"Whoa....," Magdelena murmered as she wobbled unsteadily. She had her hands holding her sirt closed and she was feeling groggy and lightheaded. "Where am I?," she asked herself. A few minutes later she saw a sign and squinted to make out what it said. "Bender Road," she read allowed. 'So, Cassandra's house is a couple blocks from here. Please, God, let me make it there,' she prayed. After what seemed like hours, but had only been about half-an-hour, Magdelena could make out Cassandra's house. "Thank you Lord!," she whispered outloud. She started walking as fast as she could, having to stop every few steps to regain her balance. A few minutes later, she was on the porch knocking on the door. A minute later the door swung open and she could make out the blurry face of Justin.

"Oh my God, Mags!," he exclaimed in shock. He helped her into the house and shut the door. They walked into the livingroom where Cassandra, Joey, JC, Chris and Lance were. When he helped her in there they all jumped up and Cassandra rushed over to her.

"Oh my God! Mags, what happened?!"

"I-I..." Magdelena tried to talk but couldn't think clearly enough to form a sentence.

"Here, help her to the couch." Joey said. Justin and Cassandra helped Magdelena over to the couch and sat her down.

"I--I wouldn't have come if I'd know I would've been in-intruding," Magdelena stuttered.

"You're not intruding," JC firmly stated.

"We need to get you to the hospital," said Chris.

"No! I ca--can't go there!," exclaimed a sobbing Magdelena.

"Why not?," demanded Cassandra.

"Because...," stammered Magdelena.

"You're going and that's final!," JC said. Cassandra sat down on the couch beside Magdelena and started wiping her face with a damp washcloth.

"Did Adrian do this to you?," she asked. Magdelena remained silent. "He did didn't he?," asked Cassandra.

After a moment's hesitation she nodded and whispered,"He told me I'd better not tell anyone." "Who's Adrian?," asked Lance.

"He's a boy in Mags geography class and she went out on a date with him tonight." Answered Cassandra.

"Come on, you're going to go get checked out." Joey said, helping Magdelena stand. She was to weak to argue so she let them lead her outside to the car. Before they could get in it, however, Joey and Cassandra's mom's boyfriend walked over to them.

"Where do you think you're going in your mom's car?," he asked Joey and Cassandra.

"We're taking Mags to the hospital, Chad."

He shook his head,"You're not getting in that car with her being all bloody. Besides, whatever happened to her was probley her own fault. I know how the girls around here are."

"Joey, you'd better take care of this, or I will," JC said through gritted teeth. Joey nodded and moved, while JC took his place holding onto Magdelena's left arm.

"Chad, we're going. Why don't you go back in the house and drink until you pass out, okay?"

Chad smirked, "Nah. I don't think I will." He threw a punch at Joey but since he was drunk Joey easily dodged the hit. Joey pulled back his arm and threw a punch at the side of Chad's head, and when it connected, Chad crumpled into a heap.

"Is he okay? Did you kill him?," asked Cassandra.

Joey shrugged and reached down to check his pulse,"He's okay. I just knocked him out, come on, let's get Mags into the car."

Magdelena sat in the backseat with Cassandra, Chris, Lance and JC, while Joey drove and Justin rode shotgun. "I-I'm s-sorry. For c-causing so m-much trouble." She said as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Quit it, Mags. You didn't cause any problems! You're one of us and we take care of our own," Chris said gently.

"Yeah Mags, besides I've been wanting a reason to hit Chad for a while now, thanks." Joey said with a smile.

Magdelena smiled slightly and said,"Well...ya know...anything I can do."

"We're here," Justin said as Joey pulled into the hospital parking lot. After Joey had parked the car, Lance and JC helped Magdelena walk in the doors and upto the nurses' station.

"We need help here," Chris said to the nurse.

She looked up and gasped,"What happened?"
"We're not completely sure, we think her date attacked her," explained JC. The nurse nodded and said,"Have a seat." JC helped Magdelena sit in the chair and the others all stood behind her. "I just need to get some information," the nurse said with a gentle smile. "What's your name?."

"Mag-Magdelena Matthews."

"Okay, where do you live?"

Magdelena shivered slightly and said,"222 Hood Road."

The nurse nodded,"Phone number?"


"And, who do we contact in case of an emergency?"

"Um, my p-parents Rob and Daniella. If not, then Cassandra and J-Joey."

After a few more questions the nurse said,"Please have a seat in the waiting room. A doctor should be with you in a few minutes."
"Thank you," Cassandra said as they walked off.

"Magdelena Matthews?," called a doctor.

"Come on, sweetie," said Joey as he helped her stand.

They walked over to the doctor and he said,"All of you will have to wait out here."

Magdelena started crying,"Can't they come?"

The doctor shook his head,"Only family are allowed to go back with you."

"Cass-Cassandra's my sister," Magdelena said through her tears. The doctor looked at her and he clearly didn't believe her but his eyes softened when he saw the condition she was in.

"Okay, you may come Cassandra."

"We're be in the waiting room, " said Chris. Cassandra nodded as she, Magdelena and the doctor went through the double doors.

A few minutes later the doctor stopped in front of a room with the number 3, "Here we are." They walked into the room and he said, "Please have a seat on the examining table." Magdelena, with the help of Cassandra and the doctor, jumped up onto the table. "I'm Doctor Madden, can you tell me what happened?" He asked as he pulled rubber gloves onto his hands.

"I--I--," Magdelena started but couldn't finish.

"Okay, well, let me check your face and you can tell me in a few minutes." He got a damp cloth and started dabbing her face with it, wiping off the dried blood. After he had the blood wiped off, he started feeling of her nose, making her grimace in pain. "Well," he started,"your nose is broken. And, I'm going to have to put some cream on your cuts. It'll help with the scaring and should keep the infection away, but first I'm going to have to put peroxide on them. Okay?" Magdelena just nodded as he walked to the counter to get the products. When he walked back over, he sat the products down on a stool, and started dipping a cotton ball into perioxide. "This will sting a little," he warned. After Magdelena gave a slight nod, he started rubbing the cotton ball over the cuts. When Cassandra heard Magdelena hiss in pain, she grabbed onto Magdelena's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. After a few minutes the doctor started dabbing the cream onto the cuts with a q-tip.

"O-ouch!," gasped Magdelena.

"Sorry. It'll be over in a minute."

"Okay, all done. Now, I'm going to numb your nose and set it back in place. And, then I'll put a little cast on it, with two nose holes so you can breath. After that, I'm going to have a nurse come in here and we're going to have to do a complete examination."

'Why me?!,' Magdelena thought silently but she just said, "Okay." He took out a some gel and a cotton ball, dipping the ball in the gel.

"I'm going to rub this all over your nose and then give it a few minutes to take effect," he said as he started rubbing the gel on Magdelena's nose. A minute later he touched Magdelena's nose and asked,"Can you feel that?" She shook her head no and he said, "Good. Okay, I'm going to set the bone and then bandage it." Five minutes later he had her nose bandaged and he sat down on the stool. "Are you ready to tell me what happened?" Magdelena looked at him, with tears streaming down her face, and nodded.

Chapter Five
Chapter Index
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