"Do you think this looks okay?," Magdelena asked Cassandra that Friday. Cassandra was sitting in Magdelena's bedroom, helping her get ready for her date with Adrian. She took in Magdelena's white jeans, black button-up shirt that stopped at the waistband of her jeans and had 3/4 inch sleeves, and her white tennis shoes.

Cassandra nodded,"Looks fine. Where are you guys going?"

"He said something about dinner and a movie, just to dress casual."

Cassandra smiled,"That's nice." Her look turned somber,"I still think you should talk to JC."

Magdelena sighed as she put her hair into a ponytail,"Why? We've been over this time and time again Cass."

"I know, I know, but you didn't see him the other day when I told him you take the bus to work. He looked concerned, mabey he does see you the way you see him."

"I doubt it. Look, Cass, I don't really want to talk about this right now."

Cassandra relented,"Okay. But you're still coming to my house after your date, right?"

"Yeah, I'll just have Adrian drop me off over there."

"Okay, well, I'd better get home before it gets too much later."

"Kay, thanks for the help, Cass."

"No prob," Cassandra said as she left.

Thirty minutes there was a knock the door. Magdelena took one last look look in the mirror, took a deep breath, and opened the door. "Hey Magdelena, you look beautiful tonight."

Magdelena blushed slightly and said,"Thanks." She took in his black slacks, black shirt, and black button-up over it, and had to admit that he looked handsome.

"You're not looking bad yourself," she added.

He smiled,"Thank ya. Ready?"

She nodded,"Yeah. Let me grab my purse." She walked to the table, grabbed her small pruse, put it on her shoulder, and walked back to Adrian. They walked out to his car, and he opened the passanger door for her. "Thanks," she said with a smile.

"Do you have a specific movie you want to see?"

She shook her head,"Nah. How about we just play it by ear?"

He smiled,"Sounds good to me."

"Here we are," Adrian said ten minutes later when he pulled upto the Glam Movie Theater. They walked upto the ticket counter and looked over the movies playing.

"How about Empire?," asked Magdelena.

Adrian smiled,"I'm suprised. Most girls would want to see a romance or something."

Magdelena shrugged with a smirk,"Well I'm not like most girls."

"So, I've noticed." "Empire it is then," he added as they got in line to buy tickets.

As they walked out of the theater, an hour-an-a-half later, Adian and Magdelena held hands. "So, you like the movie?"
Magdelena nodded,"Defiantly. You?"

Adrian smiled,"Oh yeah. I love action flicks, you want to go and grab a bite to eat?"

She nodded,"Sure."

When they were in his car, he asked, "Do you mind if I make a pit stop at home first? My sister is there alone and I told her I'd drop by after the movie, to make sure everything is okay."

"Sure, that's fine. How old is your sister?"

"Fifteen. Which she's old enough to stay home alone, but with this neighborhood..." Adrian said, trailing off.

"I understand completely," Magdelena nodded. A few minutes later, Adrian pulled over and turned off the car. Magdelena saw that it was dark out and she didn't see any buildings or anything. "What's going on Adrian? I don't see any houses or anything."

Adrian laughed and shook his head,"So gulliable. I parked here so that I can collect. I paid your way into the movie and all, I think the least you can do is give me some satisfaction."

"What? No, I thought we were just going to have a nice date, and call it a night."

"Well, then, I guess you thought wrong." Adrian snarled, as Magdelena shrank back. As Magdelena reached for the door handle, Adrian roughly grabbed both of her wrists. He pushed her on her back on the front seat and pinned her hands above her head.

'Dear Lord, please don't let this happen!,' she begged silently. "Please, Adrian, don't!" She begged him.

"Just relax and you'll enjoy this, I promise." He held both of her wrists above her head with his left hand, while he used his right hand to rip her shirt open. "Oooo, I see you wore a nice lace bra," he said.

She was crying, while trying to squirm away, "Stop Adrian! Stop!"

He backhanded her and snarled,"Shut up! And, do this the easy way!" He started running his right hand all over her stomach and up and down her side. He ran his hand down to the snap of her pants and snapped them open.

"NOOOO! HEEELLPPP!," she started screaming and wiggling around.

"Okay, guess we're going to do this the hard way. Keep quiet!" She felt him tugging her zipper down and tried to get her hands free. He shook his head, "You never learn do you?!"

He punched her in the nose and she could feel the blood start to flow. She started shaking her head,"Please Adrian..." He smiled and yanked her pants along with her underwear down. "No, please, I'm begging you..." Magdelena whispered through her tears. A second later she felt a burning and tearing sensation as he thrust into her. "OWWWW!, she cried as she felt the pain rip through her and felt a warm liquid travel down her legs. A few minutes later he moaned as she felt his juices flowing in to her. He sat up and fastened his pants.

"You'd better not tell anyone about this slut! Although, it was pretty good!" He gave her enough time to pull her underwear and pants on before he opened her door. He gave her a rough shove on the shoulder and she toppled over and fell out of the car. When she landed he started the car and squealed away.

Chapter 4
Chapter Index
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