"Okay, let me go get a nurse and I'll be right back," the doctor told her.

Magdelena nodded,"O-okay." The doctor walked out and a few minutes later reappeared with a nurse by his side.

"Hi, I'm Mary," the nurse said gently.

"Hello," Cassandra replied.

"Okay, just start whenever you feel like it." Doctor Madden said with a gentle smile.

Magdelena took a deep breath,"I was....r-r-raped tonight."

Cassandra was immediatly at her side and giving her a hug, "Oh, hunny!"

"What exactly happened tonight?," the nurse softly asked.

"I-I-," she started glancing at Cassandra.

"Would you rather your 'sister' wait outside?," the doctor gently asked.

Magdelena lowered her head and nodded, "It's just so hu-humiliating."

"I understand Mags, I'll be with the others." Cassandra said as she gave her a quick hug and the walked out the door.


"Well, how is she?," asked an anxious Justin. Cassandra sighed and flopped down in a seat beside Chris. When she raised her head and looked at them, she had tears swimming in her eyes.

"What's the matter?," asked JC.

Cassandra took a deep breath, "She has some cuts on her face and a broken nose. And, she was...raped." They all looked at her in silence.

Finally, it was broken by a booming voice. "That no-good-sonofa---! I'll kill him!," said an angry JC.

"JC, man, calm down." Justin said, trying to sooth JC.

They could all see JC shaking with rage and Cassandra said, "She was too embarressed to tell the doctor and nurse what all happened with me in there. I'm really worried about her."

"We all are Cass," Lance said.

"Wait until I get my hands on him," JC said as he sat back down. They all knew better than to tell JC anything different, they all knew how dangerous JC could be when he got angry.


"Just start when you're ready," the nurse said. Magdelena barely nodded and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. A couple of minutes later, hse was ready to begin.

"I went on a date with a guy from my class at school. We went to the movies and then he said that he...he had to check on his younger sister, so we drove. He stopped and I asked him what was going on, that I didn't see any houses or anything. He told me that I owed him and started kissing me...." Magdelena broke off as a sob escaped her.

"Here," the doctor said, handing her a box of kleenex.

She wiped her eyes and continued, "He kept holding my wrists down and ripped...ripped my clothes off. Then he...he went in me and slapped me a couple of times." The nurse and doctor looked at her sympathetically. Doctor Madded picked her wrists up and gently prodded them.

After she winced in pain, he said, "It looks like each wrist has a pretty good bruise on it. They'll be sore for about a week and then they should start fading away. I'm also going to have to do a complete exam, including tests. And, I'm going to have to call the police."

Magdelena looked up in shock,"The police? Why?"

"It's hospital procedure, it's reqiured for us to report rape cases."

"But, but...I don't want it reported!," Magdelena stuttered.

"I'm sorry, but I have to," said a sympathetic Doctor Madden.

Magdelena heaved a big sigh and whispered, "I understand."

Doctor Madden turned to the nurse and said, "Please go and get the tubes and all for the bloodwork."

The nurse nodded, "Of course, Doctor."

"You'll just feel a little prick, but please try to stay still," the nurse told Magdelena. She nodded and the nurse tied a yellow band around her arm. "Please make a fist," requested the nurse. Magdelena made the fist and then relaxed it as the needle entered her skin. She flinched and the nurse gave her a smile as she poped off the band. After she'd filled four tubes, the nurse took the needle out and put a peice of tape over a cotton ball on the bend of Magdelen's right arm. "There ya go," she said. "I'll run this to the lab and come back," she told Doctor Madden.

He nodded, "Okay." Ten minutes later, the nurse walked back into the room.

"Okay, Magdelena, we're going to do an examination on you." Magdelena nodded and Doctor Madden said, "I'm going to go outside and you need to change into that gown on the table. Nurse Mary will be with you, in case you need any help." With that said, he walked out of the room and into the hall.

Chapter 6
Chapter Index
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