and JC tenativly touched her lips with his toungue, not wanting to scare her. After a second, she opened her mouth and let his tongue enter. He gently ran his tongue over her teeth and the roof of her mouth. A couple of seconds later, she added her tongue, touching his. Their tongues intertwined, fighting a dual. A couple minutes later, they pulled away breathless and opened their eyes.

"Wow," Magdelena whispered.

"I couldn't have said it better myself," said a smiling JC.

"So, how was your date with JC last night?" Cassandra asked as her and Magdelena sat on Cassandra's bed, talking.

Magdelena's eyes glazed over and she smiled,"It was great."

Cassandra laughed,"Well, details girl. Details!"

Magdelena smiled and nodded,"It was wonderful. We drove around and talked. I told him of some of the things that I was worried about, and he talked about them with me. Then we kissed, it was the best kiss I've ever had. We went to Burger King to eat and went to the movies to see Final Destination 2. It was the best night."

Cassandra hugged Magdelena and smiled,"See? I told you that he cared for you!"

Magdelena nodded,"He's told me over and over that he does. That all of you do."

"He was telling the truth, we do," Cassandra answered.

"I don't know what I would do without any of you," Magdelena said.

Chapter 11
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